00:32:31 I am gonna host hg bundles on files dot xulorg because heptapod for me is consistantly intermittent 00:32:59 especially on the gre part 00:33:38 GRE standing for Good Rendering Engine because Gecko is still technically a trademark 01:29:45 one of us needs to figure out some hack to make the build system use the vs2019 downloaded by esr115 in the MOZILLABUILD_STATE_DIR 01:30:06 has to be a unique hack cause the mozilla way won't work 01:31:41 https://files.thereisonlyxul.org/seamonkey/ 01:31:43 there 02:26:34 enjoy this wip script to get wip seamonkey source https://code.binaryoutcast.com/thereisonlyxul/brineshrimp-patches/src/TRUNK/mach#L18-L69 02:32:19 the meat of this is self contained atm dunno if it will stay that way but yeah helps 02:33:38 need sleep 08:18:36 Seems that opening this page completely freezes SeaMonkey: https://kauppa.johnnurmisensaatio.fi/products/vaarallisilla-vesilla 14:04:37 So what's up? 14:11:19 frg_Away: Good morning, Since heptapod has been rather intermittent at least for me when cloning I have generated and uploaded hg bundles to files dot xulorg 14:12:19 and I been scripting up downloading em, the patches cloning and applying 15:05:15 11:18 < Sompi> Seems that opening this page completely freezes SeaMonkey: https://kauppa.johnnurmisensaatio.fi/products/vaarallisilla-vesilla 15:05:58 hang confirmed 15:06:03 uhh 15:06:36 The whole browser just becomes stuck, nothing works 15:06:57 yeah 15:07:09 its hung but i dunno what it is doing 15:07:48 have to wait for my .. automated wip .. wip script to finish so i can build wip to see if it is still the case and if it is where in the code it might be dying at 15:09:27 you do a not difficult but time consuming and slightly tedious string of operations 3-4 times you're gonna script it lol 15:11:54 kinda prototyping my own hg workflow cause I am really thinking this is the way forward as a solution to the scailibility problem I have now 15:13:44 oh good its done.. lets hook workbench up to it and see if it is a-ok then build and see if this hang persists 15:14:02 and if i can figure out somewhere to point to 15:14:05 Sompi: 15:14:27 nsITobin: 15:21:08 build kicked off 16:06:22 Sompi: using a process I call pauseplay the process IS still chugging along but it may be either doing massive amounts of reflow and restyle evaulations or is stuck in some sort of recursive loop.. I am gonna let it sit and see if it eventually finishes 16:07:55 more pauseplay shows the same .. could be recursion 16:09:39 yeah its just looping 16:09:49 but that's as much as I can tell 16:10:11 and consuming memory 16:12:32 it's just gonna OOM 16:13:45 javascript initiated 16:13:58 disabling javascript does not result in a hang 16:16:02 the only thing on that page misrendered without js is the review/comments section 16:16:40 most likely place for whatever is causing it.. 16:18:25 customelements and/or shadowdom and or esmodules 16:18:30 its webcomponents Sompi 16:18:42 that is what is wrong.. but i can't get much more specific 16:19:41 I also want to say UXP had a similar problem but there is little chance of finding it .. it was during a very disorganized stretch 16:27:30 anyway I am gonna lay back down or just watch something and poke at things .. I woke up not feeling very well .. and I am just gonna blather on about whatever I am doing to distract my self from not feeling well soooo 16:27:58 be back later on more than likely 18:03:36 I hate so much how writing to the address bar in Firefox works nowadays... 18:04:05 It's now almost impossible to write an URL that is a part of a longer url that has been visited sometime in the past 18:04:36 It always autofills it with the longer URL and you can't just ignore it or even remove the autofilled part by just pressing backspace 18:04:46 Why even simple things like that must be broken like that 18:05:41 Why can't it just have suggestions that come up in a dropdown menu below the address bar, like Seamonkey, and all other browsers in the past 18:05:57 And then the user can select them by pressing down and up arrow keys 18:06:06 It's so much more usable that way 18:14:48 the "modern UI" paradigm is just so broken in countless ways 18:19:14 well I can't pass that up ill or not 18:20:04 it really does feel like some of these UI flows and changes are just to see if anyone will tollerate it 18:22:34 searchbars on websites now will do its own custom autocomplete function and completely replace your search term with something that closely matches like it is now starting to get to you can't even use your own search terms or phrases in a query anymore you MUST select something provided 19:17:45 yeah 19:17:50 Google's autocomplete nowadays: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FxzIRtWj3JI 19:18:16 Cannot write keywords normally. Instead I have to write them somewhere else and then copy-paste them to the search box. 19:19:12 I think I tried to write something like "how many bits can fit into a barcode" 19:52:58 Sompi: move your mouse 19:53:10 your hovering is overriding what you type 19:53:15 and i HATE that it does that 19:53:37 that should be by click or cursor and enter not just highlight and enter 19:53:43 or highlight and overwrite 20:10:34 there is something meta about having revision history for patch files frg_Away 20:14:20 nsITobin heaven or hell? :) 20:15:50 that will be determined the moment you qfinish and push to heptapod 20:18:01 nsITobin well its overdue to push at least the patches till 59a1. Queue gets too long. 20:24:58 I should do that search button mod that makes it a split menu button so you can choose your current search engine without having to go to preferences or use the searchbar 20:25:15 was something I had planned 20:25:38 since most people search from the address bar anyway 20:25:54 and there is a search button that only works with the address bar 20:27:59 i have automatic search disabled and use the search button actually 20:28:36 used to use the search bar but eh.. except for switching .. don't really see a point 20:29:10 i WISH search engines still catored to the search SIDEbar that was the best way to search and navigate 20:29:36 nsITobin added an additonal serch toolbar where I can just use the drop down. 20:31:27 I sure hope I can fix these script issues with fileftp 20:31:37 I'd like to refactor it into a legit component 20:31:52 and also use it for file manager duities