00:02:21 awe we need more tonymec 00:03:52 I'll hold out for Ximo++ 00:08:27 :P 01:29:37 https://cci-dev.thereisonlyxul.org/special/test/?case=markdown 01:30:33 standard html formatting IS slightly fighting my special component formatting 01:30:53 but again.. good.. enough 01:30:59 and I am done for the day 01:32:03 the ironic thing is I could likely translate phoebusCode to either wikitext or markdown now and it would actually work properly 09:42:34 https://www.vintagecomputing.com/index.php/archives/3292/the-pc-is-dead-its-time-to-make-computing-personal-again 13:12:45 case 'markdown': 13:12:45 $this->helper = $this->LoadHelper('markdown'); 13:12:45 if (!$this->helper) { return $aContent; } 13:12:45 $this->helper = new Parsedown(); 13:12:45 $this->helper->setSafeMode(true); 13:12:45 $aContent = $this->helper->text($aContent); 13:12:47 break; 13:12:50 simplest yet 13:34:40 html entities are more fun than unicode emoticons 13:34:56 xml entities too 13:38:15 frg_Away: it may be a good idea to reiterate the vauge lifecycle of SeaMonkey on NT 6.1 for users somewhere cause that guy last night isn't the only windows 7 user getting twitchy about future support.. The question has sprung up recently in lunar orbit as well. 13:40:52 my feeling is there is gonna be another rash of depercations for older windows because now no one unless specifically targeting LTSC has no reason to target older than windows 11 let alone a host of legacy code paths.. Not to mention when Mozilla doesn't instantly kill windows support it echos through all the mozilla-based projects. 13:41:06 (or server) 14:05:23 Why can't the program just use the APIs and syscalls from an older version of Windows kernel? 14:05:48 Not like I support using Windows anyway, just asking 14:07:43 Sompi: these day OS version support is generally enforced by the compilers, and if you're under Windows this means you're most likely using Visual C++ 14:08:04 and every newer VC++ release enforces whatever Windows OS baseline that Microsoft wants 14:08:36 now, that won't stop developers than just using "Windows 10+" APIs for whatever reason they see fit 14:08:51 but many times it's just the compiler saying "Windows 10+, sorry" 14:09:17 https://repo.palemoon.org/MoonchildProductions/UXP/issues/2505 14:09:55 Sometimes new APIs actually are nice to have, or solve an actual problem... but then that means either you get to maintain two codepaths (icky!), or do an Executive Order saying "sorry but this is too good to let it pass" 14:10:22 But these days newer APIs are used because "oooh, shiny" instead of "oh, this is actually good" 14:11:08 nsITobin: oh, that means UXP won't be fit for Government Useā„¢! 14:11:12 MUH FIPS CERTIFICATIONS! 14:12:34 is firefox fips certified 14:12:59 they don't even use an nss that builds or has? i haven't checked.. shlibsign 15:12:53 anyway m-c has no signing either 15:12:59 mozilla-central 15:30:40 nsITobin unlike xp I intend to support it as long as possible. Same for 8.1. With the hacky updates good till 2026 at least. There is not much/anything in 10 land which is needed for SeaMonkey right now. I am still running it for tests and my mail in a vm. 15:31:38 f*cking rust is already a problem so we will see how this goes. 15:32:21 frg_Away: well i am gonna have to learn to compile rust deps at some point how else can I attempt to enter nomans land to explore the xbl divide and conquor it? 15:33:29 it is frankly ridiuclous I can compile xpfe seamonkey, uxp, seamonkey 253, some shadow of seamonkey on 102-cental but can't do spit on 60ish through 91ish 15:34:11 also for sure 24-52 as well 15:35:03 xp was seriously lacking support for later apis but 7 only a few like better dpi support. The store stuff can go to the way to the dodo right now if you ask me. Same for later .net all all the stupi stuff ms introduced to make it look more modern aka bad. 15:36:58 fedor knows the secret to compiling rust for xp and esr68 15:37:08 but .. 15:37:20 i was all Tobin at him.. so not gonna get that .. 15:39:14 I use xp for some very special chip burner hardware but if you don't have these needs it is braindead to run it. Only use it on 2 dedicated laptops too. One with 98se too for some other program. 15:39:36 rust is still a hard thing for me to accept.. on one hand i hate it with every fiber of my being.. on the other hand its already here and not being as useful as it could be and removing it and doing without just isn't feasable at this stage .. maybe 2019 but not today.. I say use it but no one has to like it. 15:40:04 best i can do for now on acceptance 15:40:21 same here. Would love to kick it out in a minute but a one man army is defeated fast. 15:41:22 frg_Away: like with actual iron rust.. sometimes its a fact and just needs to be managed and kept under supervision ;) 15:43:20 lets just say anyone wanted to put a rust component in suite and not needed as a critical backport from TB or Fx will get r- from me in 10 seconds. Not sure how IanN would do it but I am not :) 15:43:27 * frg_Away start to rant 15:48:01 well I am guessing stylo related rusticals aren't gonna dramatically bust xul functions.. other rust stuff certainly would.. issue is the dep hell 15:48:52 but i get your point frg_Away don't want someone rewriting the sidebar as a rust component 15:49:31 stylo s*cks but this is onevthing still needed. 16:11:54 sure seems to be the case 16:12:04 unless an nsLayout style expert shows up 16:48:46 gone for the evening. Have fun 16:53:36 Hope frg has a good evening.. relaxing.. going out.. somethin fun. 16:54:29 for me it's not even noon yet but I am gonna try to reduce the idle babbling as an active task. 16:55:37 If I am babbling.. I ain't codin. 16:55:40 ;) 18:37:53 github Assets works with the latest palefill, https://github.com/martok/palefill/releases 18:39:37 or maybe not? 18:41:38 I need to speak to martok at some point or at least identify him as not JustOff .. the only thing that makes me think it isn't JustOff is all the cpp work.. Good c++ work.. JustOff mainly botched javascript and glorywhored other people's extensions. 18:44:15 ok, i'm now confused. 18:44:18 ti is also strange his github history save the odd pull request or ownrepo activity drops off around the same time JustOff became a thing and suddenly picks up when JustOff vanished after russia invaded 18:44:36 no, it is actually Greasemonkey that gets it working 18:44:53 someone needs to fork greasemonkey 18:45:15 therube: how do you have a FUNCTIONAL greasemonkey for seamonkey .. mine was only PARTLY functional on 2.49 18:45:20 https://www.greasespot.net/ 18:45:58 actually what we need is first-party userscript support in seamonkey 18:46:07 i don't know if it is functional. not really familiar with it. but with it github Assets works. 18:46:14 and not need greasemonkey cause gpl 18:46:48 but as far as new UI features for seamonkey goes.. site specific UAO manager ui is needed more 18:47:06 it is on mah list 18:48:08 i've got a script in there (& i'm not at all familiar with this stuff), github.com_include_fragments@void::gmscripts 18:48:19 not sure where i came across it or why 18:48:43 after I get this ftp panel done I will start my general porpoise CMS with non-public wiki features 18:49:20 I had a script on greasyfork to disable github ajax 18:49:28 no idea how that works now with customelemenets gitshrub 18:49:29 therube: 18:49:50 https://greasyfork.org/eo/users/6698-matt-a-tobin 18:50:35 https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/407745-bypass-github-ajax 19:10:37 looks like the greasemonkey actually came from here, https://sourceforge.net/projects/gmport/files/ 19:11:07 & then i did something to it to get it to work in SeaMonkey 19:12:31 or no that was an older version where i had to mod it. i'm thinking should be good as is 19:22:23 hi IanN