13:12:03 time to add the NY Times to my blocklist 13:12:36 it's the second time a NY Times page crashes SeaMonkey this month 14:30:31 finally after how many years I have figured out how to use this damn service.. https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/mattatobin/el8-updates/packages/ 14:31:47 hi nsITobin 14:31:54 good morning frg_Away 14:40:36 so anything anyone wants for updated RPMs? 14:41:27 nope here 14:46:20 only thing I can think of bigger than some rando util i am forgetting is wine32 but conforming that to copr from the instructions is gonna take more research.. 16:23:55 hello buc 16:24:55 nsITobin: for wine32 you can consider how the similar was done for epel7 here: https://harbottle.gitlab.io/wine32/ 16:25:17 (el7 had wine64 only too) 16:25:39 https://forum.level1techs.com/t/32-bit-wine-for-centos-8/151800 16:25:49 is what I used locally 16:26:39 Oh, fine! 16:27:26 i was lucky to come across that 16:28:25 why wouldn't it allow building 32bit packages copr has multilib support 16:29:39 knew i reconized the nick stenstorp 16:31:32 Hmm, it seems that Fedora still supports (at least formally) to build wine on %{ix86} arches. See https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/wine/blob/rawhide/f/wine.spec#_181 16:32:19 yeah it was a shock to find it wasn't on el .. 32bit windows is likely a major point people on el using wine would expect 16:32:30 cause likely some legacy program 16:32:45 not many win64 legacy programs ;) 16:33:07 And Fedora-28 (which el8 is based on) has some 32-bit stuff: https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/wine/tree/f28 16:33:59 Probably this f28 branch could be yet another start point to try etc. 16:34:46 buc: is el8 rpmbuild bugged where if there isn't a trailing new line in a spec file it has .. odd behavior 16:35:07 cause I see that locally and on copr 16:35:37 No idea. All my text files have the trailing newline... :) :) :) 16:35:48 the stuff in fedora rpm repos does not 16:35:50 tho 16:36:15 and some have autogenerated stuff 16:36:28 bug or warning? 16:36:50 as in unexpected strange behavior 16:37:14 without a newline strange cpp build errors with a new line fine in all srpm files there is always new line 16:38:00 also where are fedora's update source rpms? 16:38:51 lack of a newline on which kind of file? 16:38:58 spec file 16:42:25 i found the updates repos 16:53:12 buc: btw wine 9 busted the common dialog on fedora 39 i had to downgrade to 8.. now I am on 6 and it runs my couple of windows programs fine 18:55:49 frg_Away: https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/mattatobin/el8-updates/package/rustup-init/ 20:15:56 nsITobin stupid question. Are these needed for a new build?