15:24:58 xulio: ping 15:25:41 Good. 16:48:54 Greetings buc 16:49:08 Hi nsITobin 16:50:00 buc: so now we have two bots and i guess your private one too now.. NOTHING SHALL GO UNLOGGED! lol 16:50:31 cc and xulio 16:51:32 No private one. Xulio and cc are enough. :) 16:52:27 how are things in fedora land? 16:52:50 has rhel been branched yet? 16:53:54 bau 16:54:00 cause I am hoping rhel 10 is really stellar so i can build xorg on it 16:55:26 still wanna do my remix of it mainly so I don't go too off the rails from scratchwise my stuff should be largely useful outside my own systems you see buc 18:52:12 Now even tutorialspoint article pages cause SeaMonkey to freeze? 18:54:31 Try this: https://www.tutorialspoint.com/c_standard_library/c_function_fgets.htm 18:54:40 Hangs almost instantly 18:55:10 This problem is clearly spreading 18:56:07 Seems that tutorialspoint has also changed and even the description of the fgets() function on that page is simply wrong... 18:57:51 And that page also seems to cause some corruption in Firefox, because it just completely vanishes from the browsing and tab history... 19:01:07 Why is modern web like this 19:31:32 Sompi: works find for me with latest firefox nightly 19:32:51 works fine for me 19:50:51 howlong was I pinged out for? 19:53:50 93 minutes? 19:54:23 that's odd cause until just a few min ago it didn;t even show it 19:54:29 on either channel 19:54:39 nsITobin: 14:27 to 15:50 here 19:54:45 thanks tho a-865 20:08:17 frg_Away: does the project have all these files? I originally got them from KaiRo https://postimg.cc/V0M2Jh6j 20:08:34 also 20:08:37 suite. 20:08:39 lol 20:09:18 been in my archives since way back 20:13:18 #80bfff is a nice shade of blue 20:13:19 nsITobin. I think yes. Need to check. 20:14:54 it wasn't until v28 that BinOC exceeded SeaMonkey in number of primary blue colors 20:14:56 :P 20:15:19 nsITobin didn't do too much today. Setting up new PC. took longer than planned. 20:15:28 cause I have four now.. the original BinOC Light and Dark (which is just vga blue) and the stolen longhorn blues 20:15:34 frg_Away: how'd it go tho 20:15:48 your new pc setup 20:17:20 nsITobin working now but was a trat because of the BMC. Undocumented jumper on the mainboard to disable VGA output. Defaulted to it with no way to turn it off during boot. 20:17:31 My tasks remain basically the same.. keep stuff up working bring more stuff up.. ping ponging between central and wip got that patch up on the bug for snakeoil and gonna look into SSUAOs .. also did a patch vanish that added some UI for the compat pref I swear i saw it on one build 20:18:48 unless I am LITERALLY dreaming of new SM ui bits i swear i saw a text box filled with 91.0 20:18:53 Bios flash onlyUEFI too. It was easier in the last generation. All used stuf but works. 20:18:55 https://www.supermicro.com/en/products/motherboard/x11dpi-nt 20:18:56 2x https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/products/sku/124943/intel-xeon-gold-6144-processor-24-75m-cache-3-50-ghz/specifications.html 20:18:58 and 196GB. 20:19:14 oh wow 20:19:51 186GB only becuase wanted to poulate all 6 ram channels for one CPU. Was thr most cost effective. 20:20:05 I don't need this much ram. 20:20:41 yeah you say that until you find some reason to spin up a crap ton of VMs for some crazy but valid reason 20:20:48 always the case with me and ram 20:21:09 ebay had a nice offer. 12 used RDimms did cost me only about 350 Euros so lest say 400 USD 20:22:11 Client: HexChat 2.16.1 • OS: Fedora release 39 (Thirty Nine) • CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 2600X Six-Core Processor (2.02GHz) • Memory: 30.5 GiB Total (25.2 GiB Free) • Storage: 7.0 TB / 10.7 TB (3.7 TB Free) • VGA: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Navi 23 [Radeon RX 6650 XT / 6700S / 6800S] @ Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Family 17h • Uptime: 4d 2h 43m 8s 20:22:23 old hardware is old 20:23:06 This hardware is older. Skylark-X. As a bonus it still runs Windows 7. Didn't expect this. Everything has drivers. 20:23:46 stunning 20:23:52 shocking even 20:24:31 Will set it up with 7 ultimate, 2012 R2, 2016 and Linux. Updating 2016 probably to 2022 next year but first checking it out more. 20:24:43 2012 R2 and 2016 are dirt cheap now. 20:25:59 Thwe good thing about the Xeons is the number of ram channels so they beat later desktop CPus with only 2 or 3 channels. 20:26:51 Moonchild's "home" ebay server at full power was roughly eq to my system i have now sans video card but being server hardware it was slightly more efficient and it was comparitively older 20:28:29 frg_Away: so you gonna setup a tinderbox? 20:28:59 nsITobin I briefly checked ou the fp patch. Some nits. Comments go over column 80 and the UA version 60 as a fallback is bad. Tons of sites will stop working. I need to see if we can do a UA Version 91 and use it also as a replacement for the current hardcoded value. 20:29:55 nsITobin. No was just bored and wanted something new. After the last 6 months I needed a break. You know why ... :) 20:30:13 yeah 20:30:57 I thought I stayed clear of the 80col mark.. must not that's fine yeah the 60 fallback is an issue but the pref will be added this was more to stay somewhat in line with what Mozilla did in their patch and well cpp access to string prefs is utterly terrible vs the js or even just bool or int 20:31:43 I thought it would accept a default but it accepts an assignment 20:31:55 nsITobin thought about an int pref too. Doubt we ever need a minor version 20:32:05 that would simplify things 20:32:19 not unless you wanna be all lunar and .9 everything to death 20:33:27 It is just for the ua reporting to websites and fp so we can always set it to .0. 20:33:49 Maybe call it UAVERSION_SPOOF or so. 20:36:10 I like the choices for the Seamonkey, Firefox, or SeaMonkey with Firefox compat options in preferences 20:36:25 lot better than the tickboxes I thought they still were 20:37:28 but yeah I figured confvar which sets the pref and acts as a fallback for the pref which is also needed elsewhere for that hardcoded 91 20:38:10 You did say handle em as related right? 20:44:57 anyway about your new system.. I hope it does everything you want it to do.. but how are you gonna fill all that ram? 20:45:10 besides compiling the rust part of central 20:45:57 you might actually want to occasionally rotate your ram sticks so they get a balanced workout 20:50:24 nsITobin yes that hardcoded values are evil. Would be great to get rid of them. I don't even need it configurable. Just one constant would be ok for me. Later we cann then add the json stuff or the ua. 20:51:15 Well even if we go to simple value from build system I did learn how to do string prefs in cpp 20:51:35 pretty happy about thatt 20:52:31 nsITobin My "old" X10DAi has 128GB. I doubt I ever did go over 80. Set the build vms to 16 and the normal ones to 8G. When I am in patch day mode have probably 5 to 6 open but that is it mostly. 20:52:51 hg is gonna LOVE that ram 20:53:19 and server disk io 20:53:32 server-level 20:54:02 i swear it takes longer to checkout and patch than it does to build in my VM 20:54:14 just disk io 20:54:30 is my bottleneck on VMs and for /some/ drives on metal 20:55:49 accessing my m.2 sata tanks all sata platter drives unless the platter drives were doing something first.. its why I only use it for bare metal windows now and all my other drives are XFS now 20:56:09 so the problem is masked 20:57:05 frg_Away: what will be your host os? 20:57:14 just windows 7? 21:02:14 nsITobin Server 2016 and later either 2019 or 2022. Undecided yet. First seetting it up beofre moving my stuff and Vms over. 21:02:45 I recommend anything 1809 21:03:15 as the last possible version that is still windows enough and has semi-okay compat with old crappy apps 21:03:20 Virtualbox VM performance is not that good in 7 and Vbox 7.1 no longer installs there. Ok it does but chrashes :) 21:03:35 That would be 2019. 21:04:02 which I currently run 21:05:43 if everything you do runs on 2022 its okay the server version is surely more stable but for me and my hardware and programs it just was too unstable 21:05:57 is not its 21:07:22 ltsc 2022 that is 21:09:11 I really dislike that broadcomm is screwing over vmware .. vmware workstation has been a core tool for me since I used to pirate it back at version 4 and 5 .. i even have it finally working well on linux for most tasks.. i don't like the prospect of loosing it if i change something else 21:09:12 nsITobin have it in a vm and there it is ok. 21:10:33 did I say piratte.. i meant extended evaluation 21:12:02 Heck I figured out how to get windows 2000 on ryzen 5.. upgrade from NT4 21:12:08 in a vm 21:12:18 seriously 21:12:55 nsITobi see private chat 21:39:53 i wish i had 180 something gigs of ram... 21:39:55 LOL 21:41:17 I wonder how long a github-related memory leak would take to OOM 21:41:24 with that much 21:41:36 I'm a fuckin nerd. 21:58:31 njsg: is it happy hour yet? 22:03:35 Hello, 22:03:36 Are there any plans for any upgrades of the functionalities of our favorite Web Browser and Email Client - SeaMonkey that will make its design more compatible with web sites like those of IBM https://partnerportal.ibm.com/v2/member and others. Also, will run on Arca Noae OS: and, which will undoubtedly provide unrivaled work experiences for users worldwide. 22:06:20 4 minutes 22:06:28 not bad.. 22:06:49 shame it happened when I walked away I would liked to have asked a few questions 22:07:33 3 i was off 22:09:55 Greetings IanN_Away 22:10:06 evening nsITobin 22:20:19 well there is nothing wrong with the login forum that drive-by user mentioned but I don't have creds to know if it works or if the portal its self does or whatever it is.. Not entirely sure what they expect SeaMonkey to do about it as-is. 22:21:05 My guess would likely be CustomElements but its a shot in the dark given fedora and redhat have been rolling them out 22:23:54 hopefully they read the log and come back at some point 22:24:19 logs* 23:58:33 the more I learn about Google WebComponents™, er, CustomElements, the more I wonder on why webdevs are so allergic to server side frameworks nowadays 23:58:52 why punt the complexity to client side, and make JavaScript a hard dependency of it!?