00:07:21 Google even made their own fork of the Rust compiler and Chromium does not compile without it. The Google version of Rust is not compatible with the "actual" Rust, so I don't understand how it does not violate the license of Rust... 00:08:14 The Google version of Rust compiler is even worse than the official one. It basically only supports 64-bit x86 target and I think some ARM sets are also supported 02:55:26 Sompi: that implies Mozilla's rust gamble has failed google will just comsume any relevant rust code and make it specific to chromium 02:56:55 good night 13:30:15 HI all - here for the meeting 13:38:19 hi WG9s 13:38:24 status meeting in 22 minutes - https://wiki.mozilla.org/SeaMonkey/StatusMeetings/2024-09-08 13:50:08 status meeting in 10 minutes - https://wiki.mozilla.org/SeaMonkey/StatusMeetings/2024-09-08 13:58:05 for once, I'm early 13:58:15 hello .* 13:58:19 I actually remembered to update my preserved section ;) 13:58:34 hi all 13:58:40 greetings the frg 13:58:58 who is tired 13:59:10 everybody~! 14:00:17 hi all again after it is meeting time 14:00:23 yeah sundays are for napping but i hear there is a status meeting 14:00:34 status meeting time - https://wiki.mozilla.org/SeaMonkey/StatusMeetings/2024-09-08 14:01:04 I did some napping between dinner and breakfast, but might be in for some more after the meeting 14:02:08 I do the notes 14:02:38 Who's taking minutes? 14:02:40 thanks 14:02:43 me 14:02:46 frg: wow no one even had to ask! 14:02:53 Nominees for Friends of the Fish Tank 14:03:02 do we get any of these minutes back at any point? 14:03:15 If someone else wants to do do it be my guest :) 14:03:26 minutes are gone forever 14:03:46 until the next restart of the universe 14:03:50 k 14:04:03 12:01 14:04:30 just my $.02 but I keep saying we should make up a different channel for meetings so that the logbot can domeeting for us 14:05:07 also can do the meeting without interuupting new users looking for support ending up in the midst of a meeting 14:05:23 Nominees for Friends of the Fish Tank? 14:05:48 none from me this time. Hope anyone else has one 14:06:31 I think should be a SeaMonkey-mtg channel that is used for meetings and in the SeaMonkey topic it should say next meeting at @SeaMonkey-mtg at