19:38:13 Day 21 of the Clownflare Siege: "do not poke the angry dog" 19:38:49 found a reproduceable way to hang SeaMonkey while trying to mess with Clownflare's broken Turnstile here 19:38:52 I've mentioned in the past that I have to bring in devtools and inspect the (empty) Turnstile area so it actually renders 19:39:04 dunno why, but it required that even back when it actually worked 19:39:33 now... instead it just hangs (more times than not) the whole executable, with a _extremely deep_ callstack within libxul.so 19:39:37 (about 255 levels deep!) 19:40:26 can't tell if this one is a legit (but unrelated) SM bug, or if we're now officially a target for Clownflare's anti-browser diversity malware