01:08:47 ut oh 01:08:54 logbot_cc died 14:07:54 Good morning 14:13:45 nsITobin hi 14:18:12 I estimate I am about 3 days behind where I anticpated being.. trying to catch up cause I want to switch to central this coming week 14:18:32 and focus on it intensely for a bit 14:19:11 3 days and 20 years maybe :P 14:19:17 but still 14:22:55 .. right i stopped before editing users was added.. gotta add a form for that and then create my self a regular user and make sure I haven't left the db open to not injection but priv escilation 14:24:18 frg_Away: so how are you doing? 14:25:42 nsITobin mostly ok. Did a few hardware updates but nothing exciting. 14:25:54 upgrades are always exciting 14:27:38 spare backup pc updated. Got an X110Dai cheap from ebay and ritired my oldest X8DA3. Updated to Server 2022 on the main one. Painless and don in 30 minutes. 14:28:37 cool 14:28:55 painless upgrades.. now that IS exciting 14:29:00 and increasingly rare 14:31:06 Didn't even need to re disable much of the phone home stuff. Settings were mostly intact. 14:33:46 i dunno why any business would send telemetry to microsoft about their usage 14:34:32 it is for the good of mankind! 14:35:46 frg_Away: do you like switch statements? cause apperently I do.. 14:36:34 usually yes. They were much better in PL/I compared to js/Java. 14:40:13 You can basically any if clause as a case statement. 14:43:09 switch ($qDo) { 14:43:10 case 'create': 14:43:10 switch($qWhat) { 14:43:10 case 'user': 14:43:30 i need a better solution to NESTING switch cases tho that gets difficult to follow 15:31:28 Access to Administration is restricted to level 3 and above. 15:31:49 Deleting users requires level 4 or above. 15:32:00 Creating users requires level 4 or above. 15:32:06 Good :) 15:40:15 Could not delete a user at or above current user level. 15:41:04 Yeah I still have my security skills what few of them there are anyway 19:02:53 Gonna focus.. be back later on.