16:27:32 hmm, the 2.53.20b1 download links are 404'd 16:27:52 trying to download the Win64 version because I'm doing some stuff on my ole' Win7 laptop 16:47:54 tomman ewong is on it. which version do you want? 16:48:22 the 20b1 beta for Win64 16:48:27 in es-AR 16:48:36 The exe? 16:48:49 yep 16:53:19 tomman https://www.pinballz.net/custom/frg/seamonkey-2.53.20b1.es-AR.win64.installer.exe 16:53:36 coolio, thanks~ 16:53:39 let me know when you got it. Basically the 2.53b1pre from 2 weeks ago. 16:55:18 done here 16:56:31 oki 17:22:55 https://nordvpn.com/es-mx/dns-leak-test/ "crypto.randomUUID is not a function" 17:23:01 that's the latest gift that keeps giving 17:26:10 > Chrome 92 17:26:30 apparently this crap has been doing the rounds since 2021, but now webdevs learned of its existence 17:42:11 i knew about this then 17:42:50 the latest grift that keeps on grifting tomman 17:42:51 ? 17:43:15 JavaScript is a grift, yes :P 17:43:23 blame Eich 17:43:25 i do 17:43:29 he knows I do too 17:43:32 isn't that special 17:43:56 now mark that I didn't say him know was important to him.. but he DOES KNOW 17:44:41 randomuuid from the crypto api was enabled in gecko in 95 according to mdn 17:46:03 UXP Solution apperently by djames1 aka Basilisk-dev https://repo.palemoon.org/MoonchildProductions/UXP/commit/3d92b8212595769c40da7ccfbafb3898cfaaf7bd 17:47:17 the fact it was not assigned an issue is not good 17:47:48 whenever something that isn't a oneliner or security patch that doesn't have an assigned issue means it is being hidden from the spotlight 17:48:08 a practice I hate with every fiber of my being 18:44:53 yay, a seamonkey convo happened :) 18:45:18 as much as i like the commiseratin', constructive things need to happen too :) 18:51:13 Harzilein: i dunno how similar the UXP patch is to what Mozilla did 18:52:24 Mozilla Bug 1723674 18:53:00 yeah Mozilla refactored UXP just added plumbing to existing UUID generation 18:53:09 which one will SeaMonkey want 18:56:24 of course Harzilein its Boxing day so not much drive to do work. Most people have family and friends and shit. 19:00:06 FFS HOTMAIL 19:00:28 I'm again getting blocked from using my MS services (including email) because of this awful CGNAT jail 19:00:29 i had a hotmail account pre-microsoft it was glorious 19:00:43 they're throwing me again the "Too Many Requests" crapola, and last time it was due to CGNAT hell 19:01:02 tomman: if your traffic is legit would it help to tunnle through a server? 19:01:25 yeah no, I do not want more complexity in my life 19:02:07 sadly my ISP won't let me escape the jail, not even for money (they only have a /29 for the entire CITY) 19:02:16 i am fine with uncomplicated complexity like simple systems that build a greater whole.. THAT is how you do shit. 19:02:56 also, OAuth2 blows goats if this is their failure mode because LOLCGNAT 19:04:02 well i could withstand either attacks from the moon OR oauth2 not being manditory.. not both 19:05:44 I mean I COULD restart interlink by disabling oauth2 and it would be the best standalone XUL powered pop and standard imap and newsgroup reader in the world.. note i said best standalone .. 19:06:28 epyrus is crumbling to dust and no one cares about fossamail's brand enough to restart it 19:09:46 I WHOLEY suggest NOT doing the Mozilla impl of this bug because of the point of the refactoring is to offload the request to the OS instead of generating it its self. 19:09:57 and using the UXP impl 19:25:18 Why is the history search in Firefox's address bar so broken nowadays? 19:25:28 They changed it somehow and now it never finds anything 19:25:43 I type part of the address or the page title and it doesn't show any relevant results 19:26:33 time to reinvent the wheel again? 20:04:30 finally, it went away this time 20:04:50 waited ~1 hour, then when the stupid dialog to introduce my Outlook password came this time I let it be 20:04:53 it worked, 20:05:03 so basically it's Microshafted being Microshafter 20:05:33 and searching online for "Microsoft" "Too Many Attempts" reveals this crap has been a regular occurrence since mid '2024 20:06:04 Surprisingly you CAN reset your password during those episodes, but it won't let you login anyway 20:06:35 last time I had to plug this laptop over 4G to bypass this crap, so it's also tied to a IP adddres, and since my ISP is heavily CGNAT'd... 20:06:53 then your IP gets a 1-hour ban 20:14:15 WTF 20:14:16 AGAIN?! 20:14:30 got hit again with this BS after having pleased the system!?!?!?! 20:14:34 MICROSUCKS!!!!! 20:26:44 yeah, login to MSFT is iffy today here 20:28:28 Oh, and they finally killed the classic OWA web UI, and their new Chromeist abomination will simply not open in SeAMonkey anymore 20:31:54 "Error 500: Something Happened - your web browser is not compatible" 20:32:04 "Use a compatible browser or logout here" 20:34:27 no, this is getting stupid 20:34:46 now I'm prompted to enter my password EVERY SINGLE TIME Mail&News check for email 20:35:05 sometimes it passes, sometimes it dies with the Too Many Requests error 20:35:15 Make Your Own Damned Mind, MICROS~1! 20:35:24 it's late December FFS! 22:06:50 when I expand to my modern firefox fork i will have to basically redo the urlbar 22:21:43 tomman: clam yourself.. this was all pretty much anticipated