01:34:25 nsITobin found this python3.11-3.11.10-1.fc42.src.rpm and tried the 00001-rpath.patch but no help thats if it was the one.. 02:15:17 hmm looking threw my notes I remmeber similar with ff and python and I did python_lib = distutils.sysconfig.get_python_lib() adding 1 to the (1) 02:17:23 Google has started serving a different version of image search to Seamonkey than to Chrome or Firefox 02:17:46 The Seamonkey version is reduced in functionality and does not have the possibility to preview images 02:23:42 Sompi: Oh, I thought Image Search was broken as usual 02:23:59 it's not broken, or at least it doesn't throw any errors to the console 02:24:12 probably works just as intended, they just serve a crippled version for other browsers than Firefox and Chrome 02:24:15 what I do to open previews is to middle-click any result 02:24:22 clicking on results indeed do nothing 02:26:05 speaking of middle-clicking, some popular JavaScript framework seems to prevent it every now and then... this has started happening on both Firefox and SeaMonkey some months ago 02:31:18 it's amazing how many web developers are somehow unable to notice things like that 02:31:56 they use JavaScript megaframeworks because for some reason they are unable to write even simple static webpages without them 02:32:14 and then the webpage ends up having weird functionalities like that and no-one knows why it is there 02:33:22 probably even the maintainers of those framework don't know... 02:41:08 that did it sm is compiled now .. hasd to make apatch for llvm too :)