13:58:24 I wonder if IanN_Away is actually logging in and out while working rebooting etc or if konversation or the system is in a crashloop 14:33:09 nsITobin: resolving a routing issue 14:33:19 fun 14:33:30 good luck 14:39:58 nsITobin: it's sorted now, something changed in Fedora which broke it 14:56:28 IanN_Away: Fedora? broken? nah.. you musta misconfigured it lol 14:57:21 nsITobin: i was probably using an old desupported method 14:58:31 Well as a fedora user, lol, I'll overlook it.. this time ;) 16:00:27 hi nsITobin 18:37:28 nsITobin domi patch is in next 2.53 20:34:46 ah damn 20:35:22 i mean good but i been in so much pain from muscle spasms in my lower legs that I been trying to rest 20:35:35 thanks frg and rest well 20:39:09 ns`so will be in my 2.53 nightly builds (of course only if they are successful) 20:42:09 you will have to flip the pref as how it works is it attaches an event handler to basically every dom node.. while I haven't experienced any slowdown over years of usage it doesn't mean it isn't possible under the right circumstances as well as that accidently triggering it could be disorenting or even undesired for say some html game (if that was a prime consern that is). so flip the pref and restart the seamonkey .. I did consider init by default 20:42:09 and deinit by pref also observing the pref (which observing the pref may be a future enhancement) but I didn't want to pile a bunch of redesign/refactoring ontop of what is basically a port 20:44:13 I have found the ability extremely useful when doing XUL modifications and even in casual webdev I even prefer it for many things over devtools 20:44:54 I wonder what broke domi going forward aside from bindings 20:45:28 how are you this weekend WG9s 20:46:30 omfg 20:46:32 doing OK going to my brother's tomorrow for a thing with him his kids and grandkids thing 20:46:36 the msn brand is back 20:46:42 and in the edge internal start page 20:47:18 WG9s: well i hope you have a good time 20:47:25 i remember msn of course i am old so can;t remeber what it stood for 20:47:33 Microsoft Network 20:47:55 and MSNBC is an artifact out of that 20:48:07 well see it was that lame never made it to my long term memory 20:48:43 actually if it were then it should have been msnnbc 20:49:27 People forget just how evil microsoft is.. and with apple president and benefiting from google strongarm bs .. microsoft is primed to take back over.. leaving us with Microsoft.. Apple.. and if you forget.. IBM via RedHat 20:49:50 i predict if this slots into place google will be so screwed but so will the rest of us 20:50:49 and, of course, MS owns githum so trying to take over open source 20:51:08 well apple did it with khtml and darwin 20:51:10 github 20:51:22 shithub gitshrub shadowbanhub 20:51:27 any is fine with me ;) 20:52:01 i should see if gitban.com is avilable and if so regsiter it and make that the domain for BinOC/Code 20:52:23 damn one of those holding companies 20:53:22 well not sure how much it costs but i seem to recall any idiot can now get a top level domain so pwerhps tyou got get tobin and thus have a gitban.tobin 20:53:37 but i bet it is expensive 20:53:50 I wish I had tobin.com 20:56:19 tobin.com.ve is available, for €12/yr :P 20:56:28 (yes, Euros, don't ask why) 20:56:55 speaking of WG9s I dunno if you would have much a use for it but if you want/need a BinOC/Code account just holler cause I am not gonna enable open registration .. While I personally enjoy micromanaged moderation to an exacting standard.. I simply don't have time for it anymore. 20:58:02 well not much of it anyway 20:58:37 tomman: how much is a euro now.. like is it still twice an american dollar? 20:58:58 haha, no 20:58:59 yes odd since ve is the country code for Venezuela. not sure how it could have gotten into the eu 20:59:04 that was the British pound 20:59:32 EUR 1 = ~USD 1.09 20:59:46 i remeber the pound is not a new thing i seem to remeber back when i was a kid the pound was about $1.80 20:59:54 WG9s: it's... political, sadly (our government has a hateboner over anything 'merica) 21:00:20 hence why NIC.ve prices domains in Euros (not even bolivars, although you can pay in national currency) 21:00:25 AHHHMUUUUURIKAAAAAA FUCK YEA 21:00:27 sorry 21:00:41 which reminds me, mine expires in 3 weeks 21:00:57 but can't enter to renew it now because... they close the platform for "maintenance" on weekends! 21:06:38 yes the weekend mainetnance means the billing people don't work weekends so you cant get a new domain or renew the one you have because no one around to verify your credit card info, 21:10:44 I thought that's why we had computers 21:10:55 and automation 21:13:51 perhaps, but this could be automated even better. those clowns who try to make sure your domain name is not offensive to anyone in the world in any known language in the world. 21:16:09 i remeber a se and it was somewhere in the US where someone sued the state because he wanted ro get a plate for his wife with her name on it for her birthday. they refused to issue it because they said her name was offensive in some other language. 21:16:25 i don;t remeber what the resolution of this was 21:17:34 he did not sue on the basis of noon plate issuance but sued on the basis that the state said his wifes name was offensive 21:18:53 ah, license plates 21:19:02 reminds me of a dude whose surname was Grabher 21:19:20 he had his surname on a plate, until suddenly someone at the DMV decided "that's offensive, yo" 21:19:46 the dude had to escalate the case, dunno if it reached the Supreme Court... because suddenly his family surname is offensive to the DMV :D 21:20:05 I don't remember if he eventually got his custom plates back 21:54:27 off for the night 21:54:41 rest wekk 21:54:44 well* 22:14:11 * njsg comes in for a game of backlog pacman 22:14:54 hai njsg 22:22:17 Microsoft's dangers are still quite present to me. Ironically, I sometimes enjoy playing with older Windows installs, but even for that, the less good ways of Microsoft are still present 22:24:36 I guess NT6.1 is considered "retrocomputing" by some, even if I think it's still supported in MS's extended support, and I don't think Interix for NT6.1 is available anymore; also the hotfix for KB312108 was never published (I'm guessing they wanted to get something out of "your computer is too new to run this OS with networking"...), at least not on the web (no ideia if it made it to ftp.microsoft.com 22:24:42 when it existed) 22:25:14 (KB312108 is the Windows 4.* boot protection error when loading NDIS)