13:07:53 so funny story, spectrum has determined once again its my router with the issue.. So I did a test.. I changed the mac address of the router to something assigned to a long dead early linksys router? .. full speed. and it wasn't just the reboot cause I rebooted stuff before I changed it to rule that out as a "fix" 13:08:00 they.. are screwing with me 13:08:41 because I won't give them 7 bucks to have their hacked openwrt with all features removed cheap router assuming direct control over my network 13:10:44 frankly my router does better than the average reported for this model on getting extremely close to full gigabit 13:11:01 likely cause it isn't overtaxed with the wifi 13:12:04 I looked at a new router .. they are as far as hardwired connections conserned functionally no more advanced than what I already have they just have magical versioned wifi upgrades 13:13:00 and an app 13:13:04 :P 13:46:07 just what you need. A router configurable over the internet 13:46:46 well my router IS configurable over the internet I just have it disabled cause well you know me.. I am almost always here 13:47:24 nsITobin yes mine too. Standard fritz box 13:50:00 My router's deficiencies are that as a wifi router it isn't that great but it hardly matters and its ipv6 support is irritating enough I disabled it.. otherwise its been a solid piece of equipment despite its tendancy to cosplay as other router brands 13:52:16 well frg_Away I have been lulled into a false sense of security by a lifetime dealing with comcast and its aquired predicesors.. spectrum is a whole different animal it seems and they are into some not-so-clean tactics 13:54:36 with comcast it was just a friendly game of gotcha here's a promo to make up for it.. with spectrum it is an actual fight to get them to do anything 13:56:10 anyway how do I test this quad zero thing? 13:57:29 nsITobin I entered the address in the url bar and got a different error depending on pref under Windows 13:59:19 I'll get the queue going on my chroot into Rocky VIII and a-test. 13:59:46 suddenly want some 80s music for some reason... 14:56:25 Turn off NETGEAR logo LED 14:57:30 always clean up any instantiated xpcom interfaces 17:19:20 finally build kicked off 17:33:40 frg_Away: with pref false its Failed to Connect with pref true it is Address Not Found 17:33:43 on Linux 17:33:51 WIP Patch Queue 17:35:47 nsITobin sounds about right 17:36:02 so no change needed? 17:36:15 doesn't look like it 17:37:42 sorry it took so long BUT setting up did go smoothly and I got the start of a rocky 8 kickstart file out of it i can refine over time 17:41:22 gitlab wip updated. Sync with 2.53 17:56:52 re-applying updated patchqueue 18:10:01 frg_Away: I am getting a Could not detect environment shell exception 18:14:16 nsITobin did you nuke the old object dir? 18:14:24 yes 18:15:48 Linux or Windows? 18:15:54 linux 18:16:23 rocky 8 chroot env the same one I just built from minutes previously before I swapped the patches out for the updated queue 18:16:27 wip 18:16:27 seems shell is not defined then. 18:17:24 yes 18:17:26 i agree 18:18:17 did SHELL=/bin/bash got through configure but telemetry mozbuild is complaining about unsorted SOURCES 18:18:37 SHELL=/bin/bash ./mach configure 18:18:40 is what I did 18:19:38 0:24.37 ['UnsortedError: An attempt was made to add an unsorted sequence to a list. The incoming list is unsorted starting at element 0. We expected "core/ipc/TelemetryIPC.cpp" but got "HangReports.cpp"\n'] 18:20:10 never did figure out how to RIP THAT OUT ONCE AND FOR ALL lol 18:30:30 HangReports.cpp is gone. I don't see any reference left 18:45:53 frg_Away: maybe the patches goofed up i popped em all and reappling 18:46:21 it's not a perfect system but a useful one from all i have read on mq 19:05:10 frg_Away: what patch file removed it? 19:07:00 nsITobin 1722225-1-killtelemetry-bhr-2539.patch 19:15:33 frg_Away: the queue stops at 1619555-PARTIAL-76a1.patch on the mozilla side this file does not exist the kill telemetry patches are after that point 19:16:52 maybe just not added to the index? 19:16:58 in git 19:22:02 Pref off HTTP/2 push 19:22:04 https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1915848 19:24:46 after the web takes over our desktop and http catches up to usb and wifi and processor generations you will find it so much more streamline when you have to decide to get the new Technology 14 (Version 2025-first half) 19:25:42 therube: tell me technology hasn't went from innovation for existing problems to spring and fall fasion wear 19:27:35 frg_Away: case senstive filesystems are case senstive 19:28:49 an additional note: I dislike case senstive file systems. 19:29:22 nsITobin might have goofed will fix 19:29:49 let me make sure I didn't 19:30:17 applying 1619555-PARTIAL-76a1.patch 19:30:17 unable to read 1619555-PARTIAL-76a1.patch 19:30:23 1619555-partial-76a1.patch 19:30:33 yep case senstive filesystems are indeed case senstive 19:30:36 yeahh goofed 19:30:59 easy mistake.. I dislike case senstive file systems for this very reason 19:33:35 I honestly cannot think of a usecase for a filesystem with case senstivity 19:33:48 it just makes typing filenames harder 19:35:16 mkfs.xfs -f -n version=ci /dev/sda 19:35:24 good to know for the future 19:36:56 fixed 19:37:20 did you rename the file or the entry in series file 19:38:47 The file. All the others are uppercase 19:39:30 and its patchday :) 19:40:23 ok stopped at ipdl-start 19:40:27 let's try again 19:41:37 kicked off estimated time to built ~10 minutes 19:42:02 yes it builds FAST on here 19:45:42 best turn the fan on.. getting a bit warm under the desk 19:45:57 this is deff a winter pc 19:46:12 not so well suited to southern us heat 19:54:29 User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:128.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/128.0 SeaMonkey/2.53.20 19:54:29 Build identifier: 20240910144147 20:03:21 hi fellows... 20:03:29 grey_gandalf: hello 20:03:39 somebody around? trying to setup seamonkey to build on my MacBook with 10.9 and macports 20:03:48 I have some ptyhon setup issues 20:04:41 I dunno if I can provide much help but what issue are you having? 20:04:47 I usually hack quite well, but python is not my thing 20:05:11 grey_gandalf currently native building is broken. Only cross compiles work. Needs some more backports. 20:05:35 10.9 is no longer supported too 20:05:47 code taken out 20:06:32 I will try to reinstantiate it 20:06:50 it is a good niche for SeaMonkey... a pity it was taken out btw 20:06:57 grey_gandalf: is there a reason you can't update OS X to something higher? 20:07:24 sure, apple doesn't like older MacBooks :) 20:07:35 anyway, I think my issue is much earlier. I do run 20:07:37 MACH_USE_SYSTEM_PYTHON=1 ./mach build 20:07:41 Latest release 10.9.5 (Build 13F1911) / July 18, 2016; 8 years ago 20:07:44 as far as I know anything which can runn10.9 an update to 10.11 20:07:55 ^can update 20:08:23 but also 10.9 isn't that worse than 10.11, so shoudl be easy to patch... I maintanin ArcticFox for 10.6 :) 20:08:30 I get 20:08:32 ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'imp' 20:08:50 python3 is supplied by MacPorts on my setup 20:09:05 ArticFox is based on Tycho originally from Mozilla 38 20:09:12 is "imp" some seamonkey module or a module I should install? 20:09:51 and Pale Moon 24-26's frontend 20:10:03 ArcticFox is current to about Mozilla 48/49 - I am the maintainer/developer... the fork is long ago and I mostly mozilla-ed it and obsoleted tycho 20:10:07 that was largely contemporary to 10.9 20:10:15 Its known broken. I need to fix it but didn't find the time and was/is dependent on having a later llvm. Now that we have a Rocky 8 builder I can finally tackle it but not tomorrow 20:10:18 yes lovely frontend, but it is only single-browser 20:11:01 I always loved seamonkey... since ages, use it on all my systems and especially on mac it has a wonderful look! 20:11:28 so since I got 10.9 to built ArcticFox I want seamonkey too :) I have a 10.11 machine... I don't have modern macs, too expensive 20:11:35 (and also ugly) 20:11:37 grey_gandalf: you're rmottola? 20:11:44 nsITobin: yes 20:11:46 sup 20:11:57 It needs Bug 1516228 among other for this to work again 20:12:02 it is broken in what regards? 20:12:33 I see... that build is much later... my issue is with python I suppse, it dies instantly 20:12:53 maybe I can just install some python port from macports, but I don't know about "Imp" 20:13:12 yes build system is half baked and needs more backports 20:13:30 ArcticFox still uses python 2.7... (something I'd like to fix, but I don't know python.. so it sticks a little bit in mozilla 45 for now) 20:13:37 build system is a headache 20:14:07 2.7 is gone too. Needs 3.7 at least 20:14:17 I have python 3.12 20:14:24 too new 20:14:30 ahahah 20:14:32 and this is too new :) 20:14:32 darn 20:14:47 wait macports has several pythons and I can select them .. 20:14:58 grey_gandalf: one of a couple of us will get the build system settled 20:15:12 porting for 3.12 is underway but no eta 20:16:44 3.11 ? 20:16:48 I just dunno if older os targets are gonna get much if any attention when current versions need a lot of it.. gtk3 windows 10 + 1 etc 20:16:51 and setuptools 20:18:04 sure... not much use. 10.11 is already nice it was "reinstantiated"... the latest that runs on my Macbook. but got another one to test 10.9.. 20:18:29 and love it, since it still has removable battery :) easy "fix" 20:19:07 what is latest python I can use? I have 2.7, 3.11 and 3.12 20:19:09 well dedicate yourself to the fight to keep x11 and user choice alive on the linux front rather than play with ancient macos 20:19:29 but I think I can coerce some older python 20:19:42 3.11 with setuptools will work fine 20:19:49 ok 20:19:58 but you will have to bootstrap from esr115 20:20:00 for deps 20:20:17 and i dunno if mozilla does native mac building anymore 20:21:15 They still support it but I think either 10.15 or 11 is minimum now with central 20:21:19 mozilla.. sorry for offending, but really goes a terrible route for Firefox... I dislike mozilla and all choices in past years 20:21:28 thanks to rust too 20:21:30 still faithful to it and will eat dust before using chrome 20:21:50 grey_gandalf: half the issues with supporting old macs is apple keeps piling on arbitrary changes chanegs back removals new stuff to make it literally not worth supporting anything but the current version.. same with windows 10 from the pandemic on and most linux distros .. its industry wide 20:22:05 .. but tested.. chromium works on 10.7 mac... supports almost anything. 20:22:15 works and is compatible.... 20:22:29 I just hate the interface, the idea and google... stick to mozilal with my heard 20:22:47 last I checked chromium isn't mozilla.. tho you may have been told otherwise and the webapp design of firefox on central doesn't help 20:22:48 but esr 115 is so ugly... I hate the UI with all my guts 20:23:28 115 is JUST to get build dependancies as a service while they still exist 20:23:29 I do know it is not mozilla.. jsut drawing comparisons.. firefox is getting worse though. I wurstion a lot of things by mozilla 20:23:38 yet at lest seamonkey has a decent UI 20:23:44 and feel free to share ~/.mozbuild/toolchains/* 20:23:53 but obsolete engine, we know 20:24:34 umm how is it obsolete? 20:24:48 it merely does not YET support every google and microsoft mandated web shiney yet 20:24:56 well.. it is mostly gecko 60, right? 20:24:59 you work on a Pale Moon fork.. come on y0 20:25:05 well... try to use one important website: github. It won't work 20:25:06 you know better 20:25:31 I know, the palemoon fork is hopeless too :) 20:25:52 actually it has so little palemoon left, that it is a PM-ized firefox fork. 20:26:56 the very existance of a strata40 style firefox UI on 38 was a product of me. vNext Reserch Part 1 20:27:51 grey_gandalf: I'd strongly consider doing linux on your macs instead of using old macosx 20:28:36 i mean after PowerPC they just became largely overpriced laptop parts taped on an LCD monitor 20:28:47 they ain't special no more 20:29:06 I know... but well I do like older MacOS, so that's it... 20:29:53 ArcticFox used to work on PPC LInux too.. but somehow I broke it. Works on NetBSD/PPC though 20:30:23 so you are mattatobin? 20:31:51 ok with python3.11 things are very different 20:32:15 grey_gandalf: Yeah sorry I wasn't able to help you any on github i was shadowbanned forever 20:33:11 oh, no longer github? 20:34:09 ok, with python3.11 I have a crash inside tooolchain 20:34:21 I wonder if my .mozconfig is correct? amy good examples for mac? 20:34:28 I use the one I have on FreeBSD 20:36:44 pastebin your mozconfig 20:37:08 https://pastebin.com/qXDDQhwJ 20:37:47 grey_gandalf its borken believe me. Needs more ports 20:38:12 frg_Away: sure, but you get a failure much much later... I don't start building yet 20:38:26 i think it needs more removals 20:38:35 that was my error, this is my config 20:38:36 https://pastebin.com/z2i98hHD 20:39:18 not too insane actually 20:39:26 i think you are out of luck 20:40:58 it worked on freebsd 13 with 2.53.18 20:41:01 should update now 20:41:15 my evaulation of the seamonkey build system currently is: "It's a wonder it works at all" it does need more backports or severe cleanup likely both 20:41:35 of course, system compiler might bea in issue, but that would 20:41:38 bail out later 20:41:51 you ain't even near a compiler were that errored out lol 20:41:57 exactly... 20:42:01 I know that native building is broken beucase I tried it on my mini mac some trime ago. I identified a few backports but these were blocked by our old clang CentOS 7 builder 20:42:27 let me try on FreeBSD, I need to update there anyway 20:43:03 FreeBSD should work. It was a macOS issue only 20:43:14 I also use seamonkey on Gentoo... it was patched for build recently.. but IRC is long broken 20:43:33 UNIX_BUT_NOT_MAC ;) 20:44:18 chatzilla is busted why grey_gandalf 20:44:19 wellseveral years ago I could do without firefox, just seamonkey.. these were times! :) 20:44:53 nsITobin: works on windows, freebsd... but on Gentoo it doesn't install even if I enable it as port option. If I isntall the addon, it doesn't load 20:45:44 speaking of I need to get back to my extensions-as-components work.. 20:45:55 i actually think I lost those patches 20:46:00 have to do em again 20:48:30 well grey_gandalf since you are obviously an experienced builder when the codebase isn't busted for your target would you be willing to help me determine current build requirements and build proceedures for various targets like the BSDs and gentoo cause I am gonna be revising the build page that has instructions and it would be nice if it was up to date and more detailed like the ones I wrote for Pale Moon's developer site 20:49:19 I can do... I build from packages on gentoo, but could run ab build from source if needed 20:49:37 my freebsd setup is nothing special, but I can share it 20:49:52 I also need to see OpenBSD... and attempt an i386 build 20:50:26 just because offical packages were removed from FreeBSD and OpenBSD - 2 years ago SeaMonley was long unbuildable 20:50:58 I'm not so experienced as you think though - build system is a mystery for me as is the UI 20:51:01 that's a shame.. u'd figure they'd fix them no matter what 20:51:27 is it expected that auto-update on windows doesn't work? 20:51:39 typing from there right now... and update get sinternal server error 20:51:49 huh 20:55:04 frg_Away: I ALMOST have this figured out 20:55:13 something for ewong maybe 20:55:16 how to instruct mach to get anything I want at 115 20:55:57 $ ./mach artifact toolchain --artifact-manifest ../beer.text --from-build linux64-nasm 20:55:57 0:02.85 Setting up artifact nasm.tar.zst 20:55:57 0:02.85 Using artifact from local cache: /root/.mozbuild/toolchains/c0560725ae23de0d-nasm.tar.zst 20:55:57 0:02.85 rm tree: /mozdev/mozilla-esr115/nasm 20:55:57 0:02.86 untarring "/mozdev/mozilla-esr115/nasm.tar.zst" 20:56:07 Internal server error (500) 20:56:14 grey_gandalf: where? 20:56:26 in the update panel when I check for updates 20:56:42 Error Console or Browser Console clear and run again 20:56:47 I do that on windows 7 only, of course. On FreeBSD I do build myself, gentoo comes from ports... 20:57:33 Timestamp: 9/10/2024, 10:57:43 PM 20:57:34 Error: XML Parsing Error: syntax error 20:57:36 Location: https://updates.seamonkey-project.org/update/3/SeaMonkey/,MEM:8047,JAWS:0/default/default/update.xml?force=1 20:57:38 Line Number 1, Column 55: 20:57:39 Source File: https://updates.seamonkey-project.org/update/3/SeaMonkey/,MEM:8047,JAWS:0/default/default/update.xml?force=1 20:57:41 Line: 1, Column: 55 20:57:42 Source Code: 20:57:44 20:57:46 pastebin 20:57:48 dude 20:57:52 sorry for the strange paste... darn 20:58:18 SeaMonkey IRC is funky with multiline :) 20:58:29 no its just too many lines 20:58:30 https://pastebin.com/vAfm0htv 20:59:29 yeah i see it 20:59:52 something is messed up on the server side it isn't an instantload and yeah 21:10:04 SO mozilla-esr115 ./mach artifact toolchain --no-unpack --from-build linux64-clang linux64-rust linux64-nasm .. etc 21:10:14 and broken... but last version it did update 21:10:31 I just need the right OS-package combo to get ANYTHING from taskcluster applicable to 115 21:10:51 grey_gandalf: there IS something going on with the sm aus 21:11:00 test: on FreeBSD that said mozconfig started compilation! will take like 2 hours on my workstation with super-slow clang, but.. still a step forward compared to Mac 21:11:54 GCC on FreeBSD builds happily, but fails to run :-P some linking issues 21:13:34 well don't expect a magical resolution there are still bigger fish to fry but knowing current state is important too from beyond windows and linux 21:27:06 I can't build on linux I guess... msvc and all that stuff 21:27:22 you don't need msvc to build on linux 21:27:24 freebsd is continuing... so basic setup is there, need to wait... going to bed then 21:27:31 i am on linux its fine 21:28:16 nsITobin: in theory mingw, but they dropped windows7 and so stopped updating and I don't have all the required stuff. Wanted to use it for ArcticFox too 21:29:11 cross-compiling on pre-quantum codebases is not supported by anyone and experimenal research into it yielded issues largely cause of nsis.. 21:29:23 here we go.. finally.. 21:29:37 https://xref.palemoon.org/firefox-esr115/source/taskcluster/ci/build/ 21:30:14 these yaml files have lists of things I can put on the commandline to GRAB all the 115 toolchain artifacts so when they drop off taskcluster i will have em up on the server 21:30:37 yeah dunno why I am on Pale Moon's cross-reference but doesn't matter 21:32:58 I don't know yaml files 21:33:49 but for today, my brain is full 21:33:50 sorry grey_gandalf i was doing both thinking about what you are doing and working on one of my tasks which is to preserve these artifacts then rig up something so seamonkey users don't need to go fetch a bunch of extra stuff 21:34:15 check building another time. FOr today I get that macos build is broken 21:34:27 now that I have the command and all the package names I can grab em all 21:34:28 tomorrow I'll see if freebsd compiled, let's hope! I can report setup in case 21:34:30 goot dnight 21:37:36 rest well 21:37:56 for six months I been trying to work this bs out and I finally did it 21:38:25 just came to me after seeing three related things in rapid succession 21:38:58 ./mach artifact toolchain --no-unpack --artifact-manifest ../beer.text --from-build linux64-clang linux64-rust linux64-rust-size linux64-cbindgen linux64-dump_syms linux64-sccache linux64-nasm linux64-node linux64-pkgconf sysroot-x86_64-linux-gnu sysroot-wasm32-wasi 23:08:49 seems vs is protected by some other mechnism from getting it manually not that it matters 23:38:32 I need a better way to consume these yaml files