13:50:30 test 15:01:41 123 15:01:57 i was just making sure the logbot wasn't dead again 15:02:23 hi and thought so 15:05:55 123 It'a so wAY ... 15:06:45 easy 15:06:52 hit caps locksomplce in there 15:08:27 anyway seems now for sound check the just keep saying check check I guess perhaps that is because they can;t count to three, making you wonder how they can perform musically 15:11:05 was a joke. l know saying the same word at the same volume actually makes it easier for the sound person. 15:12:03 WG9s: ping? 15:12:13 testing 1 2 3 as fine to see if the mike as working but check check check actually makes it easier to see not only does it work but is it at the correct volume 15:12:37 hi nsITobin 15:12:56 was expecting pong! lol how are you? 15:13:09 pong 15:13:16 doing OK 15:18:25 trying to make sure the patch in bug 1912083 fixed my c-c bug issue on all poatforms. 15:18:59 c-c build not c-c bug 15:19:22 is cc busted again? 15:20:43 no was but becuase of my build time i think m build failed but and hor after my check-in te TB folk landed what i think is a fix 15:20:54 just doing a build to bake sure 15:21:26 so my overnight build failed but i think the TB folk had fixed by the time I oke up 15:25:12 well while I am sure they will ignore it at BEST i did file a bug for the whole nothing but firefox, thunderbird, and mobile can mach run or opt in to null dll blocklist oop 15:26:27 but I am just about done getting my stuff set for 253dev so central is next 15:26:37 nsITobin: so just bad timing between autoland to mozilla-central merge andwhen the TB folks noticed and issue and fix it. 15:27:26 this happns often 15:29:05 but I like to do abuild event hough it appers the TB patch wil fix it an dealtil tomorrow I like to just be safe and do an extra build to make sure 15:29:08 Well my so-called relationship broke down a few months ago with Thunderbird and Mozilla around the same time I was shadowbanned from github .. 15:29:21 those are almost certainly unrelated 15:29:25 .. i hope 15:30:53 nsITobin: the TB people still ike me just I was banned from bugzilla and I should perhaps try to be reinstated since the s**h***e ho banned me no longer works for Mozilla 15:32:37 Seems I had a dust-up with Mike Hoy and he banned me from bugzilla even though I ws prviously one of those invited to Mozilla SUmmits and listed on the kiosk thing outside the Santa Clara office as those recognized for their contributions 15:33:00 well as long as open source is a business manned by drones and not a project run by .. people.. i doubt I will ever attempt to reach out to mozilla personnel again.. I am NOT cut out for THAT kind of interaction least not currently 15:33:32 he got pissed because I reported him to google for spamming my email and so banned me from bugzilla 15:35:30 in todays world u'd be banned from the entire infrastructure ala fedora 15:38:21 time to clone a vm for mzla 15:39:24 EXE File, Los Angeles 15:39:27 MZ, LA 15:39:34 ffs 15:44:46 I'm still on the idea of surgically extract Mozilla away from the State of California 15:46:49 ;-) 15:48:37 tomman: shhhhhh 15:50:06 nsITobin: the fedora folk love me. 15:50:38 is that sarcasm? 15:50:42 they don't have any sisue with my bugs complaining aobut things others don;t see 15:51:13 it sometimes takes them a bit but then they figure out the issue 15:53:00 it's kinda nice being able to just go to https://files.thereisonlyxul.org/build-tools/mzlabld-env/ and download mozillabuild instead of searching for it resulting in either a wiki page or a newsgroup or hunting for it on not-ftp.mozilla.org 15:53:10 unlike mozilla who don;t like outlier bug reports and think the reporter is just wrong and do not take those complaints as all seriously. If you persist they ban you from bugzilla. 15:53:26 I think half the crap i do is just to make things easier where they should be.. easier 15:53:43 *.banana *.split 15:54:17 sometimes a bug depends on your graphics board or cpu or something they never tested but they just seem to have the attitude you should go away. 15:55:58 a lot of people want me to go away.. it's such a pain in the ass determining if they are right or not.. occasionally they are most of the time not but I can't just ignore it when it comes up.. 15:55:59 nsITobin: https://youtu.be/XMl6HnhFFIA 15:56:32 lol 15:57:58 nsITobin: I bet you did not think anyone here was old enough to get the refernce 15:59:51 well it isn't just that a reference is older there is also obscurity to factor in 16:00:40 there are plenty of late 80s and 90s references I could make.. which seems popular in popculture these days but the ones I'd make would go over the heads of people who grew up along side me watching the same stuff.. 16:02:26 could just be a reference to a great desert! 16:03:06 oops i menat dessert 16:03:14 meant 16:03:18 I like references more than abject memes because its more creatively applied because most memes if there was any creativity it ends at that meme's formation and then is just copypasted and parroited but a good reference uses more abstract like a metaphore but less critical and more fun 16:03:47 also bananasplits are awesome 16:03:49 as well 16:09:41 nsITobin: i remember back in my neck of the woods, Friendly's shops had a dessert called the Jim Dandy which was like a banana split on steroids. 16:10:19 And I am not sure that was the nme it was in the day. tried to google and this is the closest thing i could find. 16:10:58 seems like the same yhing but I am not sure yhat was the otiginal name. 16:15:48 i found an old menu and I guess it was a Jim Dandy! 16:17:20 my childhood ice cream shop did "blizzards" way better than DQ a few blocks down did.. mainly cause you could get em done any way you want tho if you exceed the candy amount you would normally get you do have to pay a little extra but whipcream and a couple of cherries were free where the DQ refused this was back when it was little more than m&m oreo and snickers as choices 16:20:23 and I had paid out the ass for a monstrocity banana split once.. like nearly 8 bucks when the base price was like 2.20 but it was so freakin loaded with extras .. I was 12 and I had a 10 dollar bill 16:20:37 damn it! 16:23:23 the diabeetus split i guess you could have called it WG9s 16:23:54 pronounced in the traditional Wilford Brimly manner of course 16:24:17 ;-) 16:27:18 I think the name may have been different. when i hear Jim dandy I can only think of the Laverne Baker song that was later covered by Black Oak Arkansas 16:28:31 https://youtu.be/_EoebOJqjGM 16:41:09 stpid ass msys2 terminal suppresses output of hg until I ctrlC because i am not getting any output.. 16:41:26 and i can't turn it off because then the build output later will be crap 16:44:46 nsITobin: yes hg generaly uses buffered output for steout so if you tailthe file it sill only update if there is an error because writing to stederr seems to also fush stdout but that is probably because i do "> 2>&1" 16:45:38 so I run in backgrund with that and then tail -f the output og 16:45:42 log 17:34:02 I should do a follow up bug to this https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=632585 seeing as for some reason the canvas method wasn't ported.. https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=632585 19:00:32 i miss six digit bugs 19:01:08 five digit bugs are the most fun to read tho 19:14:05 I am expanding this https://files.thereisonlyxul.org/version-control/hg/ 19:16:06 tomman: what were you saying ;) 20:36:12 well time to see if this vm will build central 21:45:02 seems ./mach bootstrap automatically picks artifact and won't let you a choice "cause it is not interactive" had to do --application-choice browser 23:04:47 rest well frg 23:07:56 https://www.jwz.org/blog/2024/08/css-tricks/#comment-251695 oh Zawinski, stay KLASSY 23:09:35 LOL 23:11:06 I'm kinda surprised he doesn't block SeaMonkey or Pale Moon or Waterfox... 23:11:27 but I guess that he just blocks anything that resembles "MICROS~1" 23:17:10 well they did kill his company 23:28:12 Microsoft effectively kills Netscape the company.. AOL kills Netscape the brand.. Mozilla kills the suite, its technology, AND its replacement technology.. and Moonchild kills Borealis before it was even released... Why does everyone hate netscape so much? 23:28:35 and HOW is SeaMonkey still going despite all that? 23:30:26 it's only now that the objective is to go after the people cause you sure can't kill the idea and concept of "Netscape" the suite or the internet as it should be 23:33:27 "That time we gave away our source code" sorry dears.. none of you were there at the time save someone in some corner somewhere and I know for a fact if they could take it back and survive they would. 23:33:50 jwz was there 23:33:55 right tomman 23:34:35 I seriously don't think Mozilla understands why Mozilla and the code exists in the first place anymore 23:34:55 it was an act of rebellion 23:35:55 the concept of Mozilla and the tangible code exists for the express purpose to never let this shit happen.. and it couldn't .. until they changed all the rules 23:36:07 and that is the dark side of Mozilla history 23:36:36 the modern MZLA certainly don't even know the history of Mozilla 23:36:54 as in one company driving out of business to be gutted by a big tech company 23:37:09 THAT is why Netscape 5 source was made public and open source 23:37:23 This is what Mozilla/5 means 23:38:34 I obviously lost sight of that at some point obscured but not forgotten 23:39:56 still half tempted to port Pale Moon to SM253 and release it as-is under the name Daystar 23:40:31 i just can't care enough about firefox code 23:40:53 seazilla 23:41:40 tomman: you do know the origin of the seamonkey codename right? 23:41:55 Not really, I've never really wondered 23:41:58 but now you make me curious 23:42:10 all I know is "well, Mozilla would not let us use the Mozilla trademark" 23:42:59 Well to preface SeaMonkey the brand name != seamonkey the codename which is just the politically correct version of the internal name at netscape at the time "buttmonkey" 23:44:11 for real? 23:45:53 ...but then ButtMonkey sounds very like old school Netscape Confidential 23:46:06 https://wiki.mozilla.org/SeaMonkey:Name_And_Version#Origin_of_the_name_.22SeaMonkey.22 23:46:11 ...and now somehow my brain translated that as GasMonkey 23:46:17 but that's a whole different trademark 23:47:09 well i doubt in 2024 a broadly adopted *monkey naming scheme will fly beyond historical usage like spidermonkey 23:47:51 not that I wouldn't love that.. cause well the SM version of Mozilla's old usage of the term "hack" or "hacking" .. monkeying around with the code.. which is fairly apt .. some of the time 23:48:14 but $currentPolitics i am sure would get involved if it was done 23:48:39 ah yeah, the Xitters would try to cancel that in no time 23:48:47 case in point: monkeypox, er, "mpox" 23:49:14 oh fuck i didn't even consider it 23:49:15 not that people outside 'merica would care, but alas, this is tech 23:49:28 Yeah i think the suite on cc has monkeypox 23:49:35 :D 23:50:14 i shouldn't say that .. this thing seems absolutely horrific 23:51:48 i haven't read this wikipage in over a decade 23:51:55 good i remembered it