12:57:02 nsITobin: hey OK so I have landed your about redirector stuff on 253 gitlab queus which is puthsin it on the way to landing on comm-central 13:03:26 Good morning WG9s, that's good news 13:09:18 on the other hand your patch for TOP-unrestricted-comm-build-and-sandbox-dllblklstoop.patch was rejected so tried to do a patch might me more acceptable 13:09:51 I think the issue was they were trying to restrict what apps could bypass this restirction that they condiered to be a security thing 13:11:03 so although you were treating this a s you ann OPT into doing this. they teated it as opting out of shat they condered to be a security restriction 13:12:07 so issue is anyone can make up a new app in comm theat woudl be able to avoid the restirction and nothing needs to be reviewed but the people who invoked the security protection 13:12:55 so anyway i landed your cahnge on gitlab but insted of anyting in comm acn opt in or out it is just comm/suite is permitted so 13:13:09 well THAT patch can't go to central 13:13:12 the comm-release is also no longer required 13:13:12 its a top patch 13:14:07 yes but don;t want to ahve a seamonkey ptch that is dependent on a moz-central aptch that will never be able to land 13:14:44 well it won't ever land because Mozilla is blocking me so I gave up 13:14:57 and if they won't approve a patch that lallows any comm-central app to do this I don;t think we need to do that either 13:14:58 but I did split the patches out 13:16:09 you guys may be able to get it landed.. but I wanted it to be something *i* did on my own to see if it was possible.. its not and the 2fa thing is just a pretense 13:16:23 waht I think we need to do is to make this al way simpler than it is on the mozilla side have a list of values for MOZ_BUILD_APP that are permitted to do this 13:16:42 WG9s: that still means the list is one of approved applications 13:16:52 it violates Mozilla's original mission statement 13:17:24 that was my idea they weem to think this is a security thing so want to be in the approval process. Just trying to work within the system. 23:40:27 WOW 23:40:35 mastodon.social now renders properly again! 23:41:02 i thought you were just shocked I didn't fill the channel with idle chatter 23:41:09 but does it? 23:41:12 tomman: 23:41:47 dunno if it was the fact I updated the nightly last week, or that some webshit reverted some Shiny Squirrelâ„¢ (haha, a man can dream) 23:42:13 you will have to do progressive testing to see what broke what 23:42:27 i am gonna start saying exactly that 23:42:30 lol 23:43:06 well that's good they either fixed their crap or frg did one of the two 23:43:17 fixed is always so much better than broken 23:44:24 I couldn't even tell what broken, because it wasn't JavaScript (or at least devtools didn't caught anything) 23:44:30 most likely it was some CSS dogvomit