01:28:19 welp, Gaggle Docs finally broke our non-Chromed browsers 01:28:55 trying to load a spreadsheet and I get trapped in a endless cycle of "Something happened, we've reported the error to Google so we can ignore it" JS alerts 01:29:07 fortunately no need to kill the browser to escape, but still... 02:42:11 not the first time 02:42:16 but is it the last time 14:26:36 bloop 14:29:41 Good morning #SeaMonkey 14:35:07 nsITobin blarb 14:38:21 I feel like this impl is improper .. not that it is wrong just from a strict sense improper.. Like using Services.jsm from an xpcom component seems incorrect i should be quering the actual component using xpcom not involving the jsm loader until i need to use the InspectElement code and even that I am not sure why its a jsm and not just part of the component.. The lines are blurred lol 14:39:51 it does work well though I been using it for years has really been helpful 14:40:35 nsITobin for obserer you can use Services.obs.addObserver and .removeObserver 14:41:40 I suppose it doesn't matter not like I retained pre-gecko 2.0 compat in it like the inspector commandline hander still has 14:42:01 and depending on the future all xpcom components might be jsm'd lol 14:42:42 I can get behind registering some jsms as xpcom components but not static registration.. 14:42:59 if that seems like a good idea at some point 14:44:32 nsITobin IanN_Away cleaned out DOMi when we integrated it. At this point it is 2.53 only. 14:45:15 yeah frg_Away this component like so many like it are built by copying pasting and modifing across several points so yeah if the thing is to favor Services.jsm over xpcom invocation then that is fine 14:46:47 The old method still works but we prefer Services use. Much cleaner looking and internally it does the same anyway I think. 14:46:56 I'll switch the component over to Services.obs also dunno why it is calling weekreference 14:47:59 Services.jsm does just create an instance of the xpcom component ye later on when services becomes an established global i think they just reimpl in cpp pretty much the same and then expose it .. 14:50:05 wrt wekref don't know either 14:50:26 I guess one of the previous forms this component had used it.. likely abp 15:04:18 I'll revise the patch 15:04:26 with the power of mq 16:08:51 frg_Away: it looks like every component HAS to have a QueryInterface as part of its object.. most stuff seems to basically put weakreference in when there is nothing else 16:09:28 nsITobin thank for the info 16:09:58 i am not sure 100% yet but not having it makes it fail to load and this is what surrounding code seems to have when nothing else 16:10:19 i get one of those long int error values 16:37:03 frg_Away: why does seamonkey think the domi startup component I just unapplied and rebuilt still exists? 16:38:04 nsITobin might be cached and needs a restart? 16:43:23 looks like dist/xpi-stage is being updated but not the xpi file in dist/bin/extensions if already existing 16:43:41 this is a consiquence of not purging dist/bin every time you build 16:44:53 the drawback with doing that is each rebuild will have to go through all the xpidl files if it was changed back to how it used it be 16:45:17 so its a trade off between faster rebuilds or actually updated rebuilds 16:45:51 I think some later build patches fix this but not there yet 17:15:49 https://repo.palemoon.org/MoonchildProductions/UXP/commit/85ab34e500b3e094c53a2f6ce8e60b9a7a271859 17:15:52 there it is 17:21:53 which make backend is it using 17:24:13 gah more moz automation moz artifacts moz release engineering .. what is so wrong with build machine produces builds.. see if they work.. and shipping them lol 17:57:54 v2 patch is attached to Bug 1912354 18:49:16 nsITobin will take a look tomorrow. nn 20:25:35 there I have recompiled the vmware modules 20:26:02 hopefully the network stack won't take a crap and take out the system bus 21:27:30 I have a new media query for the standards.. prefers-reduced-bullshit indicating your preference for reduced bullshit can be used to say, have paginated pages instead of endless scroll-wait-load-scroll or say have normal size fonts and good readablity, and don't want to be offered services first party or otherwise 21:27:35 Let's make it happen! 21:27:56 :P 21:28:40 and have any ads not be mixed in with content but on the side or the top 23:34:07 hi tomman