04:54:35 http://sininenankka.dy.fi/leetos/netdisk.php 05:13:09 https://www.phoronix.com/news/Mozilla-Interest-JPEG-XL-Rust more comedy gold 05:14:27 after Google sentenced JPEG-XL to death because of its Not Invented Here syndrome (and Mozilla followed by arguing bogus security concerns), now Mozilla wants it back, but implemented in Thy Holy Rustâ„¢... and it's Google who is "willing" to write said implementation! 05:14:31 What. The. Hell. 05:16:26 That means that soon viewing jpegs will require at least a SSE2-capable CPU, probably with at least four 3 GHz cores and 8 gigabytes of memory 05:39:17 Hi - is there any chance of SeaMonkey being added to the Ubuntu software repo, so it can be downloaded via Synaptic or apt? 06:42:50 Wtf, isn't it already there? 06:43:18 Ubuntu is based on Debian, and at least when I used it, it was possible to download stuff from Debian's repositories 06:43:49 But I'm actually surprised if the default Ubuntu repositories don't already have Seamonkey 08:11:57 tomman: yes, I think I remember it from Schedule in '97 08:12:50 Sompi: Endymion: my recollection is that there was some "ubuntuzilla" repository 08:13:22 but I might be remembering wrong, I don't personally use/administer any ubuntu system 08:19:08 njsg: I don't know how to switch or add repos. I'm just a mildly disgruntled Windows user who's been testing out Mint. 08:25:19 Never mind, Synaptic works like F-Droid. 08:30:48 But yeah, it would be really cool if SeaMonkey was in the default Ubuntu/Mint repos. We know that Moonchild won't do it, but getting SeaMonkey in there gets exposure for the UXP, and the best part of Netscape Communicator. 08:34:34 I don't know what's exactly the situation on Ubuntu and Mint, but it's not related to Moonchild? 08:35:29 njsg: I just sincerely doubt he'll want to put Pale Moon into the Ubuntu repo. 08:35:33 being in a distribution's official repository usually means somebody is maintaining the build or scripts on the distro's side, maybe it's just because no ubuntu or mind developer is able to do that currently 08:36:25 s@mind@mint@ and I'll get some coffee... 08:37:26 debian probably has the added aspect of stable working differently, so there'd need to be someone there backporting patches. 08:37:40 The Mint people on Discord suggested that the SeaMonkey devs/community leaders would have to be the ones involved. Hence coming here. But it's 4:30AM, and sadly I have work in.. 4 hours. I need to go sleep. Thank you for the Ubuntuzilla hint. 12:07:48 Endymion will not happen. Not enough devs around. 12:46:30 SeaMonkey is not a UXP application but Monnchild et all owe a lot to SeaMonkey because I do and UXP owes me its existance as its creator, me. 12:48:35 remove one me but never all of me lol 18:02:00 WG9s: except for devtools I think the only patch missing is the one for the brand.ftl file on central (aside from my adhoc ui of course) 21:56:46 for the record i did find this for that one user.. https://sourceforge.net/projects/ubuntuzilla/files/mozilla/apt/pool/main/s/seamonkey-mozilla-build/ 21:57:47 whomever nanotube is they seem to be on it