21:24:13 https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=42645218 not sure if to laugh or cry 21:24:23 FWIW, this doesn't work on the ancient pdf.js build I have here 21:24:29 so... I'm safe? 21:26:23 tomman: I wonder how many years it has been since I pushed for removing pdf.js from Pale Moon... 21:26:47 for this very eventuality (cause keeping it actually up to date was the other choice) 21:26:48 I actually always hated browser plugins for PDF, but then that's Adobe trauma for ya~ 21:26:58 but yeah, PDF is just a too complex format for its own good 21:27:01 again, blame Adobe 21:27:04 i prefer plugins for alien content 21:27:44 I'd prefer flash or silverlight for video 21:27:59 but going that route I have even more demands 21:28:06 because why wouldn't i lol 21:28:08 tomman 21:30:31 PDF became a web standard for me many moons ago, when we figured out that the only way to send HTML to that printer and not end destroying your nerves was... hard render it to PDF :D 21:30:45 PDF is NOT a web standard 21:30:53 its not a web format at all 21:31:11 it has no business being displayed as if it was an html page or image without specialized software 21:31:27 if js an extension then but a plugin is my choice 21:31:33 or an external client 21:31:35 is even better 21:31:40 a pdf reader as it were 21:31:59 For me I need both, sadly 21:32:17 why? why does the browser need to display it 21:32:35 why can't it be downloaded read discarded or download read filled out and submitted 21:32:38 simple 21:32:41 effective 21:32:51 doesn't require 800 js libs 21:32:52 Because firing extra software is a waste of resources, but then... I'm talking from conceptions rooted in the Adobe Acrobat bloatfest era 21:33:22 firing up a million subprocesses is a waste of resources.. wasting resources does NOT factor in unless its a power waste and it can be linked back to them 21:33:24 if anything, pdf.js proved you don't need a security wreck of external software to render 90% of the PDFs out there 21:33:47 no you need a security wreak of a browser 21:33:51 Now, you and me are nerds and can tell which is the best tool depending on any particular scenario 21:33:52 for literally everything 21:33:57 no matter if you want it or not 21:34:11 but when dealng with Other People's Computers, the less software you have to manage for them, the better 21:34:21 the best tool is specific software that is designed for the purpose for which it is employed 21:34:48 if you think PDFs on a browser is ridiculous, now try controlling a PRINTER from a webapp 21:34:56 say, print to custom paper sizes, deal with margins and that stuff 21:35:08 well then users need to stop using computers OR learn how to manage them selves effectively if not the then definition of proper 21:35:26 as a maintainer of some internal webapp (no JS abuse, thankfully), we found long ago that browsers and printers do not mix, except via PDFs 21:35:45 do you know why? 21:36:00 because PDF is not a web format its a printer format 21:36:17 or more properly a display technology commonly mapped to printers except if you have a mac 21:36:55 Indeed it's a document presentation format, but once again people expect for one app to do everything 21:37:05 and these days that app shall be Google Chr--- the web browser 21:37:24 people have been misinformed or have specifically ignored the natural conclusion from experience 21:37:34 and as someone that maintains software for the government, sadly we cant tell them to set their printers ablaze (as much as I want!) 21:37:53 i think most do it to conform.. you don't want to stand out or look dumb trying to ask a question about something most don't use 21:38:02 just yesterday I charged $20 for one of those offices to unfuck their HP MFP 135W on one of their W10 workstations :P 21:38:03 conformity does not work 21:38:06 see Pale Moon 21:38:21 next time I get called to service an HP anything, I'll bring a baseball bat 21:38:47 I miss my HP Deskjet 720c 21:38:56 it was a decent ink jet printer 21:39:08 basically an hp eq to the mid-teir bubblejet 22:55:34 frg_Away: Moonchild backported 3 security patches how many are in seamonkey this round cause you have all three he applied to UXP 22:56:18 nsITobin 2 not sure #3 was from mozilla 22:56:36 üpickec the esr115 ones for 2.53.20 22:57:41 well he doesn't properly attribute security patches to keep dem hackers away from all couple thousand Pale Moon users give or take Brazil 23:14:43 ok the third seeming sec patch looks like adhoc development to match current mozilla code .. tho i can't seem to annotate or git blame to find the change it is blocked by the clang reformat 23:19:33 Usually you can show the last commit before the reformat 23:33:32 yeah i'd have to go before that commit in the tree and then try and view history that way but its blocking git blame 23:34:01 maybe you will reconize the change 23:34:02 https://repo.palemoon.org/MoonchildProductions/UXP/commit/ee865dd269b373ea2f17b5b0ac0eebaafff222b6 23:34:17 i do know it is before the inital commit on the seamonkey git 23:39:27 https://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-esr128/rev/64544b16dbbbe44147534a836831e234469df97a 23:40:33 not sure it is this one but recent 23:42:10 Only use of npon token and not in 115 23:43:34 ^npn token 23:49:33 yeah that's the change added after the thing gets assigned to rv 23:49:44 anyway not important rest well frg