00:26:22 so .. without audit support in the kernel lightdm fails to switch modes when logging off properly crashing the video card but only after starting a steam proton game.. enabled audit support rebuilt the kernel.. works properly 00:27:05 odd thing is in fedora when I pulled this crap i didn't have this issue 00:42:31 oh dear god 00:43:20 this issue accessing fedora XFS partitions.. this will mean rhel 9 won't be able to access rhel 10 xfs partitions 13:25:39 this is a unix-based system.. why the devil am I trying to treat mozbuilding as if it was a windows profile where everything needs to co-exist 13:27:13 nsITobin hi 13:27:19 good morning 13:27:44 just thinking of ways to improve my efficiency by making use of what is at hand 13:29:29 also had to go for a kernel post 6.5 due to bugged amdgpu firmware handling.. unless I rebuild the el9 kernel which likely has a fix anything else before 6.5 but after 5.something between 5.4 and 5.15 to 6.5ish 13:30:48 currently on 6.7.9 aka the kernel I was originally building LFS with cause its known good with this system 13:31:53 but I am as well as most in here likely are quite over the linux for now ;) just been verifing my build flows for the updated instructions 13:45:23 hey frg_Away have you backported Bug 1440014 text-decoration-width? 13:46:09 no stylo only not. Ever it's not stylo 13:46:41 https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/rev/d82e7b564cec 13:46:45 plus reftests 13:46:47 then it might be possible 13:47:16 If you check out 2.53 there is a chekced.in directrory. Everything there is in 13:47:33 The patch queue I mean 13:47:50 it's not a priority or anything tho I do make use of it in my designs and was in my bookmark folder "Bugs of intrest" 13:47:53 If the bug number is not there and not in regular patches it is not in. 14:03:29 i am not seeing it 14:03:39 let me search the code 14:04:24 nop 14:05:02 didn't ring a bell either. 69 usually means lots of prerequisites so I usually also passed. 14:09:39 ALSO among the half-dozen things I did last night I learned how to use glimpse on the commandline and hunted down the flags MXR uses .. seems to be the reverse alphabetical behavior is because it is based on modification time so latest changed files will show higher in a search and why most trees behave like this? they only have modification time from disk at time of extraction.. seamonkey stuff only has time from clone in and subsiquent updates.. so 14:09:39 sorted by modification date 14:11:06 and query relevance 14:17:14 glimpseindex -o -n -f -B -M 128 -H /path/to/glimpse-index/ /path/to/source/ 14:18:01 and to search glimpse -i -H /path/to/glimpse-index/ -y -n "searchTerms" 14:19:42 and a regex to cature parts of what it returns (.*):\ ([0-9]+):\ (.*) where $1 = /path/to/file $2 = line number and $3 = line of source code 14:19:49 capture 14:20:49 so basically I have enough to do MXR in PHP except for linkified identifier search 16:35:08 heh, look how https://www.thunderbird.net/en-US/thunderbird/128.2.2esr/releasenotes/ renders in SeaMonkey 16:35:10 for that matter, look at the oddities is displays in FF (in the banner area at the top of the page) 16:35:11 amazing what the web / web pages have become 17:31:53 all Mozilla pages are starting to be completely broken on anything else than Firefox or Chrome 17:32:03 and pretty much any website that contains information about web standards... 18:59:19 There 18:59:24 vmware is back 18:59:55 up to stable 6.10 now LOL 19:00:18 so now I am fully operational on this frankendistro 19:06:11 can thunderbird still read RSS feeds? 19:10:00 you know.. I do not know.. I would guess yes because newsblog came from an extension originally it isn't based on the feed reader components firefox used 19:12:00 Sompi: yes it still does 19:12:43 I wouldn't be surprised if they remove it in the very near future 19:12:55 because Firefox already stopped noticing RSS feeds 19:13:13 they do that and I'll fork Thunderbird if jorgk doesn't retain the feature in betterbird 19:13:30 I am no longer pulling punches with Mozilla for non-scraps 19:13:46 I have LITERALLY done it before lol 19:13:51 and I CAN do it again. 19:19:48 wait a minute 19:20:09 the mozilla site design update in mid-2023 19:20:15 NOW I KNOW WHY IT IS SO FAMILAR 19:20:48 it's just the Basilisk Browser design with a white background and more icons and buttons and less text and a big mission statement 19:21:00 basilisk site design* 19:21:18 even has the damned moving griedent 19:23:46 sorry Sompi you were saying about rss 21:58:20 https://i.ibb.co/VtLxVZq/image.png 22:02:47 of course for the web it needs sanitization and other bs