03:57:26 the message writing textbox in xenforo is made with JavaScript and stuff like ctrl+shift+home/end don't work properly, the selection goes all weird 03:57:52 for some reason they just couldn't use a normal HTML textbox, instead they had to implement even that in JavaScript 03:59:21 normal HTML textarea* 14:30:40 just in case anyone is here expecting a meeting, the next meeting is on January 5. 14:34:42 our feerless leader is out-of-pocket (and yes, that was a ROcky and Bullwinkle reference) 14:37:24 IanN is out-of-pocket this week 14:38:09 so no meeting til Jan 5th 15:04:05 frg_Away: good morning, do you know of a good method to convert a git repo into an HG repo? 15:05:36 nsITobin: he is best to ask but do you need to convert it to hg or do you just want to use the hg front-end. If so , that is kind of what heptapod does is it a hg fron end with a git backend 15:06:07 so you have a git repo but can treat it like a mercurial repo 15:07:57 thg is crossplatform and mq is amazing, git has its uses to be sure 15:09:47 stgit seems overcomplicated .. there is quilt but thg has a UI ;) 15:10:17 nsITobin I never did it 15:11:42 Ther is a bridge available so hg can access a git repo. Maybe you can decouple it afterwards. 15:11:50 the real issue with git in a practical sense if you don't mind mutible history is that its gc is odd and dangling references can persist no matter how many attempts to slim the repo down.. often requring single-branch clones and even that doesn't always work.. 15:13:09 so there is a reverse git cinnabar around acting as a bridge? 15:13:39 For a single branch you could probably export the patches and check in if not too big. I do it the other way around into gitlab for the releases with the patches in the queue. 15:14:37 Same for l10n updated. central l10n is now in gitlab and I just export them and add them to the mq series fiele. But there I qfold afterwards. 15:14:50 Only one l10n patch for 2.53 releases. 15:15:55 nsITobin yes but I never tried it and not sure how good it is. 15:16:10 wg9s mentioned heptapod.. isn't heptapod using hg-git 15:17:09 nsITobin core is gitlab so they probably use somthing there. I really didn't check As long as it works for us I am happy :) 15:28:58 looks like those who were attacking my gogs instance have moved on to attacking MCP's gitea server.. 15:51:43 SUCCESS 15:51:49 well of a small repo 15:51:50 lol 15:57:23 nsITobin with bridge? 15:57:44 hg-git uses dulwich as the bridge from what I just read 15:57:57 doesn't seem to like dumb-http repo hosting tho 16:02:40 frg_Away: looks like I need to also fork git-cinnabar 0.5.11 after that it gets rustified 16:08:27 nahh it will be so amazing an secure you don't want anything else but the rust version! 16:30:10 plus maintaining python3 code is a nightmare 17:17:53 oh look what I found DESPITE the search algro https://mcmblog.azurewebsites.net/how-to-modify-history-in-tortoisehg/ 18:17:45 so frg_Away i got some strange history duplication where this history exists but isn't connected to anything is there an easy way to purge 6468-12805 18:50:06 frg_Away: figured it out.. was because of tags 18:50:19 from other branches that were also same sha as in master 18:50:33 that created alt-universe in hg.. now it will be right 18:50:50 so likely best to clone single branch and take note and delete the tags THEN hg clone 18:51:26 you have to decide on ONE canonical history with hg and git isn't a fan of that 19:26:22 hey look Moonchild CAN do it.. he just chooses not to.. https://forum.palemoon.org/viewtopic.php?f=46&t=31907&p=258189#p258189 19:26:32 there is some important stuff there frg_Away 19:26:57 regarding the ublock cookie saga 19:38:14 nsITobin They made the cokkie startup asyncronous. Hopefully shouldn't/doesn't affect us. Everything here from 58 and 59 is long in already. 19:39:37 right 19:40:04 not sure why it was brought up originally but glad to know for sure it isn't gonna be a mine stepped on later 19:41:38 I nuke cookies anyway during shutdown so I probably wouldn't notice. But someone else shpould have complained if there where problems here. 19:54:54 i like having my sessions maintained 19:55:56 i dunno why but I feel that when I walk up or sit down to a console it should be.. ready to use with everything open and available to me..