11:12:33 gitlab wip updated 14:09:37 Good morning everyperson 14:12:09 ahoy nsITobin 14:13:20 hi all 14:13:39 hey Harzilein 14:15:40 smarty FINALLY works again.. It is not a fan of stricter PHP or my everything is a fatal error so there ain't no fatal errors later.. 14:19:25 will seamonkey ever work with captchas? atm I can no longer make blog entries on linuxquestions 14:20:20 nsRuntime::DisableErrorHandler(); 14:20:20 $this->output = @$this->helper->fetch($this->output, $this->contentID, $this->contentID); 14:20:20 nsRuntime::EnableErrorHandler(); 14:20:35 i really need a smarty-like replacement 14:50:15 blockhead: there are many captcha providers 14:50:28 it depends on which one you're having problem with 14:50:51 (spoilers: Clownflare is the one that is giving problems to you, let me guess? That one is intentionally BROKEN on their side) 14:54:34 could be google 15:17:39 linuxquestions uses cloudflare. i'd destroy the entire cloudflare corporation and all its servers if i could but at the moment getting a browser to work seems less unlikely and more legal 15:42:11 rpmo is down.. guess this would not be a good time to make gogs public again 15:52:16 progress progresses! https://i.ibb.co/57DKSs4/image.png 15:53:56 needs a better template tho 15:54:54 .. I can get distracted with design later 16:24:54 now I need editing .. https://i.ibb.co/FkD0xfZc/image.png 16:30:52 fun fact that table style is actually from a really old wiki-like cms the style of which I have assimilated 17:38:52 despite its flaws smarty really does help accelerate website creation now that my nsEncabulator has reached a high level of development and smarty works.. it's all just functions and ui now.. which is the easiest part.. 18:03:18 Damn Tobin, still rocking that vista look 18:25:03 UsL: I am currently using windows 7 in a vm.. could be 10 but psp11 likes 7 better.. 18:26:26 windows 7 is the best linux DE https://i.ibb.co/VWwQ24GN/image.png 18:26:46 yes, windows 6.1 (7) was the last best windows. 18:27:57 hah, which DE is that? 18:32:16 it isn't one.. I use openbox 18:32:27 and linux programs .. and wine.. and vmware 18:32:44 I have a window manager not a desktop environment 18:34:05 I see. 18:37:51 vmware when not compiling is merely a shortcut so i can have linux as the host.. I could do this work in linux and run notepad++ in wine.. but you see it comes down to the fact.. I like my linux toolset but it isn't all automatic yet .. I can use windows largely without thinking so my focus is on the task I want to complete.. not every reflex keycombo or mouse action is set in linux yet and I have work to do :P 18:39:18 but nemo is a great file manager.. not AS slick as base-level explorer but close.. 18:39:22 for example 18:41:57 makes sense 18:43:07 ha, poor VMWare 18:43:18 and to think Broadcom now wants to buy Intel... 18:44:11 I like orthodox file managers with 2 panels and tabs. On windows I used win commander. I think it became total commander. On linux I use Doublecmd or mc in terminal 18:45:41 UsL: I like Windows File Manager my self.. 18:46:37 also dosshell 18:46:44 tomman: you like dosshell right? 18:48:06 Fira Sans 18:48:41 quick and dirty operating system -> dos -> ms-dos 19:46:42 I can add users! 20:15:50 and now delete users 21:15:01 well good i can add delete login and logout.. that's enough for now.. need a break.. 21:15:12 and smarty works 23:32:54 yeah I need to stop for the day.. I am just making mistakes 23:35:27 EITHER I am too old to work a solid 12 hours on code a day OR i need to work up to it.. one or the other 23:37:26 it's Saturday, working on Saturdays suck :P 23:37:41 i work every day 23:37:48 all days unless i don't