13:15:46 How are you holding up frg_Away? 13:17:05 nsITobin life goes on but still sad. Need to think about where to do prereleaee and maybe comm-central buils now. azureis slowwww and costly. 13:17:50 the actual tangible building? 13:18:20 yes from the central 253 and wip queues. 13:18:59 we can probably publish 2.53 and wip on azure now and then. 13:22:19 I have enough boxes to do it but not the time really :( 13:22:31 I wouldn't suggest PAYING for azure time for central anyone can build that else mozilla can't dev 13:23:13 yeah we want it at lest building but not costly. 14:16:39 Sorry frg_Away I was just reviewing the internet archive. windows/linux for i686 and x86-64 plus macintosh plus langpacks for rel/git prelease and mq wip builds .. and battling central 14:24:24 frg_Away: build wise quirks not withstanding mac is most difficult to source with 32bit linux being a close second. Windows is trivial and linux 64 is doable for about anyone. Building the whole deal on a frequent basis is also a challenge including langpacks etc 14:29:08 Is an apple build server you can rent even a thing and even if it is would it even be remotely affordable 14:39:01 nsITobin mac is not a problem. Linux x86 is more but now Io think its really time to cut the x86 prerelease builds 14:40:52 Speaking of x86, what's the minimum supported CPU for those these days? 14:41:00 as in "what feature sets are enforced by the compiler" 14:41:14 mozilla standard and former UXP standard was sse2 minimum 14:41:26 dunno today 14:41:56 still sse 2 I think but anything below core 2 duo and 4 GB is self torture 14:42:27 and if you need all 4GB, you have no choice but to go 64-bit 14:42:41 you can't do the web on those specs i can BARELY watch the youtube on my 2014 hp elitebook craptop 14:42:47 fortunately Intel doesn't sell new x86 consumer CPUs.. right? 14:42:55 And Win10 32-bit goes EOL next October 14:43:10 tomman: October 2025 14:43:16 or 2026? 14:43:20 14 October 2025 14:43:23 tomman: go 64-bit with a chipset that doesn't prevent more than 4GiB RAM. I'm not that happy to know this, no. 14:43:27 ...curiously a Patch Tuesday 14:43:30 you can go to seamonkey-project.org binaryoutcast.com thereisonlyxul.org and maybe a few other low bandwith sites JUST fine on old hardware .. at seamonkey's CURRENT code level.. but beyond that you're kinda screwed 14:43:34 njsg: eww i945 :P 14:43:38 Anyone using Win 10 x86 needs its head examined. 14:43:57 tomman: hey, it's the only decent laptop I have! (and it's quite good at that) 14:44:08 I think I've seen only ONE Win10 32-bit setup in the wild 14:44:14 windows vista and 8x users are gonna become JUST like XP users give it a few more years 14:44:15 and it was one of those force-ugpraded Win7 boxes 14:44:18 so Win 10 IA-32 goes EOL before NT 6.1 amd64? 14:44:27 that had the wrong Windows version installed 14:44:55 windows 7 users shouldn't be terrible.. cause insane windows 7 holdouts are illogical when 7 is just vista 14:44:59 i965+ otherwise you are screwed anyway. 14:45:06 njsg: eh, that one went EOL in 2020.... unless if I'm unaware of some still maintained SKU for embedded? 14:45:09 tomman: not sure if better or worse than browsing the linux menuconfig and wondering why it was showing PAE options for amd64 and realizing I had installed the IA-32 option 14:45:13 Win 10 will get esu too. 14:45:32 tomman: isn't it still getting updates? 14:45:46 not at all, except for the antimalware scanner thing 14:46:00 ah, MRT 14:46:05 if not buy a cheap server 2019 or 2022 and be happy. 14:46:23 i need to get that server license code 14:46:36 maybe in march 14:46:38 and I'm not even sure if those finally stopped being shipped to 7 users, I haven't checked lately despite still having W7 setups here (mostly dormant, of course) 14:47:00 legacyupdate is best for windows 7 14:47:08 no idea about 7, while I've been dealing with 7 more lately, my NT 6.1 would usually be a 2008R2 install 14:47:13 7 has not been shipped for a long time 14:47:15 my w7redux cd has enough integrated to make it less painful 14:47:21 I did booted my oldest W7 setup in late December, and that one didn't prompted me for updates 15:00:23 I need to see if I have any key for newer than 2008R2, but I'm guessing if so it's the server version before 2019 15:27:13 nsITobin see private chat 15:27:25 hold on i may have it all on ignore 17:02:34 news updated https://www.seamonkey-project.org/ 17:02:36 Still sad 17:11:11 extremely 17:32:46 Rest In Peace~ 21:27:07 tomman the fun thing is that Vista x86 is still updated via orginal Server 2008. Didn't try it. 21:27:41 wat, I thought that both 2008 and 2008 R2 (which is 7) were both dead 21:33:08 it's complicated 21:33:10 lol 21:45:01 tomman no supported till 2026 with esu premium assurance but not for mere mortals. They need a hack :) 21:45:24 haaaaaaaacck 21:45:24 Same for 8.1 and 2012 R2 21:45:35 have to say it like that or the hack doesn't work ;) 22:56:14 AAAAAGH CLOWNFLAAAAAAAARE 22:56:40 I'm trying to reset my password at Danbooru, which of course uses goddamned Clownflare Turnsickle, which keeps failing All. The. Time. 22:57:10 the usual trick of "threat it with the inspector" is not helping this time, as while it makes the checkbox render, it... fails the check, always 22:57:48 so this also means it's now impossible to login to Danbooru too, since the logon form has the moronic Clownflare Turnsick craptcha of doom 22:58:00 sent some extremely nice feedback to them involving a future president 22:59:17 Oh, and this time not only the craptcha fails, it also triggers the debugger if you have devtools open 23:00:22 this being clowdflare, how likely is it that they've screwed something up that's unrelated to locking browsers out? 23:03:46 FINALLY, after ~20 attempts and two different computers 23:04:08 the goddamned Turnsuck agreed that yes, I'm a human being, with flesh, bones, and sexual organs 23:41:55 and of course, at another channel I got told to pound sand, to "test in Chrome or my complaint is invalid", and to stop bitching about Clownflare and Google because it's a "Me" problem 23:42:01 oh Internet... 23:42:13 we're getting more and more hopeless as a society every day 23:47:52 Well the linux foundation is now goign into bed with Chromium. What do you expect? 23:52:04 "it's a you problem, your complaint is invalid CLOSED WONTFIX USECHROME BITCHAWAY"