13:14:47 Good morning #SeaMonkey 13:17:00 hi nsITobin 13:18:33 I wonder if WG9s had any luck, cloning and recloning central and building it is a chore in its self.. debugging process stuff on top has to be some sort of a frustrating ordeal 14:36:08 hey tomman how goes it? 14:45:23 updating the nightly here 14:59:51 cool 15:00:39 I am updating the webrunner project so it works and can build on central 15:09:32 last built proper on m-r122 15:10:25 Thunderbird has a xul custom element replacement for customizable toolbar that is not customizableui still 15:49:26 package 17:10:30 you know, the whole damned point in xpcom registration is so it can be done dynamically and NOT have to clobber nearly everything every single time. 17:11:40 just rebuild the module you know 17:11:46 so much for that :P 17:12:01 nsITobin: hi 17:12:07 Good morning WG9s 17:12:38 fianlly got good builds with those changes, but I thought was supposed to actually have a working UI. 17:13:21 did you apply each patch in the queue from null dll blocklist up to buoy? 17:14:06 if so ./mach run should give you the buoy main window 17:14:29 if not if you stopped short then --chrome addy --devtools i guess 17:18:35 WG9s: do I need to str8 commit the queue then export the patches for you to be able to use them? I don't understand why you have different results than I do 17:19:31 anyway for tonight I am going to do a build with just your patch for bug 1908725 to replace mine to make wure that still buids etc. 17:20:23 then I will put the rest of them back just wanted to make sure addign that without the others breaks nothing 17:21:24 but then i have no idea how to use this diagnostic buoy and if this is just some diagnostic tool to debug builds my take is it should only by build if you enable-debug in you moxconfig 17:22:31 right now its a window with a menubar a toolbar and a thunderbird'ed browser element that has the most primitive navigation possible.. the menu items are explicit 17:22:55 but anyway assiming all went well with just that one patch without the TOP-CONTRIB things does not work any wors that before. i will got back to using the about redirector stuff was going to combine that with what i alredy have i gitlab but change the patch to have you name and date 17:22:57 you can spawn coded in chrome windows, you can go to addresses 17:23:21 it's enough to test and get started on whatever else needs done for whatever reason.. IF it can work outside my computer that is lol 17:23:58 and then look at the others to wee which i think would be within my puview to land with out frg approval. the others I think might need his approval, but he should be more available from now on. 17:24:10 it would be further along but I have lost days of development thanks to spectrum and other difficulties 17:24:42 seem se have allhad dother dfficulties 17:25:09 they are all 100% required to go forward in any way.. save the UI that has no actual connection to the suite and would serve little purpose once any part likely navigator were to get some actual functionality back 17:25:32 in fact its the bare minimum 17:25:42 all of those patches should do way more 17:27:39 bu there are same patches that would look obvious to anyone, and the ones that are obvious to me that i can approve. and the ones i am not sure about so would have to defer to frg. 17:28:04 oh aboutredirector and other stuff 17:28:16 or IanN depending on the bug becuase most mail or devtools related stuff has been his balywig lately 17:29:03 devtools is just copyed from thunderbird and has a few tb functions factored out and a chrome clh added because nsBrowserContentHandler is still a js xpcom component and dead 17:29:46 so it should be no problem. if anything this would under old circumstances go to common 17:29:48 so things that are either obvious loooking or fixes a build bustage i can land on gitlab. other things not quite that easy for me i need approval and not anuthorized to apporve others. 17:30:15 at least we are making progress sorry wased so many eays on my automation scipt being wrong. 17:31:05 i am more upset at spectrum 17:31:27 it has drawn out what would have been dealt with saturday or sunday morning though today 17:32:19 my biggest issue with spectrum is that their code for the cable boxes is obnoxious. a wone second powere outage at your house should not result in 1/2 hour with no tv 20 mins of it with the dreaded L-3 display on the set top box 17:32:35 yeah 17:32:39 bunch of bs 17:34:11 bos should come up with a you can watch tv fairly quickly and if it takes longer after to load the bloated code to do the guide and configuration menues you shuld be able to watch tv while it is doing that 17:34:37 not sure if this is spectrum of cicso's fault though 17:34:48 Theoretically, a browser with a sufficiently smart pre-fetch algorithm could smooth over a 30-minute outage. 17:35:33 Well, for things like watching television it could. 17:35:43 Not so much for things like IRC. 17:36:25 butt in any event a 1 seconf poser outage should not reult in a 50 minute cable tv outage just becaseu it takes that nolng for thier stupid set top boxed to beboot 17:37:53 i meant 30 not 50 17:53:55 WG9s: is mozilla still packaging redist in central? 17:54:05 vcredist 17:54:23 yes an my builds do also 17:54:34 is there some mozconfig for it 17:54:46 or am i just an idiot? 17:54:58 as if they were mutually exclusive LOL 17:55:02 if you do the mach package step under windows it pacakages the windoes redist dlls 17:55:31 not sure if it is needed or if it trys to find them someplace mozillaish 17:55:35 WG9s: if under package-manifest 17:55:48 the dist files used to be dumpped into dist/bin 17:55:56 guess its a different step in the process now 17:56:14 OR its part of installer/windows makefile logic 17:56:53 I am outside suite atm WG9s sorry i wasn't clear 17:57:07 so it will do what I let mozbuild do lol 17:59:02 i export WIN32_REDIST_DIR and WIN_UCRT_REDIST_DIR in my mozconfig 17:59:28 oh so it hasn't changed I am just an idiot 17:59:31 cool 17:59:34 .. i think.. 17:59:51 anyway what paths do you set em to? 18:00:03 cause central uses its own vc paths 18:00:15 i also have another thing i run after any windows update or Visual Studio update that creates my own redist directories. 18:00:17 so copypaste from my old mozconfigs would be insufficient 18:00:24 oh 18:02:32 so i like make up a redist-2017 redist-2019 and redist-2022 and each of them has ans x64 nd x86 subdir so that me builds use the one thet should 18:03:11 https://xr.thereisonlyxul.org/seamonkey-2.53/source/build/win32/moz.build#18 18:03:20 so i run a script that get the approriate redist dirs and copes to my mozilla build crap that i run after each windoes update of vs install 18:03:39 https://xr.thereisonlyxul.org/quantum-dev/source/build/win32/moz.build#29 18:15:00 this /should/ work 18:15:01 WIN32_REDIST_DIR="~/.mozbuild/vs/VC/redist/MSVC/14.38.33135/x64/Microsoft.VC143.CRT" 18:15:01 WIN_UCRT_REDIST_DIR="~/.mozbuild/vs/Windows Kits/10/Redist/10.0.22621.0/ucrt/DLLs/x64" 18:15:35 guess I will know in about an hour.. what is this lenscrafters?! 18:18:00 a power outage causing a 30-minute outage in *cable* tv sounds... stupid, to say the least. even for an outage in scrambled channels it would be excessive, but I'd expect, well, the TV signal to be present, especially when the outage is local, not remote 18:21:16 most nodes have SOME backup power cause they gotta keep the voip running 18:21:25 FOTS 18:21:32 Fucked Over Telephone System 18:22:02 or Fake Overengineered Telephone System 18:22:18 more properly for cable 18:22:19 but with cable tv, the TV signal isn't over DOCSIS, it's DOCSIS that's over the cable TV signal :-D 18:23:07 its a standard for how to use qam for this purpose rather than television 18:23:10 right njsg ? 18:23:45 IIRC it looked like "let's put a network packet inside an MPEG frame" 18:24:00 well this was analog tech at the time 18:24:10 qam still is 18:24:37 I thought QAM was also mentioned in DVB-C settings 18:25:04 its been a while since i... cared.. btw atm i do again so please do correct me if i am out of date or misremembering 18:26:07 I suppose EDFA over GPON might even be that simple too (i.e. would be just a matter of receiving it), or are ISPs somehow not sending that before login? (my guess would be no because that'd make it too complex) - but in this case the ONT needs to be powered on to "convert" it to a TV signal over coax 18:26:50 IIRC the usual approach was three signals over fiber: uplink, downlink and the EDFA signal. 18:27:06 i dunno but spectrum seesm to be treating internet exactly like cable tv .. more pipes more channels higher frequencies instead of improving throughput on any one SINGLE connection 18:27:29 which for anything but streaming media is KINDA important 18:27:50 streaming media is all chunked now with many requests 18:28:24 and it still irritates me they use bits instead of bytes 18:28:29 like the download speed 18:28:37 or dial up was 18:29:11 no dial up wasn't 18:29:32 wju are we still messuring throughput in dialup metrics 18:29:38 and not transfer speed 18:30:15 dial up was often in baud, right? 18:30:42 up until 14.4 18:30:48 then we started using kibs 18:31:09 it annoys me that ADSL has the A there :-P great if you're doing stuff like watching streams 18:31:21 annoying if you're doing about anything that requires uploading data 18:32:57 it always felt to me that they ought to give an option to make it non-asymmetric; perhaps that is actually possible if the DSLAM allowed some not-so-asymmetric modes? If those *do* exist. 18:33:21 * njsg has not dealt with ADSL in a long time. And does not wish to gain more experience, unless it's in a "this is not your main connection" setting. 18:33:37 30 megabits is 5000000 baud 18:34:39 njsg: symetric speed is on the horizon but spectrum according to a friend they don't even have half the equipment to do that kind of upgrade 18:36:15 *sigh* I guess this is one of the advantages of GPON, at least the medium doesn't present a big limitation in itself. With ADSL, though, my concern is that this seems to be by design 18:36:30 (didn't that get used as an example in The Digital Imprimatur?) 18:39:25 (oh, a quick glance says it does mention DSL but not this aspect of it, seems to be just NAT? I've read that more than 1.5 decades ago, so...) 18:45:21 i don't see adsl surviving 18:45:32 it will likely go more wireless as people loose their landlines 18:46:29 and then people get dedicated hardlines back with fiber 18:46:48 cabletv as a medium and as an ISP is not in the best position these days 18:47:06 they can't compete with streaming services AND they can't keep up with demand FOR streaming services 18:48:11 as much as I enjoy the quaint idea of a wide area coax network connecting a community.. its time is nearly at an end and the cable companies don't deserve to go forward.. Comcast already surrendered when they let them selves be bought by NBC.. 18:49:27 real cable will have to give way to webified streaming even if its hidden under a cable box experience there is NOT enough bandwith to keep up in a coax network 18:54:43 I guess DOCSIS over cable is like ADSL over POTS: it might make sense to use existing infrastructure. Now where that does not exist, I wonder if it's not better to go with GPON? but it's not a field I've got a lot of experience in. 18:56:05 well, you can still get real tv signal *and* plenty bandwidth with FTTH so hopefully that doesn't mean there's a need to axe the TV part. not that some tv networks aren't lowering the quality of their service... 19:03:35 I think cable providers should provide you a box and local channels for free to everyone 19:03:49 anything else can be streaming and shit 19:04:03 but what you gett over the air you should be able to get over the wire for the same price 19:04:24 and since tehre is at most a dozen local channels the REST of that could be ip switched bandwidth 19:05:28 local channels and 1.5mbs down and 786kb up .. again free 19:07:58 yeah, I kind of hoped that broadband would drive down prices for dial-up, but I don't think that ever happened in .pt besides for lowering a bit from subscription plan prices 19:09:37 ok they DO need to be a fully qualified path but you CAN just use whats already in the mozbuild state dir 19:09:39 WIN32_REDIST_DIR="C:/Users/mattatobin/.mozbuild/vs/VC/redist/MSVC/14.38.33135/x64/Microsoft.VC143.CRT" 19:09:39 WIN_UCRT_REDIST_DIR="C:/Users/mattatobin/.mozbuild/vs/Windows Kits/10/Redist/10.0.22621.0/ucrt/DLLs/x64" 19:09:49 and a windows path 19:10:10 well configure accepted it 19:10:15 we will see in 10 minutes or so 19:56:17 no crazy api-whatever-shutup.dll files WG9s ? 19:56:24 just redist and ucrt 20:06:09 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:131.0) Gecko/20100101 WebRunner/1.0.0a1 20:42:18 https://i.ibb.co/rH3Hr23/image.png I win comm-central for today! 21:49:29 nsITobin: http://forums.mozillazine.org/viewtopic.php?p=14983074#p14983074 21:49:41 that's curious. will test that... 21:54:45 ... easier said than done, because, of course, worked once, is failing for other sites, no idea 21:54:54 maybe it needs to be set *before* the first connection 21:55:20 all I know is sagepub.com isn't cloudflaring me anymore 21:56:57 I really dislike Frank Lion 21:57:31 nsITobin: if you have sites that'll give you cloudflare checks for sure, you might want to try with such an override, i.e. if you already have a list, so you know for sure they'll give you the check 21:57:57 I find it suspicious that the one that had been cloudflaring me stopped doing so with this override. 21:58:43 remember njsg stuff isn't always rolled out globally or at the same time 21:58:53 one user may get an entirely different result than another 21:59:01 you need more people to figure that out tho 22:01:13 njsg: Site Specific User Agent Overrides are one feature deemed absolutely essentual to keep in Tycho and UXP despite Mozilla's finding that it made a page with 6000 images a few ms slower to load 22:02:08 besides njsg kinto will likely download all the overrides you need ... nevermind what they are or how to manage them 22:25:12 nsITobin mozilla now adds compatibility stuff via a web extension kludge. Nor sure if ua overrides too. 22:26:17 blarg ... https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/source/browser/extensions/webcompat/shims 22:26:31 that is true i forgot about that i think an eariler version used an api to selectively call the SSUAO but it may have just done it its self.. its not hard in chrome code to catch the request and override a UA.. that may still be true guess I will find out 22:28:16 https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/source/browser/extensions/webcompat/data/ua_overrides.js 22:43:19 frg_Away: are you not getting search results on our xr for quantum-dev? 22:43:31 cause I am not 22:43:38 its just says no results to everything 22:43:42 odd 22:43:49 253 works 22:44:31 OH YEAH frg_Away that 22:44:44 I referenced an earlier version of that file once 22:44:49 nsITobin no results 22:45:27 that's odd if it was broken it should have spit out something 22:45:40 non-descript warnings useally 22:46:53 frg_Away: so why is this better than the json update mechnism for site specific user agent overrides? 22:47:13 nsITobin it is worse 22:47:14 btw did you know there is a json update mechnism for site specific user agent overrides 22:47:46 dunno if its fully hooked up on 253 but JustOff put work into it some years back and made it work 22:48:24 In Waterfox and uxp I think. Want it in SeaMonkey but no time yet. Needs a minimal ui at least. 22:48:58 Bug 1737436 22:50:26 I am pretty sure waterfox took it from uxp 22:50:43 there is a LOT of UXP especially in waterfox classic thanks to hawkeye 23:00:35 I keep meaning to have a look at the code, but didn't TenFourFox have a UI for that too? 23:02:36 njsg: it is possible 23:03:50 need to go on a fetch quest for enhancements 23:03:55 and raid firefox xul extensions 23:04:09 for instance wouldn't SQLite Admin make a GREAT component? 23:04:17 Manager* 23:04:19 whatever 23:08:58 this.. https://repo.palemoon.org/MoonchildProductions/UXP/commit/702cf4254413a66b23ef5b94279db4270e1e2eba this.. https://repo.palemoon.org/MoonchildProductions/UXP/commit/d86349716a9740226d9175b1cf4b60765cb707fc and 23:09:01 https://code.binaryoutcast.com/graveyard/infra-scripts/src/863c2c3b6e82449e31edfad2f84ca161da3e0063/dua 23:09:07 to reference 23:09:37 an SQLite interface for RDF so it could be used to populate views in M&N? If that was ever possible 23:09:45 * njsg should really learn more about RDF 23:10:06 Netscape RDF is amazing 23:10:28 except if you want to parse it outside mozilla 23:10:33 lol 23:11:09 pref usage https://repo.palemoon.org/MoonchildProductions/Pale-Moon/src/branch/master/palemoon/branding/shared/pref/uaoverrides.inc 23:11:50 and https://repo.palemoon.org/MoonchildProductions/Pale-Moon/src/branch/master/palemoon/branding/official/pref/palemoon-branding.js#L11-L15 23:12:09 sorry njsg just commiting stuff to logbot so i can remmeber it later 23:15:42 njsg: how scailable is read-only sqlite i wonder