03:10:14 nsITobin: and technical education subjects suffer from the fact that they teach things, not the concepts 03:13:50 for example that they don't teach to use spreadsheet programs, instead they teach how to use the newest version of M$ Excel 03:17:13 http://486servu.dy.fi/cdrom/ 03:17:16 send me cd-roms 08:55:51 HI all. Just joining today t say that Seamonkey on Mac 10.11 rocks 11:13:04 grey_gandalf We try to keep it compatible with 10.11 but can't promise. 11:27:35 frg_Away: here to test and help... it was a message of appreciation 11:53:09 grey_gandalf thanks. I tried to install a vbox vm 10.11 on 10.15 but so far failed. So testers always needed. We kept rust 1.73 for 10.11 compatibility. I hope it must not be updated any time soon. 12:07:24 tomman: wait broadcom wants to buy intel? so they want to get in the market of working WLAN devices? 12:15:24 Sompi: one thing that tends to annoy me a bit is when official procedures only list, say, Microsoft Word or Powerpoint, or programs precisely of that kind 12:16:26 Sompi: WYSIWYG text documents usually are less comfortable for my workflow, and I've given Powerpoint/Impress-like tools enough tries to know that I should just ignore these and go with Beamer. 12:16:46 and that's without considering that a manually-edited text file tends to be easier to put under version control 12:17:31 (granted, there are flat XML formats in some such graphical editors, that ought to at least allow somewhat easy use with a VCS) 12:18:06 Beamer may be less optimal for some things, it still fits quite well in how I do slides and the presentations overall. 12:18:38 Also, for some reason Beamer makes it extremely easy to incorporate LaTeX code :-P 12:56:20 njsg: nah, they want to get in the market of "You Must Be This Big And Rich To Rent This Xeon Core" 13:05:05 why don't they buy Xerox, then? 13:27:07 frg_Away should I set up to build on my MacBook Pro? or do you build nightlies I should test? 13:28:22 grey_gandalf IanN set up linux and macOS builds. Windows is more compicated because different builder. You can test: 13:28:24 https://archive.seamonkey-project.org/nightly/2025/02/2025-02-24-21-00-04-comm-253/ 13:45:58 that's a start, I will test immediately... but if of interest, i could try to setup.. if I can on FreeBSD I can on Mac. 14:38:28 frg_Away: installed.. gmal youtube and basic web works, email opens, IRC too as I am typing, so basic functionality confirmed on 10.11 14:39:07 yeah there are mostly bug fixes in it yet nothing macOS specific. 14:39:43 most changes are for cZ 14:40:06 cZ and Mail rock :) 14:40:12 any web/html/js fixes? 14:41:21 no. I am working on a different branch but not ready for prime time. 14:41:45 Dynamic Imports and Big Int work. Class fields is work in progress 15:27:42 Day 25 of the Clownflare Siege: a horrible workaround was found by someone: https://forum.palemoon.org/viewtopic.php?f=71&t=32098 15:27:57 ...which means CF's browser fingeprinting is TOTAL AND COMPLETE THEATER 15:28:52 in the meanwhile, figuring out how to ship a container full of angry bulls and fĂștboleros to Clownflare's HQ :P 15:34:10 ...wat, you also can fake your UA to bypass Dischorse, er, Discorpse, er, Jeff, er, Discourse arbitrary browser sabotage too? 15:34:20 lovely, Atwood, lovely 15:51:34 I think currently the main issue with discourse is that it relies on the CSS revert keyword 15:51:44 kind of like Cloudflare oftentimes, actually 15:52:08 there seems to be something intended as a fallback, yet the fallback fails by only being usable on specific browsers 15:53:15 (see the comments in that jwz blog post about the device possibly being "unverified") 15:53:35 oh wait it wasn't that one 15:55:01 https://www.jwz.org/blog/2024/06/modern-web-technologies/ 16:02:03 yeah well 8 months ago about something not many cared about isn't being a blasted activist 16:02:10 and only got worse 16:02:14 and no word 16:03:10 but once jwz "got his" he hasn't said a word since that I have seen AND he doesn't much like non-mainstream browsers 16:03:58 or more properly he seems to just not like web browsers anymore at all.. using safari and only being an issue when it affects HIM is not the model for the future 16:04:27 it is WHY we are here in the first place.. the consiquences of that mentality casual or direct 17:28:08 nsITobin: he is too busy fighting with another kind of pipes: https://www.dnalounge.com/backstage/log/2025/02/23.html 17:33:18 perhaps 17:39:44 tokens.. the generated ftp passwords.. and re-added check to make sure level 3 can't alter users same or higher level.. 17:40:00 anyone care to try and bust this before I lock it off? 18:31:10 tomman: given he also has had trouble with fans, let's hope "shit hits the fan" doesn't get literal there 18:31:16 :D 18:31:26 I'm definitely not his Number One Fan 18:46:23 fuckin JWZ could start a cult.. I'd join.. knowing that he COULD do more. 18:54:50 tomman: guess who is not a fan of me? Whomever this is.. 18:54:51 [1245-48] * Fatasstobin_ (webchat⊙u6buibc) has joined #binaryoutcast 18:54:51 [1245-57] Male poon will make a return soon 18:54:51 [1249-01] and I would care why? 18:54:51 [1249-33] * Fatasstobin_ is now known as PoliteNickName (/sanick) 18:54:51 [1249-41] well PoliteNickName? 18:54:59 they ping timeout'd 18:55:19 your fanboys secretely want you :D 19:01:13 Now this looks like a job for me / So everybody just follow me / 'Cause we need a little controversy / 'Cause it feels so empty without me 19:01:29 that is what I think everytime this happens 19:09:43 tomman: consider this.. everyone i ever intercepted, interrogated, cut short, defeated, or exposed.. made them feel SO VERY important.. then it all stopped or tapored off.. they are NOT important anymore.. and they refuse to be NOT important if I am doing things that may end up BEING important.. 19:13:59 they want the contest or they simply want their entertainment and to be validated as important by me giving it.. because of course all I want to do is give people what they need.. even at my own expense often times 19:15:58 and I haven't completely fixed that else I wouldn't have had so many bans recently.. 22:28:02 njsg: Word processors are one thing, but with spreadsheet software the WYSIWYG thing doesn't really even matter 22:28:51 Most spreadsheet programs support similar functions and if you understand the syntax of those and know what functions the program supports, you can do a lot with the program 22:32:35 it's 2025, nobody uses Lotus 1-2-3 anymore :D 22:39:26 Hah, I remember Lotus 1-2-3. First computer I ever owned, had that, running on PC-DOS 3.3. 23:35:18 Sompi: What's with the localized formula names - I mean, that's a thing, right? I ought to know more about spreadsheets anyway 23:37:35 Some Finnish versions of spreadsheet software had those 23:38:36 =SUMMA() or something like that 23:39:27 someone else knows better, I have only used the English versions 23:40:06 in Spanish that would be =SUMA() 23:40:29 every single spreadsheet I've used with localized versions have localized formulas too 23:40:55 Excel, 1-2-3 for Windows, StarOffice all the way up to LibreOffice 23:41:41 of course they're saved internally in its non-localized English version, the localization is done for display purposes 23:42:56 ancient Excel BASIC macros also used to be in a localized BASIC dialect for whatever reason, but they switched to VBA in Office 97, which enforced English as the code language 23:43:18 (the VBA IDE itself was fully localized) 23:43:33 personally the names being localized mostly confuse me a lot 23:43:50 but hopefully such software has a toggle for that? 23:44:04 spreadsheets target beancounters and other "normal" users, not computer nerds, much less software devs 23:44:34 well, they ought to be usable by everyone, that includes computer geeks and scientists 23:44:44 and that means selling software in non-English speaking territories, and no, there is no "force formulas in English" toggle option 23:44:47 this is by design 23:45:31 in fact, do "beancounters" use spreadsheets as intended? honest question, I have no idea how's the technology use in the finances and accounting field 23:45:34 what some programs included on certain versions/SKUs were multilingual reference for formula function names 23:45:47 njsg: oh yes, they LOVE and DIE for their spreadsheets 23:45:55 ...well, at least the ones I know 23:46:04 they know nothing but Excel... and some Word 23:46:27 yeah, but do they *know* Excel? 23:46:41 at their workplaces they may rely on other tools for processing their data, but eventually everything touches Excel 23:46:54 njsg: Well, most of them will never do a macro, or even pivot tables 23:47:06 but I've seen people doing all sorts of crazy formulas and fancy graphics 23:47:14 I guess not every place can handle numeric data like that company which stored the number of planes as a float. 23:48:53 my spreadsheet program uses only integers and standard double-precision floating points 23:49:15 ah yes, this float thing was in some code, not spreadsheet