01:19:37 OK, found something here product of my Nth+1 emergency shutdown due to power blackouts 01:20:07 sometimes SeaMonkey nuke my session fine and I have to manually restore my tabs from sessionStore.bak, parsing half a megabyte of JSON one-liner is... meh 01:20:09 BUT! 01:20:17 Today I fired up the error console and found this: 01:20:19 "SessionStore: The session file is invalid: TypeError: this._initialState.windows[0] is undefined" 01:20:51 and indeed in the session fine I find that "windows" is defined to [], that is, a empty array 01:21:14 Restoring sessionStore.json from (the rejected) sessionStore.bak will yield the same error 01:21:16 BUT! 01:21:49 If I pretty-print that JSON blob, remove the empty windows array, and instead rename _closedWindows to just windows, and start again SeaMonkey... 01:22:17 ...I get the "We're sorry" prompt to restore my previous session! (the same one I would normally get when I run the browser after a crash or forced kil) 01:23:02 Oh, and now videos are breaking faster than usual (it used to take a few days, now videos stop working after a few hours), but I haven't been able to pinpoint anything on the error console(s) 01:25:42 tomman: session store needs a lot of love 01:26:19 At least I now learned a faster way to restore my borked sessions other than have to fire up a online JSON editor and copy the URLs of 20+ tabs... 01:26:43 will compare a regular sessionStore.json after a clean shutdown 01:29:10 i suggest using Exit after 60 seconds of activity not close each window 01:29:31 what we really need is an extension to put a button that says SAVE SESSION NOW 01:29:41 a kind of save session now extenion 01:29:51 cause that is more clear lol 01:29:52 tomman: 01:31:19 of course tomman you do realize that a "session" is just a hack and is antithetical to the design of a browser and the web until htmlcascadingjavascript5 01:31:26 :D 01:31:40 the web is a pile of bad hacks over bad hacks 01:31:57 so is mozilla 01:32:00 even mozilla of old 01:32:01 we just keep piling yet more bad hacks over it 01:32:15 that has been Computers since the early UNIVAC days 01:32:31 but we USED to have PEOPLE that knew what the fuck these hacks did and why they are there and why they are hacks.. now all the hacks are the developers them selves 01:33:42 shit i dunno if i even WANT to call my self a developer.. 01:33:48 I'm a coder 01:33:53 i code stuff 01:34:17 i design infrastructure and systems and processes and and code stuff for em 01:35:29 see, there is your problem: you're applying engineering principles instead of Moving Fast And Breaking Things™ to generate Shareholder Value® 01:35:29 tomman: I tried the pakled lifestyle.. i looked for things, things i need, things to make me go.. to hell with that ima code it. 01:35:56 this is why Boeing can't build airplanes anymore, or why Intel sucks now 01:36:28 well you don't need a glass console to fly an aeroplane 01:36:33 so fuck em 01:37:00 let em take them selves then someone else can build flying machines that are largely reliable again 01:37:42 tank* 01:38:07 technically all modern airplanes have glass cockpits :/ 01:38:38 i will have to go intel cause they already have years with LGA and AMD doesn't and my fine motor skills are crap.. also Intel fucks up but AMD is fucking up worse 01:39:08 fly-by-wire was bad enough but glass cockpits are ridiculous 01:39:41 how can someone get a feel for the aircraft if there is no response from the controls 01:39:47 somehow Airbus continues to get this mostly right 01:40:01 well they just need to shut down and reboot 01:40:05 in my experience 01:40:08 no issues 01:40:18 tends to break on the ground not in operation 01:40:35 airbus bootup is fuckin creepy tho 01:40:43 i don't recommend it 01:41:45 i been on 4 airbusses in my life each one had to reboot before take off 01:42:05 likely running windows 3.1 01:42:08 LOL 01:42:16 no, that's Southwest! 01:42:21 and they fly 737s :P 01:42:31 and a french airport few years back 01:43:54 I seriously wonder what else broke in DOMi aside from the xbl binding of course.. 01:44:12 cause it might actually be fixable to some degree in central 01:46:58 Windows XP Mozilla "Developers": "Patches? We ain't got no patches. We don't need no patches. I DON'T HAVE TO SHOW YOU ANY STINKIN' PATCHES!" 01:53:15 anyway tomman hope you ain't flyin the frighting smoggy skies any time soon but I am pretty tired so I am gonna vacate the facility. 01:53:36 Good night 01:53:44 and to everyone else too 18:48:24 bloop 20:42:12 nsITobin blub 20:43:34 hi frg_Away what's new? 20:44:18 nsITobin not much. Configuring my new box took longer than expected. Partion setup disliked me first and Linux complained. 20:46:51 last night i started some experimental work on DOM Inspector as a Communicator Component and was working on it .. until i got the bright idea to seek info and any tools that still exist for xbl binding conversion.. which means I went back into matrix.. and now I am just kinda sad and disillusioned.. I'll get over it but my productivity has tanked. 21:01:14 frg_Away: was it some server raid stuff or just being difficult? 21:04:32 nsITobin Acronis goofed with a restore. Put a primary partion into an extended one. 21:05:04 ah acronis.. did they ever get past their Windows XP style? 21:05:43 nsITobin I only use the restore media. It is quite good till 2019. Then it became unusable. 21:06:17 New file format and nothing but problems. Stopped then and still use 2018. 21:06:25 my custom winpe had acronis trueimage and diskdirector AND nearly full explorer based on win7 21:06:31 but it was bios only 21:07:21 nsITobin only use the Linux rescue media 21:57:31 Tomorrow is another day. nighty night 23:33:15 it is frg rest well