14:15:52 nsITobin: hi! 14:16:03 Hello WG9s 14:16:59 I fgured out the issue I was having sith your patches. seems my automation to build seamonkey central never worked correctly with a lcal patch quueu 14:18:03 i generally don;t use that local queue for the comm-central repo snd so never ran into the issue atht it was doing the patches in the srong order. 14:18:27 so id never noticed it was doing the lcoal queue first then the patched from gitlab. 14:18:55 soo cong back to oroginal versions of your patches 14:19:04 WG9s: issue with errOrs is if you insinctively deal with em or work around them when someone comes and throws something out it its gonna be a bit of a shock lol 14:19:55 "I thought I fixed that damn thing" 14:20:53 generally i am the one who writes the patches so i just update the source and do a test build and if it works i cerate the patch and landit on gitlab so i really only use the mozcills-central local patch queue and don;t use it all all for the comm-centtal patches 14:21:12 pwd 14:23:00 well running the queue at my end has been not too bad at all no issues in the process so even if your automated process may have a few flaws the output seems good 14:25:53 I was just approching central as I pproched 253 14:29:52 WG9s: highlight me so i can know if my volume is loud enough.. gonna be going back and forth.. got some housework that built up over the weekend that I ignored trying to deal with spectrum and their tendancy to treat cable internet like cable television and not an ISP 14:31:02 it's like things are starting to devolve right back into AOL Compuserv and ISDN lines with dumb clients and mainframes 14:31:48 hell you even have the wide area wireless internet which are just like those mom and pop ISPs cause they are 14:32:05 yes one time i went back to the summer pace to open the cottage in the sprring and they pushed a new firmware version to the router and changed it from routing to brisging mode took me all weekend to get tings back like they were 14:32:06 someone has a very warped sense of "I want it all like it used to be" 14:34:05 I think about Netscape and just how much what I grew up on was extrapolated, copied, stolen, crushed, then repackaged all origniating from Netscape 14:34:59 they weren't the first.. just the first to make it look like it could all work.. and it did .. for a long time.. until they changed it. 14:37:58 and since Mozilla isn't the standard of ANYTHING anymore The SeaMonkey Project, Me, jzw everyone retains the right to define it. Mozilla abdicate that duty to be second banana overlords. 14:38:14 abdicated* 14:39:49 A Minor Google System Lord 14:39:52 heh 14:39:57 Google.. Goa'uld 15:10:14 WG9s: so you in the midst of building or still sorting your local stuffs and thinjgs? 15:48:13 . 15:58:58 am trying a build with your sruff 15:59:16 well still getting the source properly patches then trying builds 15:59:46 might be doing builds in 1/h hour or so 16:06:56 oh I didn't dot to be impation I neded a time stamp.. one disadvantage over JUST openbox.. no clock 16:06:59 WG9s: 16:07:21 impatient* 16:07:45 with* 16:09:15 my new builds should be timstamped 15:40 UTC and posted here https://www.wg9s.com/comm-central/ 16:29:06 nsITobin: still an issue fixing so same plce bug 16:30UTC 16:30:15 severalissues because i never used the local queue for comm-central patches I think i have what I do in the build for comm-central synced with what I did for mozilla-central 16:31:26 so n about 45 mins i might be starting builds 16:32:00 the timestamp is ehen i checked out the source so why that is different 16:43:16 WG9s: how can you package the build and expect it to work when package-manifest is hella out of date? 16:43:30 even when i fixed it it was still missing a lot 16:43:51 had to bypass to get a package but I only did so once that is what that one binoc patch was done for 16:47:31 maybe I am going about central the wrong way 16:48:04 I really need esr68 going if I can build that I can build all the way up the line.. 16:51:14 nsITobin: the currewnt package-manifest works for me 16:51:41 WG9s: yeah and its missing a lot of items I can't otherwise identify without it taking at LEAST a day to analyize 16:51:46 like I waid my onlhy direction is make sure it builds don;t care if it works or not 16:52:00 nsITobin: now that was a fun highlight :-D 16:52:17 I have a thing against package-manifest.in from experience don't worry 16:52:20 (re: "thinjgs" - ah yes, I do have some mispellings in the highlight list) 16:54:37 nsITobin: but package-manifest.in is irrelevent. You ahould not even need to run mach pacakage so is not used at all should tehn be able tdo a mach run to get a working product package-manifest.in is kind of irrelevent inthat instance 16:54:49 I liked using NO_PKG_FILES but mozilla being mozilla even to do that i'd need a m-c top patch to correct an incorrect assumption per firefox 16:56:01 WG9s: if i send you dist/bin zipped up it won't work for you 16:56:38 the whole pacage manifest is so that others who might not be using the same fersion of everything you have installed get stuff packaged in to help you buidl work more universally. if you jsut did a buld then if you do a mach run to test pacakge manifest is entirely irrelevant 16:56:38 won't work for me either if i move it 16:57:20 WG9s: without my patch mach run isn't allowed to execute anything other than firefox thunderbird and android 16:57:22 and tests 16:57:40 without my patch seamonkey.exe instacrashes 16:58:04 and even with em if packaged it won't run cause its missing swaths of new stuff 16:58:09 that is all i am saying 16:58:46 things that work in dist/bin even don't always work when packaged i have noticed more and more 16:59:44 even if present 17:02:00 it's a quality of mozilla doesn't seem to matter what version xpfe to today 17:03:51 Now a solution to package-manifest that doesn't require dropping it or a m-c top patch is to wildcard everything it possibly can let you except for the bin resources because of macos 17:10:38 a lot like this https://dpaste.org/LC28T/raw 17:10:53 could even do it for 253 and eliminate a lot of trivial updates 18:19:41 btw i saw a screenshot of outlook.. I am VERY disappointed at the Thunderbird Team 18:19:44 UX team 18:20:10 that is what this long ass half-mishmash of styles is gonna become? 18:21:08 here I was thinking they were striking a style of their own.. NOPE just copying microsoft which copied apple 18:22:21 also I can't use my damned email anymore on thunderbird .. this threaded view nonsense has gotten worse and I can't figure out how to turn it off.. my bugzilla bugz are hard to follow 18:42:29 nsITobin might want to try Betterbird then. Jorgk put a few more options in. 18:43:15 just use gmail on gmail and setup namecheap email on mailnews .. well shit.. now it means I have to work on it then LOL 18:43:46 no --disable-mailnewsing it away for me heh 20:52:44 oh thunderstorms.. perfect thing for internet issue resolution 20:52:56 .. unless these are my thunderstorms.. 20:53:04 worse than crowdstrikes? 20:53:20 what did Microsoft do now with Outlook? Anything beyond "reactions"? 20:53:40 i just saw the design after literally avoiding it for years 20:53:44 I'm glad old OWA is still working, no idea when are they ditching it. 20:53:49 and it looks like what Thunderbird is changing into 20:54:23 I thought Thunderbird UX team was following a loose hybrid of MS UX and m-c's gnome UI.. but no.. almost str8 outlook 20:54:34 by default 20:54:37 Outlook on the web has become so slow and heavy I can't have a look at it anymore... 20:54:40 except for parts unrewritten yet 20:54:48 this was the windows 11 app 20:54:53 on my roommate's pc 20:55:07 I remember the previous yellow web-heavier incantation that would mark messages as read with Ctrl+W or what it was 20:55:12 quite annoying to use with tabbed browsing 20:56:08 I personally prefer my email client .. traditional.. if I could have removed tabbed mail i would have but I maintained a semi-compatibility with thunderbird extensions.. I should have just stuck it out with mailnews made IT interlink and then contributed the patches here.. 20:57:34 I'll be honest, the reason I dislike SeaMonkey Mailnews is because of the updated Thunderbird stuff including tabbed mail and semi-integrated calendar.. I'd prefer Calendar its own window mailnews its own window with messages being in their own window .. browser.. tabbed as hell tho 20:58:45 if not multimessagepane on messages* 21:01:32 I'd almost go so far as to say multiple browser windows aren't really needed in most cases where a temporary minimal window popout would do