01:15:13 a-865: i don't believe so 01:15:37 :( 01:15:44 this should be no different than any pre-quantum xul app unless seamonkey goes multiprocess 01:16:05 how are you a-865 01:25:17 I think I closed enough tabs to settle it down. 01:26:28 the releasever of the beta in $topic is confusing 01:30:36 a-865: sorry my mouse cursor vanished and wouldn't come back 01:30:39 it was strange 01:30:51 also edge is barely useable without a mouse 01:31:18 seamonkey and other xul apps have superior useability for keyboard driven ui 10:02:48 a-865: did it settle down after the closing down of tabs? 10:05:17 njsg: muchly 10:07:46 ah, good; there is or was a state that can be reached with 100% CPU usage which I have yet to understand fully 10:07:55 but if it settled, then it wasn't that :-) 10:11:13 I always have mega-lots of tabs, and no-script, but tab count had gotten really excessive. Also, that profile is where mail window is normally open 24/7. 10:13:22 also I'm using buc's build for (sane) iso8601 dates 10:17:58 I should probably finally figure out how to change ICU's localization data 10:18:25 glibc I know. 15:27:04 heh .. seabugs 15:27:17 hi frg_Away 15:27:21 welcome back 15:28:10 nsITobin hi 15:28:23 conference call and need to boot 10 15:29:30 fun 15:30:17 i found some regex that should allow me to do some BASIC wikitext transformation 15:30:37 https://github.com/lahdekorpi/Wiky.php/blob/master/wiky.inc.php 15:31:30 which i can slot into my existing code parsing that uses regex and simple subst 15:33:00 this .. code is pretty disgusting truth be told but it has what I need 15:35:10 just a new case in https://dpaste.org/xSNAx/raw 15:36:46 phoebusCode is a disaster .. seleneCode bypassed the disaster by being more direct html translated no automatic whitespace.. saves on hitting shift key at least heh 15:37:28 use the regex patterns in that file I linked to add another case and I should have BASIC wikitext 15:59:14 MPL 1.1 13. Multiple-licensed code 15:59:14 Initial Developer may designate portions of the Covered Code as "Multiple-Licensed". "Multiple-Licensed" means that the Initial Developer permits you to utilize portions of the Covered Code under Your choice of the MPL or the alternative licenses, if any, specified by the Initial Developer in the file described in Exhibit A. 16:01:26 so check.. 16:01:56 MPL 1.1 6.2 allows upgrade to 2.0 .. 2.0 is NOT incompatible with secondary licenses.. so all good. 16:03:43 I mean outside Mozilla Legal I think I am the foremost discredited expert on the MPL.. I.. can read. 16:04:42 there are organizations that will fight for GPL projects sometimes pro bono .. but Mozilla provides NOTHING for people who choose the MPL. 16:06:16 I mean I personally can't defend the MPL by any means other than saying.. HEY stop that or I'll get all exterminate-y or some shit. 17:15:52 as far as licensing goes, I remember when Sony insisted in releasing audio CD-ROMs with rootkits in violation of the GPL 17:16:49 okay, to be fair maybe one needs to first ask sony if they can provide the source to their DRM-and-rootkit tool... 17:17:29 (literally audio in CD-ROM, not CD-DA) 17:20:52 // Init and Secure values from a preflight nsCore array storage object should be cleared 17:20:52 // upon reading the value for security reasons. 17:20:52 // Secure.* is also filtered to a bool denoting existence when debug and ?runtime=1 is used. 17:20:52 if ($rv && ($firstNode == 'init' || $firstNode == "secure")) { 17:20:52 nsRuntime::$sRuntimeConfiguration->set($aDottedKey, true); 17:20:53 } 17:20:55 } 17:20:59 errr 17:21:40 oh well.. still semi-relevant LOL 17:50:09 njsg: ah, XCP 17:50:33 technically those were not Redbook compliant audio CDs, although they would play on standard dumb CD-DA players 19:39:36 https://cci-dev.thereisonlyxul.org/special/test/?case=wikitext-test 19:39:45 i mean.. its better than nothing .. 19:41:48 err https://cci-dev.thereisonlyxul.org/special/test/?case=wikitext 19:53:28 well that is decently impressive https://cci-dev.thereisonlyxul.org/special/test/?case=wikitext 20:05:24 well it works great for headings and lists but it is absolute TRASH for paragraphs 20:06:08 then again for purposes of conversion.. seamonkey status meetings virtually are nothing but unordered lists 20:06:17 and headings 23:03:29 ok i got a fork of that mike42 thing working .. aside from being unsure how to set the base internal link url .. which i could just filter my self this actually works properly 23:03:34 https://cci-dev.thereisonlyxul.org/special/test/?case=wikitext 23:05:01 also templates 23:24:38 the original wiki has a few goodies which I use like change preview. Also general trackingand email. 23:28:32 email is a problem for me.. unless I can send to some elses configured mail server via mine.. Building a full on wiki's most difficult part is basically storing revisions. That can get bloated FAST in a database. 23:28:51 that and wikitext 23:41:40 $regexTags = array( 23:41:41 "\[\[(.*)\|(.*)\]\]" => '[!$1|$2!]', // Change links with titles to something else 23:41:41 "\[\[(.*)\]\]" => '[[/$1|$1]]', // Handle links without titles adding a forward slash 23:41:41 "\[\!(.*)\|(.*)\!\]" => '[[/$1|$2]]', // Change links with titles back adding a forward slash 23:41:41 "\{\{bug\|(.*)\}\}" => '[https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=$1 Bug $1]' // Bugzilla 23:41:41 ); 23:41:59 then parse 23:42:09 after regex subst 23:43:37 looks right to me.. https://cci-dev.thereisonlyxul.org/special/test/?case=wikitext 23:49:26 frg (for tomorrow) you aren't the only one that likes previewing stuff.. http://developer.palemoon.org/special/content-test/ 23:51:07 but of course selene was gitcontroled so testing content was harder so that.. but CCI or a seperate wiki/doc app would have sql as an option tho mdn inspired selene style content loading is a core part of my software now.. 23:51:53 god damn the special component has evolved since then 23:51:58 anyway rest well frg 23:53:48 also least he change the colors and background like I asked.. he should have recoded the template.. but that and a200's epyrus site shows how BinOC content doesn't work well in the hands of people who hate me.. in the past Moonchild handled BinOC content as well as his own.. 23:54:35 I can only guess smering my stuffs is supposed to annoy me.. and he would be right.. if my current stuff was well beyond it now. 23:54:45 wasn't well beyond* 23:57:13 for instance my current special component has a status bar and in both html and textarea content is seated properly and includes a scrollbar