00:09:15 definitely does want to create the virtualenv 00:10:44 will compare this virtualenv.py against .2's 00:15:39 oh duh meant 2.53.19 00:19:59 lots of diff 10:57:50 oneforall2 Bug 1909061 10:58:20 ... 10:58:22 It seems that the package that caused my issue was python3-setuptools. 10:58:23 After I have uninstalled python3-setuptools, build ran without problems, I just need to use 10:58:25 MACH_USE_SYSTEM_PYTHON=1, without which I had problems building zstandard 13:10:16 MACH_USE_SYSTEM_PYTHON=1 i have that 13:28:42 what version of python3-setuptools I have 75.1.0 15:22:57 oneforall2 python setuptools need to be deinstalled for now. Might be fixed in the latest tree but can't test 15:27:35 frg_Away: we have no real control which python is being executed 15:28:00 i literally cannot get the thing to execute with a specific python by any other means than running it with python 15:28:02 nsITobin this is poython setuptools not python 15:28:35 yeah but i can't run with anything but python3.6 because that is the designated system python 15:28:55 the result of calling python3 15:28:56 on here 15:29:02 its gonna be different for every system 15:29:37 he is likely getting conflicts with running it as a shell command is ALWAYS gonna run virtualenv OR "python3" 15:30:00 no env just whatever python3 is and PYTHON env var is ignore despite the fact that it has a bash stub header 15:38:06 In Rocky 8 sudo alternatives --remove python3 /usr/bin/python3 15:38:15 Not sure why it defaults to 3.6? 15:41:25 yeah well the build system should TRY from newest to oldest to find a working version of python it knows how to use.. rocky defaults to 3.6 because 3.6 IS the system python version needed for dnf mozilla patches assume you either have the correct system python or gonna be using the artifact version 15:42:18 As fas as I know support for 3.6 is gone from mozilla 15:42:21 when it was 2.7 it tried various bin names to find its self that should have been expanded when it was obvious every python 3 version is incompatible forwards and backwards with every other python 3 version 15:42:51 I updated 2.53 xyesterday with patvches stating 3.7 15:43:37 using 3.11 it fails for zstandard 15:44:29 Worked last time under Windows. Need to check 15:45:00 frg_Away yeah tried that and still fails internal was 49.x 15:45:09 oneforall2: use older python 15:45:15 remove python 3.11 15:45:19 i dunno 15:45:50 any chance a symlink along with PATH can affect this, or it's immune to such suggestions too? 15:46:50 i think the build system is fighting with its self 15:47:03 i am certainly fighting with it in ways I shouldn't be 15:47:11 e.g. mkdir $HOME/python-link && cd python-link && ln -s /usr/bin/python3runthis python3 , then PATH="$HOME/python-link:$PATH" 15:47:34 that's just plain unacceptable 15:47:34 need to read the bug, because this is quite bittle if the build system or python try to guess by themselves where the "right" python is 15:48:36 something in virtualenv.py breaks it cause has no problem compiling 15:49:24 the build system needs eithe reverted back to its original 56 state and adapted properly or it needs to be replaced with a newer complete mozilla build system 15:49:39 because first and foremost the build system is needed to do anything else 15:50:53 I only have 1 python installed 15:51:05 and its the wrong python good job 15:51:52 well as said its seamonkey broke now since that last one compiles with 3.11.10 16:06:30 the build fixes in 2.53.19 are a bit half baked. 2.53.20 should be better. Not fully baked but ok. Will check 3.11 compile 16:24:26 python-zstandard-0.22.0 noticed it wanted old wheel etc so compiles the old waywith setup 16:24:56 unshare -n python3 setup.py install --root=$PKG 16:26:00 build --wheel etc needs a version bump :) 16:35:50 I meaqn in the zstandard src 16:49:05 nsITobin the current 2.53 source works for me in Rocky 8 with its python 3.11 16:54:03 frg_Away 253-nightly-source.tar.xz ? 16:54:49 yes 16:54:58 same problem 16:56:29 I used mach mach-create-mach-environment. Will retry with system pathon set to 1 17:05:35 Sorry can't reproduce in Rocky 8 with pytho 3.11.9 17:05:45 ^python 17:16:39 added seed packages: pip==20.3.1, setuptools==51.0.0, wheel==0.36.1 notice its not using the system wheel setuptools pip 17:17:21 not finding --with-system-pip etc 17:18:51 As Myckel stated in the bug should eventually be fixed when we move mores stuff in. Linux ins unfortunately a pain with every distribution different. 17:27:29 not a fan of python :) 17:28:52 whats the url for this bug? 17:30:11 tobin: to paraphrase a trending DNS mantra out there: It is not the python version\nThere is no way it's the python version\nIt was the python version 17:31:05 oneforall2: probably http://bugzil.la/1909061 20:47:52 hmm notice too the 253.18.2 is using setup.py that does make a diff 21:37:15 https://mastodon.social/@jwz/113199661915847625 your daily Primordial Mozilla drama 21:49:15 I'll check once social.sdf.org de-500s itself