13:14:20 https://www.theregister.com/2025/03/04/cloudflare_blocking_niche_browsers/ we hit it, boys and girls~! 13:14:52 late, but there~ 13:49:13 > We have asked Cloudflare to comment, and we'll update this story if it gets back to us. 13:49:22 spoilers: this story won't be updated 13:49:41 because Clownflare will never talk to you 15:20:32 lol 15:31:36 half of the comments on that El Reg story believe they can beat Turnstile by changing your use agent 15:31:51 so cute :D 15:46:48 tomman: Hey, what about us agender people?!?!?! zo'o 15:47:13 :D 15:48:36 > This is a known problem, caused by "Disable Autoplay" extension. Enable autoplay on sites with CloudFlare protection and voila, problem solved. 15:48:43 ...another one that is just posting for posting 16:16:14 Memory Test : 16386 OK 16:16:16 BEEEP 16:16:20 Starting Tobin... 16:23:34 CMOS Error press ok to enter setup 16:24:45 E_NOTREALLY 16:32:43 he is correct 16:32:46 there IS an error 16:32:55 16386 is NOT a valid ram value 16:33:03 well it CAN be but isn't 16:33:31 an errOr 16:35:00 it has been MAJORLY windy here 16:36:11 The 2K are from the TPM 3.0 :) 16:36:45 ha 16:39:36 so new narrative i have seen crop up.. Mozilla used USAID money to hire stunning and brave.. I don't know how true that is.. nor do i care.. because all that will ever matter in the end is the headline and if the headline sounds plausable enough it becomes truth for most.. 16:43:04 just caught my attention cause Mozilla 16:43:47 speaking of mozilla.. let's see if that bug is resolved yet and what the fall out is 16:54:01 Which bug? 17:00:42 https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1951143 now 17:03:55 * Tekk is actually shocked mozilla still uses hg 17:05:39 that is coming to an end 17:05:59 soon 17:06:23 Shame. 19:06:42 https://www.huffpost.com/entry/donald-trump-carnival-floats-dusseldorf-germany_n_67c6d1f6e4b03c5688a78d1d 19:08:47 i wish there was a plan 19:09:22 cause if trump is successful in basically ending american democracy .. the majority that survive the purges will simply claim they always wanted it this way 19:10:04 do an image search for 'trump float', lol. i'm going to set 1 of them as my desktop. 19:10:46 don't know if you'll find anything on google, as they've already submitted 19:11:57 google turned? 19:13:46 has it occured to anyone that non-techies realizing techies have basically sold everyone out to olegarcs isn't likely to be favorable to real techies when everything is overwith? 19:13:57 what's the name of that gulf down south. yep, they sure did. 19:14:47 giving a little on fear tactics is not the same as a full turn 19:15:13 has google fully turned in US operations? 19:20:42 Well he is a disgrace to the US and people voting for him which don't have a million dollar in the bank will be the ones hurt first and most in the coming days. They will probbaly blame anyone but him too for it. If scum like Peskov cheers someone you know this one has done something very very wrong. 19:21:33 well there is no plan to save us 19:21:48 only adhoc legal challenges from a court that incrasingly has less incentive to care 19:22:52 old democrat leadership is virtually non-existant .. young blood is often too dumb or too attached to the common person for the left elites.. and bernie for some reason won't just take over and deligate for some reason 19:24:41 I also think there is a portion regardless what they prefer who are just sheltering in place hoping for the best.. that will be hit in the face very soon 19:25:17 not one republican will in congress will contradict trump 19:25:48 what leadership. there is none. the only 1 who hasn't bowed down & kissed ass is Zelenskyy. 19:26:14 i wonder what nonsense will be up tonight .. likely wanting an enabling act preceeding the sudden burn down of congress 19:27:18 i am still maintaining that Trump himself is hardly a relevant threat.. it is those around him.. vance .. and elon and bezos and zuckerburg 19:27:20 congress is dead, senate is dead. they may as well all go home. 19:28:20 doesn't matter what Donald Trump says or does or even if he geos away what is important is establishing this takeover and obliteration of the federal system 19:28:35 and putting it under their control 19:28:42 and for every citizen to fund them 19:29:18 it isn't 2016 anymore 20:54:52 well regardless therube .. ain't over until its over.. though the in-flight entertainment could stand some improvement 20:55:00 (it's really dumb) 20:55:51 this Reichality TV is pretty old at this point 21:10:01 "We have asked Cloudflare to comment, and we'll update this story if it gets back to us." 21:10:07 several hours later... 21:10:10 *crickets* 21:10:16 "The number you have dialed is out of service" 21:18:59 you were saying tomman ? 21:19:20 *.banana *.split 21:19:30 damn, I'm out of ice cream 21:19:54 and it's *scorching hot* outside to go out and buy some 21:20:00 do you scream for ice cream? 21:20:04 :D 23:06:13 tomman: are we there yet?