14:32:24 GOOOOOOOOD MORNING SEEEAMONKEEEY! 14:34:09 I will tell you in the evening if it was good :) 14:35:02 nsITobin vmware patch is in wip. Will move over the latest stuff from there to 2.53 next. 14:35:23 was just on wip so first there 14:35:38 I hope it only makes things easier and doesn't suffer any odd regressions important enough to block 14:35:44 wonder if I should try it with vbox too 14:36:15 tho once it is in i will have to keep an eye on it further mozpatches or newer versions may destabilze it down the road. 14:37:14 if it works for some and breaks for others maybe hw acceleration can be preffed off by default in a vm 14:37:46 i was also thinking along those lines.. was also mentioned by someone in the mozbug 14:39:37 so far it seems as stable as anything else graphically accelerated in VMware but I have a good track record in general with vmware seeing as I been using it since version 4 .. if they hadn't EITHER been bought by broadcomm OR not gone free I would have bought it.. had the money ready to go JUST before the broadcomm announcement 14:41:10 I am gonna do a Linux VM 14:43:56 likred that vbox supports OS/2 and other odd stuff. But oracle does not give it enough support to be a competitor. Lokking at support sites and bugs reminds me of SeaMonkey. A dollar short and not enough resources to make it great 14:44:09 well its Oracle so nothing new here. 14:45:48 true 14:50:42 but seamonkey i see a bit differently .. putting aside the traditional ragebait about apathy which hasn't even been in play since NealAway went away and never came back.. I see a project that has existed under a different name long before the modern mozis took over all the way back to my very conception of what the internet was going to be after the aols and compuservs died out.. A project that is orthodoxically rebelious and has TRIED to satsifiy 14:50:43 whims and anti-goals from above largely from developers who wished it would have gone away in 2005 as intended. 14:50:59 NeilAway* 14:53:31 Aside from gaining the STINCH of Moonchild by moving to UXP when I suggested it.. which has its own consiquences see uhh .. me.. what else could have the project done up until nowish? 14:54:11 other than collapse as mozilla intended.. and that ain't happened yet.. That is how I see it. 14:55:15 and of course the why it hasn;t is because of all of you 14:59:35 I don't think there is any intention. It is mostly juat indifference. TB gets broken frequently and this should not happen too. Still some good people around which helped us. 15:06:30 well I rememeber why I didn't hang out in firefox spaces after 2009 and really its the same reason I was shoved in a room basically by my self .. because I have questions and know enough when I am being bullshitted by what this codebase can and should do.. xpfe vs toolkit back then and xul vs html now.. except now I am autobanned from every official room now 15:08:02 contributors cannot be expected to know the development history or technical details of the project they are contributing to its unfair and offtopic according to Standard8 and a few others. 15:11:33 thanks for reminding me of the /. "audience" shit storm a while ago. 15:11:39 i still wanna know why esr24 38 and 52 are excluded from source code indexing when they moved from mxr to dxr an official reason because 31 and 45 are reletively unimportant 15:11:45 i think that's a similar situation 15:14:32 I really put my best foot forward the first half of 2024 on Mozilla matrix and I ended up banned .. should have came in all fuckin moron this and exterminate that and it would be the same difference.. but i blame mozilla culture cause i witnessed others being similarly treated when asking questions with "too much depth" 15:50:34 frg_Away: yeah to test this for linux on vmware is gonna be a whole ordeal 15:50:35 https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=202713 15:51:21 so basically by default there is no actual way to not use llvmpipe on linux 15:51:26 without specialized care 15:51:37 windows .. install vmware tools and boom there you go 15:51:44 frg_Away: how should I proceed? 15:52:58 cause linux with vmware svga is a specialized setup in and of its self 15:56:26 I am just doing some tests in vbox. Can kep the patch as wip a while. These are skipped for releases. 16:02:29 really the biggest benefit is Windows VMWare virtualized development for everything except mp4 hardware decoding .. 16:03:03 I can't seem to figure out how to get this switched to vmware svga from llvmpipe the kernel module for the vmware graphics driver is there and loaded 16:08:00 - Linux host prerequisite: The latest NVIDIA proprietary drivers are required to have 3D graphics acceleration in the guest. For Linux hosts, AMD devices are not supported 16:09:22 that doesn't seem right cause I have acceleration in Windows 16:09:25 guest 16:09:28 on a linux host 16:15:59 ok i give up.. I can't create a VMWare Linux VM with guest 3d acceleration unless I use a distro OUTSIDE SeaMonkey's python version 16:17:28 maybe from a windows host it would work better? 16:18:09 this is why I don't virtualize linux and just stay on windows 16:42:38 don't worry frg_Away I am sure I will give up a few more times before I succeed LOL 18:29:34 frg_Away: done more research also bashing .. I don't think anyone has gotten Linux VMWare SVGA Acceleration working for damn near 10 years 18:29:48 and why would they kvm is prefered 18:29:59 llvmpipe is considered Good Enough(tm) 18:30:19 and that is where all the dev has gone these past several years as near as I can tell 18:30:37 that and kvm 18:31:08 running some errands today and will fix up 2.53 first. I usually use vbox under Windows only anyway. 18:32:45 yeah one would expect this to be something that just works or a few clicks to work but seems all the effort has been made on llvmpipe in linux land and windows guest acceleration in vmware land 18:35:12 I'll try current fedora if that fails I dunno maybe just ifdef the thing to be windows only cause that is where it is most needed anyway devwise 18:35:38 could also see about what drivers vbox uses on windows and adding those see if they work 18:39:48 for now.. I have to delete this pepperoni before I can do much else 19:30:36 https://www.phoronix.com/news/Cloudflare-Open-Source-h3i yay, help testing the latest Clownflare's trojan horse for the Internet~ 19:30:52 > Cloudflare takes testing very seriously. 19:31:06 LOLOLOLOLOLOOOOLOOLOLOLOLO--wait, are you serious!?--LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!1!!1 19:32:04 I refuse to allow http/3 to happen unopposed as irrelevant as it may be..