13:47:22 Error: We have already registered a distinct blocker with the same name: ReleasingTimerHolder 13:47:23 jar:file:///opt/seamonkey/omni.ja!/components/nsAsyncShutdown.js 13:47:31 is this relevant? 13:47:36 Oh, and my video playback broke again 13:48:16 have the error console open, one of my usual video-playing sites had output the error I'm posting, went to another site and found that videos load but won't play 13:53:10 tomman have seen it a few times. Should be harmless. Is this the latest b1 pre? Put one fix in a week or two. 13:53:34 yep, build ID 20240826213441 13:54:04 videos used to break after a few days, but now break after less than 1 day, even if I barely use video sites (and I don't do YouTube at all) 16:21:08 hey frg_Away so the themes menu in the view menu is getting a different url than the one in the add-ons manager 16:22:18 and its personas link routes to no seamonkey static-themes 16:27:00 nsITobbin yes lightweight thems have all been removed as far as I know 16:27:33 they were supposed to dump them and seamonkey extensions onto github but when I got shadowbanned the issue created for it vanished 16:28:33 someone else is gonna have to get em to give them unfortently 16:30:34 these URLs make my eyes hurt lol 16:30:37 in the prefs 16:34:09 in the next life I will do something about it. No time in the current one :) 16:38:45 in a next life also remind Intel to buy Apple 16:42:41 amazingly, 99.99% of the content on the error console are unrecognized CSS properties 16:42:44 tomman: remind me to stop itunes 16:42:55 it all goes back to the success of itunes 16:43:01 vs piracy 16:43:07 nah, it's even worse than that 16:43:12 yeah i know 16:43:16 I would blame the second coming back of Jobs 16:43:24 but i want to .. stay .. positive? 16:44:30 what the hell is a "gap" property!? 16:44:50 "Building on top of gecko is not enjoyable [...] that's why I stopped my own project" - Firefox Contributor 2024 16:45:13 a what? 16:45:15 .media-asset-container{width:-webkit-fit-content;width:-moz-fit-content;width:fit-content;width:intrinsic} 16:45:19 also, what the hell is that 16:45:28 minified css? 16:45:47 follow the semicolons 16:46:02 not nearly as bad as https://live.thunderbird.net/services.addons/api/v3/addons/search/?guid=%IDS%?src=seamonkey&appOS=%OS%&appVersion=%VERSION%&tMain=%TIME_MAIN%&tFirstPaint=%TIME_FIRST_PAINT%&tSessionRestored=%TIME_SESSION_RESTORED% 16:46:04 display:inline-flex;gap:.25rem;align-items:center; 16:46:21 These (and some font fallback crap) flood my error console on any random Danbooru post 16:46:41 The gap CSS shorthand property sets the gaps (also called gutters) between rows and columns. This property applies to multi-column, flex, and grid containers. 16:47:04 that's the stuff I would expect from a DTP package you use to make newspapers, not from websites :D 16:47:08 so cell spacing 16:47:10 LOL 16:47:28 tomman: why didn't they just say cell spacing 16:47:51 "it's like cell spacing in a table but for this" 16:47:52 even 16:47:57 because Highly Paid Designers fled from the book publishing industry to the web industry 16:48:12 and they had to bring all their industry jargon 16:48:13 LOL 16:48:30 that is likely more true than anyone would like to admit 16:48:32 in the meanwhile it's 2024 and centering something right at the dead center of a container remains black magic 16:48:54 tomman: because center can also mean neutral 16:49:08 and filthy neutrals won't be polarized to your extreme position 16:49:10 i've tried 16:50:21 so centering a object inside its parent container now involves ideological debates... 16:50:32 ...makes sense, given the sorry state of modern web standards 16:50:35 that happened the moment the div did 16:50:36 lol 16:52:12 tomman: just write a custom
element 16:52:48 oh, one that requires 20MB of polyfills and that will break anyway on our web browsers :D 16:53:01 and that will not even fallback to anything but a... blank container 16:53:07 Clownflare said "Dibs" 16:54:01 i stole these from a wordpress theme in 2011.. almost never have an issue that a clearfix won't .. fix 16:54:02 https://dpaste.org/U66iK/raw 16:55:46 wonder what web design says about me.. with my centered overall design with left content and sometimes a right sidebar and bold fonts and colors.. 16:56:35 there does seem to be a war between left and right sidebars or toolbars 16:56:37 going on 16:57:29 me? I don't want the UI to over all change without a direct action and not change back without another direct action.. take the seamonkey sidebar for example vs some microsoft flyout flyin sidebar 16:59:02 if the UI is changing on its own without a direct action from me.. like an infobar for example.. that's serious business .. or was but all these UIs are becoming highly contextual to what you are doing and poorly trying to hide and show things it thinks you need.. 16:59:27 this flies in the face of me .. looking at what is available and forming a plan to use it to do something.. 17:00:17 I was never a fan of intellimenus and its gone well beyond that 17:02:33 I hate to say it.. but I think the world is run by people with adhd.. cause it seems there always has to be something changing shining flashing moving whatever and everything needs to be reduced to a handful of options... things like tiktok and constant notifications on phones and endless glass scrolling.. 17:05:04 satisfy the senses not the mind 17:05:11 kinda explains a lot 17:08:58 just makes me anxious and frustrated all that stuff does. 17:21:31 build kicked off for that pref update 17:24:46 tomman: as I said.. what we really need is a -prefers-reduced-moderness media query 17:26:44 i have it 17:27:19 prefers-reduced-scripting 20:10:56 welcome back tomman 22:20:03 a largely relaxing day of tinkering on various sources and patches