14:08:02 superglue gel worked at least for now .. it could snap off again i glued the arm directly to the lense cause it snapped just after the fasioner and these are rimless glasses so the lenses the nose bridge and the arms are your lot 14:08:57 I kept adding more glue to try and build up a layer of materal seems ok 14:16:57 nsITobin hi 14:17:43 Good morning frg_Away 18:49:57 patch day with the last Windows 7 updates is here. Farewell. 19:14:07 Windows 7 was a good os one of the best versions of Windows ever released along with 3.1 and 95 and Win2k 19:28:07 I heard some mumbling about service contracts so there is still hope for patches but we need t see next month. Probably not. 19:28:08 It was the last OS from MS with a polished ui for sure even if I seldom run it these days outside of a vm. 19:28:12 frg_Away: I still maintain Vista had superior aesthetics with the bold green/blue vs the pale... blue 19:29:00 but yeah there was a good balance between explorification and old dialogs and property sheets and classy aesthtics and complete design language 19:29:18 I basically follow the Windows Aero UX Guidelines .. overall 19:29:31 even if I am not doing aero-style stuff no more 19:29:57 nsITobin well it seems no Server 2008 updates this month so it is dead already. 19:30:39 Server 2008 was probably the longest MS product in service. 19:30:41 frg_Away: convince the association to start funding kernelex for windows 7 LOL 19:31:03 nahh we need AI features first 19:31:10 oh 2008 the 2008 so build 6001 19:31:25 yes not 2008 R2 19:31:36 frg_Away: get the js engine capable and I'll make a bloody AI consuming sidebar for seamonkey 19:31:45 and i will then dare you to include it 19:31:46 LOL 19:32:44 I need an AI to decide on this first 19:33:45 ask gemini, google knows what's best for mozilla don't ya know.. Gemini told me that objectively Mozilla needs replaced. 22:21:14 gemini, did anyone ever clear that out about google blacklisting anything linking to the gemini protocol possibly being caused by google wanting to use the name themselves? 22:21:34 frg_Away: I think xkcd has an AI prototype in one of the comics 22:22:28 http://xkcd.com/221 (It's the random number one, "chosen by fair dice roll") 22:22:50 that's probably already better than some "GenAI"s out there, if 4 is within the range 22:24:23 If someone tries to massively rewrite portable shell scripts with "AI", that's time to dust off these "the end is nigh" signs 22:25:05 so far it's looking like there's one very good use of "GenAI": generating examples of coding errors and mistakes, and of portability issues. 22:25:39 * njsg says he's a bit sour about AI after it told him a space shuttle OV goes white side down on top of an SCA 22:26:07 next thing, it's gonna tell me it's lefty tighty and righty loosy 22:40:35 nsITobin server 2008 still got updates. 22:40:51 ah 22:41:46 Interesting that this one was really eol last month. No embedded option either linke for W7. 22:42:26 Same for Server 2008 R2 I noticed. Next month will tell I think. 22:42:54 a few updates occasionally trickle out after EoL has happened for every os since windows update 22:43:14 well until windows update service as a service you can't disable 22:44:08 in soviet windows windows update disables you 22:44:09 frg_Away: 22:44:25 nsITobin yes for things really critical. 22:45:04 windows kernel level exploits are being used as justification to deny access to kernels and get more cryptography and layers on linux 22:45:07 it upsets me 22:46:26 so many features in the linux kernel throughout the latetr half of the 6x series has been for hyperscaled servers, AI hardware, and non-x86/arm/risc hardware .. and also more rust prep 22:46:44 Well the latest VS2017 runtime from today now no longer installs in XP. sha256 signed only and who knows what else. 22:47:16 I think UXP and we will regret going past 2015 if not clang 22:47:19 in the end 22:48:16 but unlike UXP.. seamonkey COULD use clang fairly sort of easily 22:48:19 so there is that 22:49:36 but hey I'd be game for rearchiteching it to use standard msys2 and mingw gcc if you all were 22:49:43 Well we actuall do use itfor macOS and Windows x86. 22:50:14 i knew it can be built with it but i didn't try doing it except for one misfired build 22:50:24 on windows/linux 22:52:01 x86 msvc is broken. Not sure which poatch did it but even if not I switched to clang long ago because the msvc x86 build would crash fairly often during media playback. Seems they used more memory than the clang ones. 22:54:07 Have msys2 patches but the build broke. Needs more stuff and I ran out of time as usual. 22:54:52 remember if you switch to msys2 it will assume a 64bit target by default because msys2 is 64bit native 22:55:50 which is more useful of course but if you aren't aware of that fact and are used to msys1 being 32bit env it may be annoying 22:56:13 Unless I find some time wont happen and if it does x86 builds will be tested before the patches go live. 22:56:19 frg_Away: what pressing need is there for msys2 tho 22:57:10 central now needs it and rather annoying to switch in this case. I also like to stay halfway up to date, 22:57:17 cause if its just a matter of updating the package with msys1 still I been intending to do that for three years now.. actually five lol 22:59:47 could also explore cross-compiling linux to windows the only real snag aside from making it work is nsis 23:01:18 Its not a real cross compile. I pass 23:01:29 Rather keeping a Windows builder. 23:04:47 ah yes, it requires wine? (why? rust?) 23:05:00 mingw 23:05:03 Tools like rc and others I think 23:06:21 g4jc did some preleminary cross compiling with UXP from linux to windows using that stuff and bypassing nsis it showed some promise but g4jc absolutely refused to share HOW .. he did it and then pissed off until i was gone. 23:09:33 Linux 6.10 included RISCV processor architecture support for Rust.[17] 23:09:34 In July 2024 a change was accepted into Linux to support multiple Rust versions for the first time, allowing compiling using both 1.78 (Released 2 May, 2024) and 1.79 (Released 13 June, 2024).[18] 23:09:34 As of August 2024, Rust for Linux depends on unstable features of the Rust compiler.[1] 23:09:46 brb forking the linux kernel 23:10:45 depends on what [finnish swearing] 23:10:51 Drivers scheduled for inclusion in Linux kernel: 23:10:51 QR code DRM panic handler[18] 23:11:04 redhat added a graphical amdgpu kernel panic qr screen 23:11:12 this was to push rust in the kernel forward 23:11:30 every counsel member and contributor here KNOWS what this means... 23:11:32 WE 23:11:34 have seen it before 23:11:56 there's the question of whether it's a good idea to involve rust in linux (and one thing that raises a question is platform support: how's that going to work?) 23:12:13 now using "unstable features", isn't that bringing mozilla-level rust awesomeness to linux? 23:12:28 njsg: when has "how is that going to work" EVER been a question of any relevance to a rust project 23:12:51 nsITobin: [WD50 joke] 23:14:27 https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41780297 great, another bad reimplementation of good ol' desktop apps ON THE WEB™ 23:14:46 what now? 23:14:47 and of course the ONE SANE COMMENT in the entire thread gets buried in downvotes 23:14:51 "An old version of Winamp will load very quickly and run very well on modest hardware. This webpage does not scroll smoothly on a 2019 Mac Book Pro and there's a long delay in loading the gratuitous, confusing video you have on the page. You have created a massive performance regression for no reason." 23:15:01 because it insulted Hackernews web ego 23:15:05 webamp? 23:15:13 "It's a bit of fun. Relax." 23:15:23 until someone ships that into production, then it's not "relax" anymore 23:15:30 webamp is exactly the kind of stuff the apps on the web is supposed to be.. and we will get very few to none like it.. 23:15:32 is there a HN thread debating the awesome WinAmp so-called "copyleft" license? 23:15:39 tomman: 23:15:41 njsg: yep, there was one last week 23:16:46 (the thing actually calls itself "copyleft", honestly it should be declared non-enforceable because it was evidently not written as a consistent text... it's outright hilarious how silly it becomes...) 23:17:12 "you MUST assign copyright to us and then you MUST license your contributions to us" to me means you can't contribute 23:17:18 https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41636804 that's the one 23:21:50 So I am gonna fork the Linux Kernel and strip out rust and all hardware support not x86_64 23:22:17 and only dos/windows filesystems and ext and xfs 23:22:53 maybe leave arm in but arm will likely go rust 23:24:17 https://www.theregister.com/2024/10/08/linus_torvalds_grammar_complaint/ in the meanwhile, Linus has become an actual Grammar Nazi 23:24:38 i think he wants it to be mroe direct language .. 23:24:54 like "This fixes that" instead of a user story book entry 23:25:00 that i can't fault him for 23:25:28 i caught just as much shit over it at MCP even tho I merely emulated Mozilla in that regard 23:25:57 doing and landing patches in a pseudo-mozilla way 23:37:41 butbutbut I enjoy reading walls o' text about bugfixes :) 23:37:53 including mandatory rants on your favorite hardware OEMs 23:38:06 like that time Rockchip invented its own calendar 23:38:17 because the Gregorian calendar sucked to them or something :D 23:38:42 The wall of text should be in the bug .. right? 23:38:48 not the commit message 23:39:00 also good night frg 23:39:03 sometimes the trauma is just too big 23:39:42 tomman: aren't rants supposed to be for code comments? 23:39:43 lol 23:39:55 / XXXTobin: The fuck?! 23:40:19 and // XXXTobin: This makes more sense than the crap that was there before. 23:40:38 Oh, no doubt, I have my fair share of comment soap operas 23:40:54 but sometimes the mere act of fixing a bug leaves deep emotional scars 23:41:09 tomman: .. sometimes.. it does. 23:41:11 tomman: didn't Excel mix starting at one and zero *and* get a year wrong in the leap year formula? 23:41:19 and i am being honest not sarcastic it can 23:41:39 if Excel did that, then I guess people coming up with their own calendars pales in comparison :-P 23:41:42 sometimes computer go best with a shotgun :D 23:41:45 the struggle to work out what the issue is let alone the solution can be very very painful and prolong over time 23:41:58 nsITobin: no, rants are supposed to be for comp.os.linux.advocacy or the like 23:42:00 * njsg hides 23:42:24 I am almost too young for news groups 23:42:28 also, bugs you've been chasing for years without a clear solution, just kludgy workarounds that didn't really addressed the root cause because I DON'T KNOW? 23:42:28 the real ones 23:42:46 tomman: I think that is called MozDevelopment 23:42:48 and yet once you finally drill down into said root cause, it turns out into a massive D'OH! Moment™ 23:42:52 and we are all guilty there 23:43:16 yep no doubt.. MozDevelopment 23:43:17 :P 23:43:21 and then you feel the urge to quit software development, move to Siberia, and start herding cats 23:43:36 Welcome to my tenure at MCP 23:44:06 but with me it was give up computers and do gardening 23:44:47 it's over 90 degrees every day for 9 months out of the year.. guess I am doing computers forever as long as the A/C holds out 23:44:48 tomman: