10:48:46 tobin: it will make sense once I read it with caffeine, couldn't do that before sleep :-) 10:49:09 * njsg wonders how will this theme preference setting play with user tracking and privacy 10:50:48 (surely this will be considered identifying information that can be used for fingerprinting? I guess ad companies don't care, so how do other browsers handle that?) 10:51:31 or did the w3c state something re: that? 10:51:37 hi all 10:51:40 frg_Away: hi 10:53:37 njsg you will be tracked anyway. Expose SeaMonkey in the ua and you are probably unique. I really don't care. Thrid party cookies disabled uBlock and Noscript so the worst will not happen. 10:54:00 resistfinderprinting is just snake oil 10:54:42 ^finger 10:55:03 and is probably fingerprintable in itself 12:53:22 I'll be tracked, but am I monetizable? 12:53:51 Venezuelan, blocks ads, hates tech, uses a non-Chrome web browser, can't participate in the world economy 13:09:32 Good morning 13:11:30 0 on the pref already covers privacy nutbars by the only means open.. disabling the feature but I wonder how many care now that its been standard in $majorChrome for a while now.. but that was a consideration in the approch used. 13:12:12 the snakeoil way would block it.. same difference 13:20:22 I looked into places history menu frg turns out when you were grabbing the new places and modified the go menu you kinda put the go menu into a limbo between what the go menu is and what Firefox calls it. So if I convince you it is a good idea its a bigger job. I estimate I'd have to rename go menu stuff back to go menu and then create the history menu and move items over which means it ain't gonna happen any time soon even for a personal build and I 13:20:23 am just unwilling to recommend sacraficing one for the other vs just leaving it for now 13:21:24 HOWEVER the code to support it already exists unlike on Borealis so there is that :) 13:23:12 to stay focused I think what I will .. TRY to do next is see if I can stub out the rest of these prefers media queries with their default/common value 13:25:45 also index more trees .. i want an entire forest of code on xr 13:35:01 hmm missing If.. wonder where? 13:35:45 Oh I should have included screenshots.. duh 14:13:05 Hi nsITobin 14:13:14 sup 14:14:33 nsITobin Bug 1909743 will be in the next 2.53. IPlan to give it a day there and then will check the comm part into central. 14:14:41 thanks 14:17:30 If can't get any useful strings out of cc i will extract the translated ones from pm sources and fill the rest with the english string manually 14:20:54 this has been a common problem for a long time for me this whole l10n thing.. I should look into coding some solution for it.. Fluent aside.. 14:21:04 nsITobin after chekcin some localizer are quite fast if still active. If not plan B. 14:22:35 maybe I just missing context, but is "light colors" and "dark colors" unambiguous enough? 14:23:39 for translation or general understanding? 14:23:47 general understanding 14:24:14 * njsg is wondering about whether it should be "dark colors on light background", "light colors on dark background" 14:33:05 the rest of the prefpane only cites background with colors when talking about the webpage's decisions.. it cites your decision as just referencing color.. yeah I did phrase it in context.. 14:33:23 to the existing UI 14:33:29 does that make it right? I dunno 14:38:05 Possible alternative strings could be say.. "Indicate a preference for [lighter|darker] colors" but I am not an expert on complexities of software language translation by any means.. 14:40:09 if the ux part needs some more time to bake that is cool it won't affect satisfing the webcompat need and still provides a preference 14:44:36 yeah, just wondering about whether there could be another way to word it 14:45:28 no it's good I had limited scope when I wrote the strings and translation wasn't myProblem() so it is good to look at it again 14:48:14 eyah I am actually gonna have to figure out EXACTLY in terms of c++ code what this does so i can write these stubs for the rest of these blasted prefers-* media queries.. welp.. was gonna have to happen sooner or later may as well not put it off any longer. 14:48:45 the little bit of C i been doing lately helps 14:50:10 the whole knowing where the pieces were to go but not what they actually are thing .. that will soon be rectified 15:19:00 I think the strings are good or I woulnd't have r/a it. Set IanN_Away in cc so if he thinks something should be changed still time. And even afterwards can correct it. 15:24:13 heh. google (i suppose it must be) just broke google search in FF (115) if JavaScript is not allowed (for google.com) 15:24:43 doesn't fallback to 2009 blackbar google? 15:25:02 or 2011? 15:25:06 one of those 15:25:15 when google had the black bar 15:25:20 on top 15:25:21 even on www.google.com, while you can enter a search term, hitting does not initiate a search. & if you hit the 'Google Search' button on the page, no results are returned 15:26:02 i suppose i can spoof the UA in FF, perhaps to SeaMonkey ;-) 15:26:17 how long will google.com even remain accessable outside approved browsers of sufficient hoop jumpping features? 15:26:40 Tell it you are Netscape 4.79 15:30:25 have to figure out how to spoof ua in FF ? general.useragent.override.* doesn't seem to work 15:32:24 that isn't available in firefox 15:32:28 for desktop 15:32:34 unless that has changed recently 15:32:58 something about it slows down loading a page with 6000 images? 15:49:45 maybe FF just fixed it on their own? 15:53:39 you were talking about site specific user agent overrides right therube ? 15:54:07 nsITobin: yes. 15:55:01 i threw in, https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/user-agent-string-switcher/, which is drek. to do something so simple, they (FF included) makes it so hard. 15:56:07 I can't find the code in quantum-dev aka m-c 15:56:14 anymore 16:04:08 therube: per-site/domain overrides were removed from Firefox a long time ago 16:04:42 at least IIRC they were removed at some later version, after the code that initializes it was removed; or is it still the case that it only lacks the initialization? 16:05:22 checking 16:06:35 https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1513574 16:06:57 Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/UserAgentOverrides.jsm", {}).UserAgentOverrides.init() 16:07:38 I guess that's what was needed after they stopped initializing it but before it was removed 16:08:09 ? 16:09:26 njsg: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=896114 16:09:35 that was when it was removed from Firefox 16:09:39 desktop 16:09:42 and the reason 16:10:21 did they add it back at some point before removing it or was it just to serve fennec still and when fennec went so did this? 16:10:42 that long ago, huh. 16:11:00 I remember it like it was yesterday. 16:11:07 and... search again looks busted in FF 115 with JS disabled 16:11:23 nsITobin: yeah, that second bug you linked is when it was disabled, but could still be enabled 16:11:37 at least in a Private Window 16:13:05 therube: it was available in the platform but it was NOT part of browser/ anymore .. an extension could load it tho https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/rev/76a31c4050cc 16:14:05 i just know this patch cause I had to put it back twice once for tycho and again for UXP.. well either I did it or made sure it got done.. one of the two anyway 16:17:43 therube: I wonder why a pref wasn't just added with an observer that would either init or deinit it based on if it was enabled or not.. that would have covered everyone's cases at the time.. 16:20:52 "We intentionally don't initialize the UserAgentOverrides module on desktop anymore. If you want to use it, you need an add-on for that." 16:21:00 that aged well 16:30:15 so if in a Private Window i search, https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-e&q=ncmain.exe 16:30:17 page is blank. disable Styles, & at the top of the page, something about accessibility & a link, 16:30:18 https://www.google.com/search?q=ncmain.exe&client=firefox-b-1-e&sca_esv=c0f137e23ef54b4f&gbv=1&sei=FX2iZteCHN7k5NoPmYqhWA 16:30:20 & that does work, in a Private Window (& in a new tab, without Styles disabled) 16:36:01 and now... Google Search is back working again in a (FF) Private Window 16:36:18 google must be turning into a github 16:52:28 rememeber google does a/b/c/d/e testing on a random account or visitor or regional basis 16:52:33 or because its tuesday 16:52:39 ... what day is it? 16:52:53 thursday 16:53:18 but would you put it past google to think it is tuesday because you don't support some random media query? 16:53:45 assuming the browser will correct it to thursday on the fly 16:53:49 THAT sounds like google! 17:19:42 & after all of that... i wonder if it is not in fact NoScript that is the issue... ? 17:20:18 running, 11.4.32rc1 ... i bet if i drop back 1 version... 17:23:33 therube: well noscript is known to cause issues 17:23:38 in general 17:23:46 and in my experience 17:24:23 heh, i'm not going there 17:24:46 hey, real men don't even use blocklists so i dunno what everyone's issue was lol 17:25:20 did moonchild get around to hardcoding it into the platform yet? 17:26:25 last I knew he wanted to explicitly hardcode it into the add-ons manager to prevent its installation .. despite the fact it was policy to change forked extension ids lol 17:26:56 yes, NoScript is blocked by default in current PM (it does actually cause issues in most recent PM) 17:26:58 & yes, you can get around the block (still) 17:26:59 but then xul NoScript is a far cry from (anything) webextension 17:27:18 it just needs some maintaince is all 17:27:25 freakin FF is so... backwards! 17:29:07 nah therube it is so progressive it progressed beyond usefulness 17:32:30 I am so conflicted when it comes to the subject of Mozilla. I am still pretty really angry about what they have done but I am also conserned that they may crash and burn with this yet another add the latest trend instead of maintaining a core userbase.. I mean Mozilla has really been terrible at every modern fad out there barely succeeding at all with just mobile firefox 17:43:08 njsg: you KNOW there is a way to make sure the strings are explained.. by updating the help documentation 17:43:36 I keep forgetting it exists 18:12:13 https://forums.informaction.com/viewtopic.php?t=27160 18:51:03 welcome back netsplitters 18:53:26 * njsg is reminded of a big internetsplit causing interesting IRC netsplits 18:55:15 nsITobin: indeed, too. I was just looking at the wording in the UI but that's probably mostly me wondering from my own knowledge of the terms, I can also see these being easy to understand, so was mostly wondering probably in a quite overkill way 18:55:52 nsITobin: help's in inside the en-US locale in comm's suite/, now where would this go 18:56:47 cs_nav_prefs_appearance.xhtml#colors 18:59:06 comm/suite/locales/en-US/chrome/common/help/cs_nav_prefs_appearance.xhtml 19:07:16 I wonder if my irc server is still setup to use *.banana *.split .. given i have no other servers connected I can't easily test it 19:08:08 I have four servers I could easily accomidate a small thriving irc network if the need ever arose 19:08:53 tho not a lot of regional redunancy all my servers are in the same dc 19:21:21 banana splits 19:21:23 https://www.imdb.com/title/tt9831136/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1 19:22:06 la la la la la la la 19:22:07 so debranded modern chucky? 19:22:39 but is it charles lee ray or chuck-e-cheeses I am referencing 19:22:43 you decide 19:23:15 frg_Away: what is this trailer 19:23:17 lol 19:23:54 you mentions banana and splits 19:25:16 Yes I did. 19:26:27 Well much better but no banana is split: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt8114980/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1 19:29:14 yeah but it has a better soundtrack 19:32:01 i seriously don't understand why people would prefer a directory listing sorted by name with directories mixed with files 19:32:46 hey frg_Away is your devtools still dependant on the add-ons sdk? 19:34:02 nsITobin don't think so. IanN_Away took out some code. Cant cut the sdk because some extensions still working still use it. Gutted it as much as possible I think. 19:34:48 yeah really need that sm datastore of extensions i could glob and foreach the hell out of it to determine which tech we are dealing with 19:43:22 frg_Away: I do think at some point we should clone the gtk widget and remove the gtk3 parts so its just gtk2 code so that gtk3 can more easily updated from backports from after they removed gtk2 19:44:26 nsITobin is there any gtk2 left? 19:44:41 have you been removing it too? 19:44:51 i haven't checked i assumed it was still in place or worked around 19:44:54 ripped out all plugin code with sledgehammer. 19:46:35 well ok then.. 19:46:39 there is only a gtk directory, all references in build files to gkt2 should be gone 19:46:41 few freferences 19:47:11 dropping support for gtk2 was because of the change from 2.49 to 2.53, right? Or am I misremembering? 19:47:39 nsITobin only ported official patches I think. They might be a few straggler mozilla didn't notice. 19:47:40 (i.e. was it actually removed or just not supported (for the UI) for 56?) 19:48:32 njsg was gone in 56. Only som parts not removed for flash. 52 was the last version suppoerting it with a build switch toggle. 19:48:59 i figured it lingere duntil around 60 19:52:16 why is it set to gtk and not gtk3? 19:52:29 in the build files? was that something they did later on? 19:52:42 nsITobin yes later rename 19:53:24 Bug 1575781 19:53:51 yeah i got 1278282 up atm 19:54:18 actually bug 1575420 19:59:26 to be honest after reading these .. it wouldn't be nearly as much work to re-add it as it took to do all this 20:00:20 but gtk3 is where I am currently living at and that needs much improvement 20:13:48 nsITobin Yeah it's dead Jim. I don't want to support it or pretend to do. Not enough manpower. 20:14:25 target is gtk 3 and wayland urgk... 20:15:46 or was it waylaid? :) 20:19:30 nighty night 20:23:44 X11 forever 20:28:42 thinking about it.. seamonkey's entire development right now is patches.. there is no reason should the need arise i can't maintain and refresh a selection of patches to have on hand if someone cares about it.. Not every little idea i come up with MUST be pushed into the repo.. I have to remember that 20:37:54 i backdated my computers date & FF disabled all my extensions. reset the date, & a bit of time later, FF automatically re-enabled the extensions. that was nice of them. (not.) 20:42:11 therube: seriously?