14:50:08 https://www.cyberlink.com/support-center/faq/content?id=21452 another document that should have been kept as a static webpage, but now thanks to the magic of JS FrameNotWorks™, it will render nothing but a blank page, and has NO FALLBACK 14:50:22 (there is a noscript tag, whose sole contents is... Google trackers) 14:50:35 (Relevant script errors: consumer of dynamic imports) 15:05:16 Hmm, publishing a webpage in SeaMonkey Composer via HTTP in the publishing address (instead of the usual FTP) doesn't seem to show any authorization or authentication credentials being sent in the HTTP PUT request, despite inputting a username and password in the publishing settings 15:05:22 I wonder if this is a known bug 15:05:37 (but then who even uses the Publish feature of Composer these days lol) 15:09:26 mimasama Composer does not support authentication. 15:22:13 I still think composer would be best utilized in today's age as a general purpose text, script, and document editor throw an export to docx from html .. add spell check and there you go 15:23:52 Good morning #SeaMonkey 15:27:20 of course I think a XUL hg/git client and file manager would be handy too 15:29:44 oh god, CLOWNFLAREEEEE!!! 15:29:49 their Turnstile shit is BROKEN again 15:29:55 what now 15:30:02 same deal: nothing renders 15:30:19 ...until I threat it with the inspector 15:30:32 domi or devtools? 15:30:36 devtools 15:30:44 now that's quite a interesting interaction 15:30:56 what does it do for you? 15:31:20 cause i get no devtools fun when I visit 15:31:38 In my case the checkbox doesn't render, but if I fire up devtools and inspect the place where the checkbox should render... it renders! 15:31:53 and after a couple cycles of this, Turnstile lets me pass, and yes "my browser is secure" 15:32:12 otherwise if I leave the browser alone, nothing will render, like, ever? 15:32:13 is this still the same case as before that rom site? 15:32:32 this time it got me at steamdb.info (which is broken on SM due to other reasons) 15:32:38 but yeah, same Clownflare captcha 15:36:15 in the toolkit js error console is there anything new "from DOM" besides media queries for the prefers-* and forced-colors queries 15:37:55 Hi tomman nsITobin 15:38:08 nsITobin: I see some hits for prefers-* and forced-colors: 15:38:18 aside of that, nothing new 15:38:30 hey frg_Away 15:38:32 thanks tomman 15:38:36 sup frg_Away 15:39:14 also, some -moz-overlay-scrollbars "from DOM" hits, unsure if related or just noise 15:39:31 We need a document or a bug to keep track of the clownflare saga 16:17:29 So i was using windows 11 earlier 16:19:58 it's a complete disaster, I open things up and its just a complete trainwreak everything new is in baby mode and everything old is visably rotting away look at MMC on Windows 11 and tell me it isn't digitally ROTTING 16:22:27 nsITobin That is why I am on server. 11 is the worst and it will suceed because MS will force updates and new hardware won't run on 10 or older. 16:23:14 SeaMonkey OS it is then lol 16:26:07 frg_Away: what is the main difference between server 2019 and ltsc 2019? 16:26:23 also isn't some software still server sku hostile? 16:26:51 aside from server roles and its tech 16:28:50 setup a bit different with server manager. Didn't notice much difference otherwise to Win 10 at this level. Never tried LTSC. I think MS blocks Office 365 and some software might choke but not the one I use. And there is always a vm where i can run it if needed. 16:29:01 Windows 8 and later is absolute garbage. IMO, the IT community should just collectively refuse to support it in any capacity whatsoever, like was done with OS/2 back in the day. 16:29:24 Server 2022 is good till 2031 and is still usable too. 16:30:43 OS/2 suffered from IBMities. It was great but IBM destroyed it as usual. 16:31:48 Windows 8.1 with Open Shell menu is decent. Some quirks but not as bad as 10 16:35:25 wrt OS/2 IBM had tons of internal ews software available. Like EPM, Theseus/2 and other stuff. Some if this only trickled back into Warp 4 but most is now buried and forgotten. I will never again buy anything IBM. 16:36:37 I wasn't implying that OS/2 was actually bad; people refused to support it mostly because it was _different_ and didn't have enough users to justify it. 16:37:17 And yes, IBM supported it internally, but when the rest of the community washes their hands of you, your OS tends to go the way of VMS. 16:37:51 Your selling points don't matter if you're not compatible with anybody's anything. 16:37:58 It was bundled with PCs with not enough memory and this gave it a bad taste too. There were other issues but mostly I blame IBM. 16:38:46 But my point was that if IT people collectively stick to their guns and go "I'm not supporting that" more or less in unison, the system will go away. 16:39:21 Everyone's afraid to do that with 8/10/11 because MS is pushing it, but eh. 16:39:44 It was fun to run on the first dual Pentium boards but my installation is now in a vm and the hardware in the attic. 16:42:23 joadab it is basically nobody gets fired by buying MS these days :) 16:44:43 Not directly. But ask Delta what happens when software that you shouldn't have relied on, has problems you can't fix. 16:49:03 Windows 2021 is too broken for my key old crap 16:49:09 2019 is borderline 16:50:28 my entire graphic design capability is based on a specific build of Corel Paint Shop Pro XI gimp nor photoshop can replace 16:50:35 completely 16:50:55 jonadab: kinda like that 16:51:16 i'd go back to jasc psp 9 but most of my stuff is in the newer format and newer psp is utter garbage 16:51:37 and why? cause I wanted.. soft blur 16:52:24 frg_Away: well either they learned to keep their opinions to them selves or they think windows 11 is great by this point 16:53:34 nsITobin have you tried a vm? Unless really needs gfx hardware acceleration it should be good 16:56:01 Well not with kvm its unuseable .. i can use vmware but i need to patch the kernel modules again and I am convinced vmware is reaching the end of its stability 16:56:26 virtualbox just kills the entire system bus and cripples my system on linux.. 16:56:35 because it takes out the network stack 16:57:56 I need to get switched over to el9 on here but el9 doesn't have everything I need and what little is in epel is broken or partial 16:58:04 so it means i have to build that stuff my self 16:58:29 then once I have that i can use vmware and things should be generally.. fine 17:43:08 really would be awesome to have download list include timestamps like it used to and https://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/firefox/ still does 17:47:36 a-865: so https://archive.seamonkey-project.org/releases/ 17:47:40 ? 17:51:04 btw standalone grub is best grub 17:54:18 i am installing rocky9 from a centos disk and a kickstart wonder if it will work 18:32:58 it worked.. but gnome-menus is not compatable with openbox had to fudge in fc redhat-menus which work and same as fedora uses.. i have no compositor no file manager no gpu fan control basically system is wide open more or less 18:59:36 fastcompmgr doesn't prevent screentearing.. 19:05:12 nsITobin: OK there, but not on http://archive.seamonkey-project.org/releases/2.53.19b1/linux-x86_64/en-US/index.html 19:05:37 or the https version 19:05:51 likely cause they are updated more often.. just look at the infotext 19:06:17 these listings are being generated they are not apache autoindexes tho 19:07:21 the original ftp listings were the best 19:07:24 but I am not familar with a lot of sm's current infrastructure 19:07:35 what is "infotext"? 19:07:49 or the json 19:07:54 the json has a build id 19:10:51 speaking of.. hey the frg_Away have you considered getting some mirroring with the opensource mirror networks like mozilla used to have and many distros still do or do they want monitary funds these days 19:12:35 a-865 download manager has start and end time or what do you mean? 19:14:43 nsITobin I didn't even look at it. No time. I am leaving all the server stuff to ewong IanN_Away and WG9s. Just fiddling with the Windows build server now and then. 19:15:47 I don't know anything about download manager. I use only wget from the download directory for downloading anything. What I'm looking for is the ftp list of available packages to download to tell me when they were put there, just like file listings always used to be.. 19:25:10 frg_Away: how much did we loose with the places transition? 19:25:22 rather jsdownloads 19:25:58 cause jsdownloads literally wasn't as rich of an interface least originally 19:27:11 a-865 sorry I misread. I still see the timestamps. Unfortunately the initial ones got lost during the move. 19:28:27 nsITobin not much I think. There was so much broken stuff like purge with dates and sorting. 19:28:58 frg_Away: on the windows directory URL from nsITobin, timestamps are present, but not on Linux URL I pasted 19:29:04 I a claning out the remains of the old sync api whenever find the time 19:29:33 I knew the originals were lost :( 19:30:48 a-865 looks like a glitch ewong needs to look at. The index.html seems to be bad 19:31:14 why are they generated anyway and not just autoindex? 19:31:50 or just how Mozilla had it when they went aws 19:31:57 nsITobin azure don't ask me... 19:32:16 that explains it ;) 19:33:49 anyway a-865 I am sure these minor issues can be resolved over time the main thing is they are up and available 19:37:33 like the holy cross-reference or mystical keeper of history and memory the logbot 19:39:33 As far as I know ewong needs to generate the index every time for a new release. This release was a bit different because of so many build changes and suspect an error crept in. 19:47:16 got picom fudged in until I can compile it.. but yeah to fully switch over to Rocky IX i have several components to compile 20:38:46 nighty night 20:38:52 rest well 23:01:08 hi tonymec|away 23:01:20 you run the linux.. which distro works best for you?