13:15:29 Pale Moon turns 15 yesterday and the message is "We are still here and we need money" 13:15:35 ffs 13:18:33 Thanks for donating €5.00 EUR to 13:18:33 SeaMonkey e.V. 13:19:03 If that's their messaging.. SeaMonkey has been here longer! 13:20:35 nsITobin hi 13:20:53 Good morning, I hope the association puts my five euro to good use LOL 13:21:01 we are still here and needs devs :) 13:22:37 nsITobin Thanks. 99% infra. I hope mcsmurf finds a way to sned gift certs again to FotFT nominees. Needs to figure out becauase of the eV status. 13:25:32 Well seamonkey is obviously behind the times.. Pale Moon sells power ranger coins or something how can you compete with that LOL 13:26:42 and yes I been sitting on that for 3 years... Pale Moon sells mighty morphin power ranger coins with a moon on it. 13:30:40 regardless BinOC is older than all y'all's websites 13:30:46 2001 13:31:26 only problem is its been virtually empty save for like 3 years lol 13:31:30 well we have coffee mugs. One time I need to get one. 13:31:48 zazzle store? 13:31:54 I am 100% not sure what we get out of this shop :) 13:32:11 if its zazzle not as much as in 2010 13:32:31 I had one too even sold a few tshirts and mugs before fizzling out 13:32:34 yes have not seen anything in the account statements 13:32:58 my zazzle store should still be .. there let me see 13:33:42 yep it is but only one shirt for sale.. and it is one i should really .. get rid of it does NOT work in $currentDay 13:38:21 There those are gone 13:38:35 Yep member since 2010 13:40:20 the binders look amazing 13:42:49 ah sm opened their shop in 2011 13:42:59 WHY do I think I may have suggested it.. 13:44:23 maybe I did I can't remember and it hardly matters 14:06:42 well my PHP is back up to a sophisticated enough level to produce .. websites now should I just build in a function to export or drive via the php directly like normal.. development decisions are tough lol 16:46:58 does anyone know how to control antialiasing in seamonkey 16:47:01 for fonts 16:50:16 Guess I did a good job except for a few padding quirks between engines on my BinOC refresh 16:51:23 it looks identical 16:51:37 I just dunno why big websites can't do that 16:52:10 nsITobin there is use_text_smoothing config option but I think most of it is automatic now and picks it up from the system settings. Would need to dig into the code. 16:52:50 yeah cause I am getting some major rainbowing 16:53:40 i may need to adjust my settings .. somewhere but I don't have a control panel of any kind ;) 16:54:19 cause no one makes one that is DE agnostic outside Suse's YaST which is being replaced with a webapp 17:00:23 I think I just have global fontconfig settings 17:00:40 it's supposed to allow matching by "application name", or was it "program name", but I never made *that* work 17:01:16 some settings might be system-wide with gentoo's "eselect" module for fontconfig 17:01:40 while previously I meant global as in "for all aplications", but I ought to have written "user-wide" 17:20:23 njsg: i got it 17:20:34 gtk3 settings ini 17:29:11 i pretty much turned it off 17:29:22 it was way too exaggerated for some reason 19:50:06 on this occasion I offer everyone their own GUID in XPIDL notation https://binaryoutcast.com/special/guid/ 19:50:07 lol 19:50:21 take as many as you want