18:22:18 test 18:22:25 https://logbot.thereisonlyxul.org/seamonkey/20240721 18:22:34 frg_Away IanN_Away WG9s_Away njsg 18:23:20 looks working :) 18:23:46 what was the command to set voice status permanetly? 18:24:32 /cs or /chanserv or /msg ChanServ flags #SeaMonkey nick +vV 18:24:42 whatever your client has 18:26:19 he must not have appreciated the highlight which is fair he may be busy 18:26:23 done. If not IanN_Away needs to do it 18:26:37 yep 18:28:06 it works and I ain't touching it until I have to. 18:28:07 lol 18:29:08 thanks+++ 18:30:37 it's like the cross-reference I am not messing with this instance until I need to.. and these things the logbot and mxr need some work and some proper instructions for setup so its reproducable and others can also make use of it.. 18:31:35 i am thankful for buc's instructions but someone elses years old instructions with his annotations isn't the best format.. it obviously worked with sone proding but not the most efficient. 18:31:50 nsITobin: thanks too 18:33:02 ... hmm wonder how much of a disaster it would be to put mah header on the page 18:40:39 who owns the comm-central.org domain? 18:54:22 guess it is a good think that this server was still set to UTC 18:54:24 lol 19:33:56 test 20:15:28 what happened with the chat archive ? 20:16:50 still there and might come back or not. 20:17:56 is there an alternate source of the archive web interface ? 20:19:48 not that I am aware of. Hope hrosik comes back I think he maintains it. But with the new one we are god again for current stuff thanks to tobin. 20:20:55 see logbot.thereisonlyxul.org/seamonkey guest_ 20:21:02 for that incarnation 20:21:30 a lot of thank to Tobin 20:22:20 its too useful a tool to not have someone doing it.. I simply have the infra at hand and .. a couple of days to poke at it. 20:42:38 tomman: app passwords were not killed and are actually listed as an alternative in the announcement, I think. *But* if you're on an organization account, that organization needs to allow app passwords. 20:45:14 tomman: try a newer nightly 20:45:51 tomman: also, I think MS at one point changed scopes, so look for the scope preference and remove all occurrences of 365 20:47:20 or, if you can, test with a brand new profile to make sure there are no previous settings, to make sure that the problem isn't that; if the problem is that might be really just s/365//g 21:15:02 njsg: how do you feel about phpwiki? 21:16:59 Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/mariadb.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled) 21:16:59 Active: active (running) since Sun 2024-07-21 21:16:34 UTC; 3s ago 21:19:46 njsg: hmmm, app passwords are NOT mentioned in the email I got, or in that announcement, but I would need to enable 2FA to get the option anyway 21:20:23 (does MICROS~1 use TOTP codes just like everybody else, or it's "MS TOTP Enterprise Edition"?) 21:20:25 for google or for microsoft 21:20:28 gonna try updating the nightly 21:20:45 the one I'm using is from July 11th 21:20:59 speaking of we should REALLY work on a totp feature for seamonkey.. make SeaMonkey your authinticator 21:21:13 just generate and store 21:21:18 one of my banks believe that only Google can make authenticators 21:21:26 "Insert your Google Authenticator code" 21:21:33 *pulls up his KaiOS cellphone* 21:21:43 "Welcome, $USER!" 21:21:56 totp isn't that much of a thing really 21:22:14 Steam does use a slightly bastardized implementation 21:23:00 it should be fairly trivial to say.. take your key store it in the password manager using say a totp:// scheme like how imap and smtp passwords are stored.. retrieve that code generate the actual code and present to user.. 21:23:19 adding logic to fill automagically tho 21:23:27 that will need some extra work 21:23:49 and of course tomman now that we have a logbot again everyone is gonan start stealing all my ideas 21:23:52 :P 21:25:32 my name is not Ai :P 21:25:57 nsITobin: never touched it, I think 21:26:33 tomman: so far I've seen these mentioned as an option, but as only now did I get the e-mail, I hadn't had the opportunity to read it before, perhaps the e-mail itself is a bit too lacking in the information department 21:27:06 njsg: the email doesn't even have links, other than to MS privacy declaration 21:27:28 at first I thought it was fake or phishing, but the lack of links was a giveaway that, yes, it's the real deal 21:27:52 I found the announcement I linked to by searching online (and didn't even used Bing for that!) 21:28:01 anyway, installing today's nightly... 21:29:09 don't forget to use outlook.office365.com for incoming server if you're setting a new account for testing 21:29:20 (as opposed to imap-mail.outlook.com) 21:30:50 my incoming server have been ALWAYS outlook.office365.com 21:44:25 I think my config might have been slightly different when I was using OE6 for Hotmail 21:44:28 * njsg hides 21:47:01 (that was, for the record, before I even found out about Netscape and Mozilla, so many many years ago 21:47:24 ; although there *is* apparently someone currently using MSOE6 for USENET in Motzarella?) 21:50:25 nope, switching to OAuth2 on the latest nightly didn't worked 21:50:35 the blank browser windows popup, doesn't login 21:51:02 no email downloads, trying to send emails complain with a connection lost to smtp.office365.com 21:51:27 the URL on the window starts with login.microsoftonline.com 21:51:52 next experiment would be on one of my spare setups via a clean profile 21:59:29 if only I could catch the URL it's opening... 21:59:45 my money would be on a 401 or 403... 22:01:40 tomman: is this an org account or a free account? 22:01:53 free, it's a 15 year old Hotmail 22:02:15 tomman: what exactly happens for "doesn't login"? 22:02:23 tomman: and does the URL stay at login.microsoftonline.com? 22:02:41 tomman: and is this a new account or an existing account? 22:02:44 When trying to receive email: the login.microsoftonline.com window pops up, blank, then goes away after a second 22:02:53 (I mean e-mail account in the SeaMonkey profile) 22:02:59 nothing errors out but no email downloads, even if there is incoming email on the server 22:03:28 when trying to send email: same window pops up, blank, goes away after 1-2 seconds, then the email client complains with "lost connection to smtp.office365.com" 22:03:47 what puzzles me here is the window going away 22:03:48 I created this account on this current SM profile a month ago 22:04:06 tomman: okay, did you check the scope? 22:04:07 (but the mailbox itself is over 10 years old) 22:04:17 tomman: for the record, URL should be redirected to login.live.com 22:04:22 what's exactly this "scope" thing you mention? 22:04:22 for hotmail 22:04:27 the OAuth2 scope 22:04:34 where do I check that? 22:04:37 search for scope in about:config 22:05:19 if it has 365 remove all the 365 22:05:38 the setting would be mail.server.[account].oauth2.scope 22:05:49 OK, I see four entries: two for GMail (which is weird since I use an app password there, not OAuth2) 22:05:57 and two for this Outlook/Hotmail account 22:06:23 as far as you try to use oauth2 once, I think it'll create and then retain the setting, even if you switch to something else, which explains the gmail part 22:06:23 the value for those reference URLs that begin with https://outlook.office365.com/ 22:06:49 so I should edit those to leave them as https://outlook.office.com/ ? 22:07:24 yes, and all occurrences, the setting probably has three different https:// URIs 22:07:39 OK, lemme try 22:08:41 OK, now I get a password prompt from Microsoft! 22:09:01 then ... it worked! 22:09:15 please check if it actually downloads/lists messages 22:09:41 OK, a sent message went by, and MS asked if I wanted to let Mozilla Thunderbird access my account 22:09:56 (as if there's some issue it might still fail in SM after the OAuth2 login succeeds in the form) 22:10:19 yep, email now downloads 22:10:26 so it was this "scope" thing 22:10:31 which had the wrong URLs 22:12:00 I should research into the app passwords for MS, as enabling TOTP 2FA is something I'll be forced to do sooner than later 22:12:01 just like I did with Google 22:14:09 At this point, I'd look into building a time machine instead. 22:14:11 anyway, thanks njsg - the scope URLs were the trick 22:14:24 * njsg is too cynical already, it seems 22:15:13 the pref looks like: https://outlook.office365.com/IMAP.AccessAsUser.All https://outlook.office365.com/POP.AccessAsUser.All https://outlook.office365.com/SMTP.Send offline_access 22:15:38 there are two entries: one for the POP3 server and another for the SMTP server 22:15:53 editing both for removing the 365s is what let this work 22:16:10 njsg: from where those URLs come? Are they hardcoded into SM's source, or supplied elsewherE? 22:42:01 I suppose from Microsoft