18:37:39 https://www.jwz.org/blog/2024/10/mozillas-ceo-doubles-down-on-them-being-an-advertising-company-now/ 18:37:50 how naive, MZLA believes advertising can and should be saved :D 18:47:18 tomman: yeah its insane 18:48:08 aww, JWZ only blocked two idiots this time: one defending EME (because apparently Netflix is a "must have" for mankind), and another idiot complaining about JWZ being "emotional" 18:50:12 tomman: why is JWZ saying shit i was saying 10 years ago 18:50:17 literally 18:52:16 1. Building THE reference implementation web browser, and 18:52:23 2. Being a jugular-snapping attack dog on standards committees. 18:53:19 I blame San Francisco 19:04:28 https://mastodon.social/@jwz/113250642473455523 and this is the JWZ that pisses me off badly 19:06:54 well i maintain UXP and Pale Moon tech was was fine throughout my tenure and certainly gets development 19:08:11 he is right tho.. nice things were depercated in 2005 and have reached the end of long-term support 19:08:36 OK, that hurts :D 19:09:27 and this is why I now use Windows Me 19:09:47 that was depercated before it was released 19:09:48 lol 19:11:35 is there a trick to being able to follow links with the keyboard even if they're not textual? like on firefox I can use the surfingkeys extension which will label every clickable element with a pair of letters, or back in the day the conkeror browser used to have that built-in. 19:11:43 haven't been able to find anything like that for seamonkey; does it exist? 19:12:33 i dunno i never even heard of anything like that save using tab and arrow keys somehow 19:12:49 yeah, that is technically viable but it's very slow compared to this 19:13:15 I kinda like seamonkey, but not enough to give up on the keyboard 19:27:17 I guess this is more of a browser for mouse users; that's fine 20:10:07 technomancy: all I know is old, because I've not tried to use anything like that in gecko browsers for years now 20:11:18 yeah, I was able to get keysnail to work in palemoon, but it wouldn't install in seamonkey 20:11:32 last I delved into this area: conqueror, on top of xulrunner, vimperator, pentadactyl. I think at least the latter might have run on seamonkey too, but not sure 20:12:06 yeah, conkeror was the pinnacle of browsers; nothing since has come close 20:12:30 it used to be possible to run conkeror on seamonkey but I couldn't get it working when I tried yesterday 20:12:44 conqueror IIRC was meant to be Emacs-like and pentadactyl vim-like, but I pretty much could get the latter to be Emacs-like 20:13:14 now never heard of keysnail, but it might be worth checking if it will work with SeaMonkey with little or no adaptation. 20:13:28 problem is webextensions explicitly ban rebinding ctrl-n and ctrl-p 20:13:35 service smb start 20:13:37 ... 20:13:40 despite the fact that I haven't opened a new window intentionally in over a decade 20:13:41 in the base UI I suppose the only thing will be the tab key? 20:13:45 nsITobin: Restarting service... 20:13:53 nsITobin: Caching service dependencies... 20:13:58 nsITobin: Segmentation fault 20:14:08 LOL 20:14:11 nice 20:14:19 gdb: command not found 20:14:43 i should hack bash to say Bad command or file name 20:15:05 ... best make sure I have an alt shell installed before hacking bash 20:15:10 LOL 20:16:07 there's always busybox (it has its own sh, right?), and I'm sure minnie.tuhs.org will have sources for some shells 20:16:34 technomancy: okay, that - about webexts not being able to bind some keybindings - is... wow. 20:16:41 that bad, uh? 20:17:04 njsg: it's insultingly stupid 20:17:12 because it's justified "for security reasons" 20:18:10 was that decided before or after preventing web pages to bind these bindings? 20:18:27 because the old yellow webapp OWA did have that problem 20:18:37 that was a lot more recent 20:18:41 close tab? oops, message marked as read, open tab? oops something else happened to message 20:18:44 at least with firefox it didn't hit until 2017 20:18:54 chrome had that problem much earlier tho 22:49:55 mozilla bought k-9 mail to... add tracking?