08:46:42 Order something on thurday literally pay 3 dollars more for shipping than the product.. puts on please ship as soon as possible.. the fuck around for 3 full days generate the label at end of business friday and wait till monday to get ups to pick it up 08:47:02 result.. not getting my stuff any sooner than if i paid 6 bucks for post office shipping 08:47:14 and i paid 23 dollars .. my items were 20 dollars 08:47:36 sorry wednesday 08:48:42 so i double payed to have this company once again just not ship it until it would have arrived if i had paid for usps 08:50:22 so twice what I paid for the product and nearly quadruple shipping for a net result of zero at best 08:51:02 not what Netscape visionaries were thinking of with internet shopping I am sure 09:15:48 looks like Mozilla dropped sometime back the way we do toolbar buttons .. have to do em the html way which is basically a div or another container with the image as a background and it shifts 09:16:02 toolbar button icons* 09:20:17 Of course this is the company I get my DIY Vape stuff from cause I am heavily addicted to nicotine and they know it.. so yeah its very drug dealer and drug addict even tho i am buying a legit good for personal consumption from a company.. nah its drug dealer drug addict.. kinda like modern software development .. and both call their customers.. users 09:30:05 yep checked the last order which I only paid standard usps shipping.. i got it a day earier than this time with usps 2day air.. i feel ripped off 09:31:46 eh whatever enough about that.. trying to keep my speechrants to either under an hour or under so many lines lol 09:32:02 whichever i get to first 15:27:39 what's crackin frg_Away 15:32:36 nsITobin not much today tired at home 15:33:03 hottest day of the year so far among other things 15:37:35 frg_Away: don't see it as the hottest day of the year, see it as one of the coldest days for the rest of your life :D 15:37:41 (shamelessly stolen from JWZ) 15:38:09 summer is a terrible time for innovation.. its too damned hot 15:52:33 I wonder what JWZ thinks of SeaMonkey 16:11:34 he doesn't use Mozilla products these days, so... 16:13:30 Mozilla products are terrible and always have been.. Mozilla PROJECTS tho the early ones were pretty neat 16:14:45 btw tomman taken a look at the Mozilla website these days 16:15:01 and their line up of people 16:16:55 At its core, Mozilla is an activist organization led by the Mozilla Foundation that makes change in the world through a variety of ventures including Mozilla Corporation, MZLA, Mozilla Ventures and Mozilla AI. 16:17:25 so Mozilla IPO when? 16:17:44 or how JWZ would say: Mozilla has been cosplaying as a SV startup for ages 16:17:56 this is why insist to get Mozilla OUT of SF/California 16:18:05 tomman: yeah ever since the corp 16:20:14 go back to the wayback machine look how mozilla.org was gutted split off firefox booms then ovewritten with mozilla.com content everyone gets kicked the fuck out of central and the foundation's former state on www-archive 16:21:39 the salmon pink era was so chaotic i forget what was plainly visable all over the net including mozilla's own websites of how this all played out 16:21:51 originally 16:23:57 In the early 2000s, the Mozilla community built Firefox. We toppled the browser monopoly, gave users choice and control online, and helped create a healthier internet. 16:23:57 Twenty years later, Mozilla continues to fight for a healthy internet — one where Big Tech is held accountable and individual users have real agency online. 16:24:03 THAT is the summery of the foundation 16:24:04 ONE 16:24:10 the foundation did NOT build firefox 16:24:29 by the time the browser project was becoming viable the corperation was already in the works 16:24:36 TWO 16:24:57 Where is all the rest of the history? 16:25:04 and THREE 16:25:08 Buuuuuuuulllshit 17:07:25 Is MZLA only on advertising or are they active in generative autocomplete too? 17:07:33 (generative autocomplete being "AI") 17:10:56 well MZLA does thunderbird 17:34:50 least I thought it did 20:13:32 And Thunderbird uses generative AI to display your "email" messages? 20:15:02 jonadab: as soon as mozilla gets some AI from their contest harvest 20:15:04 i am sure 20:41:33 That is the case but I thing they folded other subunite or whatever into MZLA too. 20:43:15 autocomplete chatbots have a place.. its own dedicated thing.. not integrated and overwriting my inputs and outputs 20:46:08 I didn't know they closed their Mountain View office 20:46:24 oh well 20:59:23 You know.. there just aren't enough Firefox forks out there. 22:23:48 sup njsg 23:26:31 nsITobin: trying to get the Tex Avery fork in the road bit out of my mind :-P 23:39:54 njsg: see querymsg for what is in my head