02:53:08 ffs 02:53:46 ONE.. why is it being treated specially.. and TWO.. AI is gonna burst again and hard very very soon 02:54:16 bots should properly identify them selves as bots by setting the proper mode and that be it.. 02:55:01 but instead of going on about it for a few hours I think rest is a much better idea.. night whomever happens to be looking at their screen 14:08:56 this is from july but it just backs up what I said on hackernews the other day 14:08:57 https://landian.news/article/2570.html 14:09:27 microsoft is increasingly using webview2 in applications and after four years decided not to open source it and make it available to linux 14:10:04 microsoft has also been the primary motivating force behind PWA for years now after google strongarmed it into standards 14:13:20 I thought Apple was the one pushing for PWAs 14:13:37 ...ah no, they _hate_ PWAs because they harm the App Store revenues 14:13:39 tomman: edge has the best pwa support on desktop i mean 14:13:51 could care less, PWAs are permabanned at my premises 14:14:09 dumbasses think BSD-style licenses can be used to compel micrsoft to opensource webview2 14:14:17 Ironically, MS was the precursor of webapps, remember HTA? 14:14:27 ...which nobody liked and it was a piece of flimsy trash 14:14:32 tomman: a pwa is just the websiteapp in a window frame 14:14:37 its not a new idea 14:14:44 it goes back to the late 90s 14:14:44 an HTA was basically the same, yes 14:14:49 ;) 14:14:57 mozilla prism was that 14:15:08 it just didn't actually offer an actual end to end experience 14:15:09 just with ties to ActiveX because the underlying engine was... IE/Trident 14:15:27 can recall that the Windows Me help center was a big fat HTA 14:16:14 Anyway, the industry thrives on reinventing the wheel several times per decade 14:16:22 Anything needing webview2 is not for me. Uninstalled webview2 and it stays this way. Only one partition on my laptop for work has it because of citrix. It s*cks so hard. Black box and spawns x processes. 14:16:23 and it's not even a good wheel! 14:16:34 if mozilla prism or better yet xulrunner had been distributed and came with ONE primary manager interface into an add-ons infra .. we'd all be xpi files on xulrunner including the suite and html5 would have been only as important as html4 was and xml would still be king 14:16:48 And I would still have a hateboner towards webapps :D 14:17:41 tomman: doesn't my php shit also get included as webapp? 14:17:58 I once saw PHP to GTK bindings 14:18:00 the horror 14:18:04 or are webapps non-inclusive of serverside? 14:18:23 Well we are in the same hater club. I have yet to see one webapp which beats a native program even by a small margin. 14:18:30 tomman: well seeing as I am forking PHP 8.1 once sec updates end i may bring it back 14:18:42 Well, I draw the line at "requires a web browser, works on any web browser, and implements minimal interactivity, while not intending to replace native software" 14:18:52 PWAs s*ck 14:19:01 but "ships a web browser" and "relies on bloaty frameworks" is a big fat no-no for me 14:19:08 frg_Away: isn't a xul app just a theoretical webapp that never made it to the web standards? 14:21:06 yes and ut woukd s*ck too if it tries to be a paint prgram or game. Even Composer and cZ are borderline but at least they interact directly with the web. 14:21:22 ^and they would 14:23:05 I liked mozilla better when it was a platform and widget toolkit 14:24:06 tho i think xpfe and remote xul was the better tech but toolkit and xulrunner really could have worked and I can't for the life of me understand why it just wasn't given the polish of an end user launcher and getter of xulapps 14:24:43 that would have been far better than b2g or the metro browser 16:34:52 tomman: Microsoft did come up with a few ideas a bit too early, some of them even based on open standards(!), I think around the turn of the century they did have a few internet things that might've taken off more visibly if deployed with a larger "broadband boom". Didn't Windows 4.10 even have some RDF-based channel stuff? 16:36:23 tomman: 4.10 already made folder view a html thing, "web folders" (or was this the name for something else? maybe this thing was "web view"? - you could customize the folder window UI at least partly by editing a file, was it folder.htt?) 16:37:00 i never understood why netscape never did a windows shell 16:37:12 to compete with IE explorer shell 16:37:26 tomman: I'll just point at Apple's (well, Onion's) marketing slogan for MacBook Wheel: "The Wheel, Reinvented." 16:38:52 frg_Away: I'm amazed as how hard it seems to be to make "webapps" fast, for some reason it does look like the goal almost never is that, and it seems whoever okays these apps is okay with that too... 16:40:29 i am still up for a 1.8.1 xpfe fork to.. Start again after we get the toolkit garbage out the way 16:40:36 lol 16:41:49 i can build xpfe on gcc 13 with just a few small edits.. firefox and toolkit are nothing but error spew tho 16:41:56 maybe you do need to do the shell first, so that you get the recycle bin implemented? 16:42:26 the recycle bin is a shell feature not a filesystem one 17:04:55 i dont get why companies like to push apps for every single little thing 17:05:21 like if ur app is just a wrapper for a browser thing, just let users use a browser to do it 17:05:35 otherwise write a proper fat client that performs with native performance 17:05:58 like salesforce. it runs like crap in a browser, give me a fat client 17:06:47 but nooooooo we're stuck in limboland where theres no native client to throw resources at it but churning cpu cycles running unoptimized js vomit in a browser 17:09:19 meanwhile somebody runs across a CD set for a Linux distro from the early 2000s, tries it and is like "wow this is fast, smooth, responsive, quite usable" 17:10:26 soon the big issue with such a set of CDs might end up being these are probably in IA32 if made for PC-like machines; hopefully virtualization will continue being a thing, but that is also perhaps an easy to axe avenue to running the software you want...