05:07:21 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wowgfK8b-Qw I wrote a TSR program that makes it possible to use a serial terminal as a display 08:07:45 Sompi_: for ST-DOS specifically? er, I mean, pardon me given I can't currently load videos easily on this hardware, but I'm wondering given that this is how terminals work 08:08:25 but I might be too spoiled by systems where the only thing needed is to enable the getty process on the serial line in inittab 08:08:48 (and configuring Emacs to use other bindings for C-s and C-q :-P) 09:18:39 it works on any DOS 09:18:56 it is just a TSR program 09:19:46 it sends the contents of the display to the serial port, and pushes all incoming characters to the BIOS keyboard buffer 09:22:08 and it does not use any DOS syscalls 14:30:52 frg_Away: is there anything wrong with just using the workbench UI instead of the mq cli commands? 14:36:17 nsITobin Generally not that I am aware of. Prefer cli for new patches because workbench not prompting me. Probably just some further configuration needed. cli is faster for qpush qpop --all too. So for me 90% workbench and 10% cli 14:45:40 cool 15:58:15 welp heading to the store when I return i will get my modified gogs instance up and then I will be in a good position to crank out miricles or whatever 19:07:26 nsITobin: the TB folk seem to sudenly be very lax in doing required rust cargo syncs. there fore i have flipped the default on thunderbird-rust to desabled. 19:08:34 so to make it work the way you want for your builds you will need to add "ac_add_options --enable-thunderbird-rust" to your mozconfig 19:31:29 nsITobin: this is in regards to comm-central builds of course 19:46:29 nsITobin: puzzled by your new nick. This would imply you are Netscape generated for .idl files version of Tobin 19:46:48 II get the ns part it is the I that confuses me 20:08:25 nsITobin: also this page has links to my c-c builds as well as ancilary info about the builds 20:08:31 https://www.wg9s.com/comm-central/ 20:23:05 hi WG9s 20:23:55 WG9s: XPCOM is life 20:24:26 yeah thunderbird rust was gonna be manditory one way or another it was just when and how badly they botch doing it 20:25:30 WG9s: in THEORY it should be possible for mozilla to become anti-rust.. they turn against their own technology every decade or so 20:26:56 WG9s: I did reduce instances of XP_TOBIN usage tho per your suggestion 20:29:59 I don't know why netscape has had such a dramatic affect on me one would THINK i'd be a firefox fanboy but its early on i mean Windows 3.1 Mosiac Netscape 0.9 and Trumpet Winsock .. Netscape Navigator 3 Gold .. Netscape Communicator .. it defines what the web was intended to be at its earlest days.. 20:30:49 mainly because it defined it. 20:30:54 more than not