15:01:06 19°F 15:01:07 -7°C 15:01:16 Just not used to that crap anymore :P 15:03:37 of course by this time next week it will be 80 for the high 15:03:52 not maybe 40 15:07:34 given how I used to shrug off waiting 20 minutes in 20 degree weather F to go get something trivial from the store .. I am starting to believe dealing with cold.. is a skill.. and that seems to help explain why the southern US just can't deal with winter weather even if they have the stuff.. It is a skill born from experience. 15:09:54 well here spring is announced for the weekend. From -5 to about +18°C 15:10:29 first step of dealing with cold in texas for me? I start by wearing my indiana sweatshirt.. to let the cold know it is a tad off course and where it REALLY needs to be ;) 15:11:52 so.. uhh hmm.. 20s to mid 60s.. ish 15:14:54 frg_Away: if it is 39.1 degrees C with high humidity.. there is a slight chance for borg 15:15:08 it's rainy here 15:15:12 ...right on laundry day 15:15:24 On the hardware front needed new pc speakers got Creative T100 and now ask myself what idiot designs speakers which don't turn on when power is turned off/on. Yes I sure will power them on seprately every time I turn on my pc... Not a $20 bargain bin item so back they go. 15:15:32 because OF COURSE it has to rain when I decide it's the moment to turn on the washing machine 15:16:16 tomman: I assume you don't air dry as a lifestyle choice 15:16:44 we're close to the Equator, AND our electricity is a joke anyway 15:16:52 so yes, it's "dry outside" or "go naked" 15:17:04 ...and I'm afraid "go naked" is still illegal here 15:18:00 not until the emperor accepts his new suit 15:18:44 me I am happy with a suite my self... 15:20:25 in other less silly news, Day 20 of the Clownflare Siege report: unpredictable behavior all around! 15:20:47 we're back to "infinite Turnstile loop", but no sight of BigInt errors this time... just browser hangs instead 15:20:57 however, on some sites stuff is even more inconsistent 15:21:12 for example, Science Magazine - sometimes you get a Clownflare challenge 15:21:14 can we provoke CF to get even more draconian? 15:21:22 but if you navigate away to another URL... the site loads fine! 15:21:23 more errors 15:21:26 more disruptions 15:21:36 and if you go back to the URL that provoked the initial challenge... it also loads fine 15:21:52 looks like someone is trying to fight Dr. Lowe's workarounds :/ 15:22:08 as in the adblock filter list? 15:22:15 him? 15:22:29 I'm not sure, but he specifically mentioned he had to get some exemptions made on the Clownflare filtering for many users 15:22:49 so he got some influence there, at least for science.com 15:22:54 Well there was a Lowe filter list for the adblock family.. likely same person 15:22:57 https://www.science.org/blogs/pipeline 15:23:18 maybe not 15:23:21 "Things I Won't Work With" is a book that he should sit down and write eventually, I would buy it :D 15:23:44 I have a such a list 15:23:46 from what I see a flood of csp reports are send. kepp the challenge on and grab a beer. You probably make a webmaster happy. 15:23:52 Oh, in related "browser discrimination" news, my very own hosting provider (whose own customer support portal is CLownflared and Recaptcha hell'd!) tried to pull some of the same crap 15:23:55 would you ... oh god damn it.. BUY MY BOOK 15:24:17 not Clownflare (although they do offer it as a one-click option!), but Inmunity360 or something like that 15:24:18 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDTwO0TlwOU 15:24:26 tomman: 15:24:27 I got complaints from a user that he got captchas 15:24:42 and yesterday, I was getting the whole "wait while we check your browser" Stasi crap 15:24:59 I wrote an angry but polite compliant to my hosting provider, while looking for other alternatives to move my junk out 15:25:02 call it what it is.. SHOW ME YOUR PAPERS 15:25:14 they replied, claiming that... nope, "CAPTCHAs are not enabled on your site" 15:25:20 (and magically today all the checks were gone) 15:25:44 they at least now recognize that they can subject your site to such a option, want it or not 15:25:59 (it wasn't on the feature list for my hosting package when I signed up in 2023) 15:26:03 now that isn't narzi.. that's quite soviet.. there was never a problem *disables problem* you are mistken.. 15:26:17 "nothing to see here, move along, your renewal is by next week" 15:26:43 you wanna see how its done the OTHER way see the US Government 15:27:13 Unfortunately after reviewing the hosting offers from other national providers, either they're poorer, using illegal exchange rates, or they won't even answer the phone and instead plaster the website with "lifetime packages" or "free trial" 15:27:41 two of the providers I called today don't even have working landlines anymore - the listed phones are DEAD DEAD DEAD or "not assigned to any subscriber" 15:27:53 what are your hosting requirements? 15:28:55 Static pages / images, mostly, no databases, 2GB or more, infinite traffic (to not be worried), a couple email accounts, bring my own domain 15:29:17 and of course tech support run by humans 15:29:30 a liiiitle bit of PHP, but that's it 15:30:16 so basically a 10 dollar VPS would be overkill 15:30:17 Anyway, the whole issue is "solved" for now with my hosting, but just like any war on tech against me, this is just the first episode 15:30:26 a VPS is definitely overkill for me, yes 15:34:33 well if all else fails, you have another email provider, AND I am otherwise existing.. You won't be without some webspace.. 15:35:00 free webspace for all.. as space permits! 15:36:00 I mean I was able to have free websites back in the day.. maybe not PHP enabled ones but free never the less until the late 2000s.. it is ridiculous to pay for BASIC webspace with trivial traffic load 15:40:10 if I didn't had CGNAT, I would host my junk myself :P 15:40:34 self-hosting is often forbidden by US ISP Terms of Service 15:40:38 I mean, why I would have 100 symmetric Mbps fiber otherwise!? 15:40:45 it is why they are dragging their feet on symetric 15:40:50 in cable 15:41:04 over there they don't care what you do as long as it is legal, but CGNAT pretty much nerfs all the fun stuff 15:41:12 and 99% of our fiber ISPs are CGNAT 15:41:27 if you're lucky, you might find one willing to rent you a v4 address for $20/mo 15:41:46 tomman: wanna help me setup an email server? 15:44:40 selfhosting email? That sounds suicide! :D 15:46:22 is it suicide or sociocide.. anti-citizenlike 15:48:15 i do know the bar has been raised again and again to even have email at a custom domain 15:48:35 let alone allow email my server sends not be thrown automatically in a spam folder 16:33:26 Pale Moon, https://www.palemoon.org/releasenotes.shtml 16:42:18 the real question is.. are they.. is that their conclusion.. or are they just recycling my conclusions from the channel log.. 16:42:20 therube: 16:43:22 also kinda surprising after Moonchild shut down a thread for being conspiratal 16:43:28 just last week 16:46:46 I need to stop reading the forum.. 17:25:14 hiya nsITobin 17:25:27 hi therube 17:26:07 nsITobin: Theories or no, it's clear that they're under attack by Clownflare 17:26:18 and if we don't observe the situation carefully, we're next 17:27:14 hi IanN_Away 17:30:57 sup IanN_Away 17:31:00 err 17:31:02 lol 17:31:22 therube 17:33:36 all that aside, the point is, if it affect them it may very likely come to affect us - it already does, only we don't crash... yet. 17:33:54 tomman I doubt it. They are just constantly meddling with the challenge code and are too dumb to do it right. I only use one site which needs it but anything protected by clownflare won't get a dime or recommendation from me. 17:34:39 if only they disclosed how their stupid challenge worked, even if web browsers HAD to sign NDAs... 17:34:52 but nope, "you have to be This Important™ to join this club" 17:35:18 I am not discounting this is all my fault given my recent escipades into enemy strongholds.. 17:36:56 I mean.. I railled against mozilla fully for them to specifically inform me i was not a threat before banning me.. I poked the w3c the whatwg and poked a few other bears.. It COULD be my fault 17:37:28 and let's encrypt 17:37:29 The other problem is that even if we do our darndest to avoid Clownflared sites, they're like a minefield 17:37:43 you never know when your next link click will send you into a landmine, er, Clownflared site 17:37:53 they're Everywhere, avoiding them is like avoiding flu 17:38:11 one needs an immune system 17:38:13 then 17:38:16 and that's where the real danger lies 17:38:20 where is our immune system 17:38:33 mine is fighting a hungry cat outside my kitchen right now :D 17:39:24 if star trek has taught me anything.. every problem can be solved with a magic metaphore.. 17:39:31 or quantum 17:39:41 but looking at firefox.. I think I am siding with magic 17:41:42 tomman: i do notice JWZ seems silent on CF domination 17:41:53 oh, he had made a couple posts recently 17:41:57 BUT... he uses Safari :/ 17:42:00 of course I know he doesn't regard UXP or SeaMonkey very highly 17:42:15 nothing on his blog 17:42:23 he outright avoids Mozilla and Chrome products 17:42:44 https://www.jwz.org/blog/2024/06/the-turing-police-would-like-a-word/ 17:42:45 apple isn't ANY better 17:42:52 https://www.jwz.org/blog/2024/02/my-device-i-am-told-might-be-unverified/ 17:42:59 yeah last year 17:43:02 https://www.jwz.org/blog/2019/05/cloudflare-still-loves-that-sweet-sweet-nazi-cash/ 17:43:03 but its worse now 17:43:34 these are his 3 more recent entries for Clownflare 17:48:59 https://www.ghacks.net/2025/02/19/mozilla-extends-firefox-support-for-windows-7-to-september-2025/ 17:51:07 I guess if one wanted to have forked 115 it would have been a GREAT idea at the time.. given how extended it has been.. 17:51:32 little late now but that would have been a good bet 17:53:46 as i'm on Win7, i'm glad they're extending 17:57:40 therube: i dunno.. seems fishy to me 18:28:33 nsITobin was announced on another site too. TB 115 is no more in contrast.