04:00:02 Hello! This is my first time using an IRC chat :D 04:27:14 hi, i need your help. i'm trying to get the search with swisscows.com to work in Pale Moon again. it still works here in Epiphany and for others in Firefox so it would be interesting if it's (still) working in SM 09:58:57 again: i need your help. i'm trying to get the search with swisscows.com to work in Pale Moon again. it still works here in Epiphany and for others in Firefox so it would be interesting if it's (still) working in SM 10:05:44 site does not work. readable streams and some extended class fields stuff needed 10:13:09 ok, thanks. it worked all the time so they have added something 13:52:49 k so https://dpaste.org/fRdJA gives the desired configuration and effect.. is this acceptable as a one shot deal or should I deconstruct it bugwise with this as the end result.. or is something else desired 13:55:29 central suite/moz.configure 14:07:34 fixed inconsistant quotes 14:07:43 vs the paste 15:07:39 is the imply_option stuff gone? TB still has it? 15:09:07 no it is just handled using a dict for simple key value other if it is more complex odds are it needs even more code so in one of those blocks I figure.. Most stuff is going to imply_option anyway 15:11:19 confvars will be gone soon.. I would have to test but I believe I should be able to eliminate it now cause its just the branding vars which they will get an old configure assignment but I figured I'd wait until they did it 15:13:14 https://searchfox.org/mozilla-central/source/old-configure.in 15:13:17 as you can see 15:13:20 not much at ALL 15:13:37 so they are close 15:14:50 not entirely sure what is blocking the remaining bits in old-configure its not logic intensive 15:15:18 it's* 15:21:40 Can the crash reporter still be enabled? Usually we do. 15:22:47 I was interpolating defaults from existing settings and balancing with what WOULD be if it was working but yeah 15:23:52 sync also likely needs to be on for any odd cross-dependancy in platform until it is further looked into .. if ever :P 15:26:35 i am gonna go out on a limb and assume eventually using set_config and set_define will go away for more abstraction using the option system and something I need to look into a new class of project flags 15:27:23 unless that is just part of options all those older build defines vs --enable-something 15:27:30 as I said I need to look into it soonish 15:27:45 Do you have the bug numbers of the bugs which are ported? I am ok with it but would like them for reference in the bug description. IanN_Away would need to sign off too. 15:28:35 I did on the prior patch i will collect them but its mostly mail/confvars.sh recent revision history so not hard to recollect :) 15:28:57 was like five or six of em 15:32:13 https://hg.mozilla.org/comm-central/log/tip/mail/confvars.sh 15:33:11 the june 2024 rob and geoff patches largely plus recent change plus my enhancements.. 15:34:17 I fports I usually list the orginal ones in the subject as addtionsl lines for later reference. 15:35:43 Usually one or two only but this seems straight forward so don't think we need a 100 patches. Single ones are better for backporting to 2.53 so ymmv. 15:38:17 let's see if I can remember how to unattach a file from a patch and create a new patch :P i love mq but it is still somewhat new so it isn't instinct yet 15:44:07 select commit uncheck file qrefresh select working directory check file qnew 15:46:43 Depending what I want to do I usually load it before or after using qpop anf then use the old version as I see fit. Or just edit the patch directly and split it. 15:47:01 Or backup it or or or ... 15:49:31 having options is nice 16:13:16 I;ve split it into three patches.. the fixup which details which bugs they rolled in for suite.. the revamp patch.. and the additional defaults patch.. 16:30:36 Makes sense. Do a bug and ask IanN for review. I am currently sidetracked for a while already. Too much on thre platter. 16:45:36 understood 17:27:12 https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1952288 17:27:26 and I think i requested the reviews on them correctly.. maybe :P 18:13:26 moving on to getting that --chrome clh enhanced thunderbird devtools loader re-ported so one can you know.. launch chrome windows and run devtools.. 19:02:46 nsITobin yes looks good.Thanks 19:09:44 with working build config.. more or less .. devtools loader and --chrome clh is the bare minimum needed to even attempt to follow bugs on seamonkey's chrome code and modules.. devtools will better highlight the missing aspects the toolkit expects. 19:25:20 https://i.ibb.co/yFkkJSvQ/image.png 19:30:00 --chrome clh is also kinda required for devtool's own functioning 21:06:51 https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1952319 21:07:09 and I am done for now .. maybe the day but I need a break. 21:27:52 nsITobin me too and nn 21:28:05 rest well 21:46:29 what is everyone else doing? 21:46:33 anything? 21:46:38 njsg tomman 22:04:18 https://www.whatismybrowser.com/detect/client-hints/faq/which-web-browsers-support-client-hints this seems to be the latest rage to sniff on your browser, er, "do feature detection" 22:04:43 yeah like that wasn't predictable 22:04:45 naturally, it's Chrometechâ„¢ 22:05:05 but Google pretends to replace user agents with... that stuff 22:05:47 https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Client_hints 22:05:58 i remember when they came about 22:06:12 just more discrimination and datacollection 22:06:35 its all the internet is since someone thought it was a bright idea to shove a computer into everyone's ass-pocket 22:06:41 of course the word "privacy" is thrown in into the mix 22:07:13 stop collecting data from my ass-pocket... 22:09:35 "send us your money then, all of it" 22:10:10 .. talk to elon he is in control of the social security payment system i hear 22:28:45 welcome back the tomman 22:29:41 weird, a extremely short power outage 22:29:57 normally power outages here are 2 hours at best 22:29:58 but enough to zap a few appliances around the block :/