00:03:40 https://forum.palemoon.org/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=32045&start=380#p260401 00:03:42 WOW 00:03:59 a Clownflare Agent finally approached a browser dev! 00:04:34 looks like someone got rubbed the wrong way with that El Reg's article...but not enough to make noise 00:05:08 maybe we should get on the phone too... nah 00:05:43 there is no universe where Pale Moon and the Unified XUL Platform is more legit than SeaMonkey.. 00:06:33 in any case let's see what comes out of this 00:07:51 Well just remember, Moonchild hates SeaMonkey always has always will. 00:07:57 he is on public record about it 00:08:01 somewhere on the forum 00:09:17 at this point none of this matters because we have a common enemy that wants us DEAD: Clownflare. 00:09:44 not just "gone", DEAD 00:10:13 ...this Chrome obsession reminds me of a specific Spongebob episode 00:10:34 "Welcome to the future! In the future everything is Chrome!" 00:15:25 tomman: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0jufq5o13Pc 03:13:03 https://www.techradar.com/pro/cloudflare-admits-security-tool-is-blocking-some-challenger-browsers 03:13:24 (warning: site REALLY broken on SM, but at least it's readable) 03:13:40 "Cloudflare has admitted its browser-detection system is blocking some users’ access to websites if they’re using lesser-known web browsers." 03:13:41 "TechRadar Pro has asked Cloudflare to comment on the matter and to share its plans on any fixes, but we did not receive an immediate response." 03:13:49 one of those phrases do not match the other... 03:17:01 Who knows.. 04:34:10 tomman, took clownflare long enough to own up... but still the changes are not rolled back nor the sites broken working yet 04:34:29 "needs to be caught red handed, and paraded in public" to own up 10:29:59 tomman: I think Sanoma (in .fi) has also started serving AVIF for images, including WEBP as alternative but fortunately JPEG is still available, just not included in srcset 10:31:48 0305|13:56:28 <+nsITobin> that note is legal tender for all debts public or private <-- they should print that on the notes, to make it clearer to everyone!!!11 15:22:27 so cloudflare is blocking firefox focus because firefox focus blocks cf trackers 15:23:29 ran into it earlier 15:24:12 on my cellularized telephone slash government surveillance device 16:09:34 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wuN-bW_zS0Q YEAH! 17:26:06 if you do it hard enough you can probably presume nobody is being blocked, just like relying on telemetry to decide which features to strip can fire back... 19:02:25 I have returned from foraging for supplies. 19:03:42 got these chili cheese pork sausages .. store creation gonna try tonight 19:04:30 also switching back to php work while things are pending review on central.. might also work on 253 stuff i have had pending 20:24:32 currently stripping down smarty to better serve my purposes 22:53:54 oh god, somehow my Danbooru session got logged off 22:54:05 ...and of course logging on again is impossible because CLOWNFLARE 22:54:14 (the logon form uses TurnSick™) 22:54:56 maybe someone should introduce cloudflare personnel to the pirate bay's long forgotton stash of retractable batons 23:00:25 welcome back 23:00:29 did you sort it? 23:00:46 yep, ANY ATTEMPT to inspect any Turnsickle™ instance will result in a instahang 23:01:08 is this true in other web clients? 23:01:11 great, I'm locked out of Danbooru 23:01:22 now I'm Officially [CENSORED] 23:01:24 time to figure out how to copy the cookies from my other instance 23:01:25 nsITobin: this is not the traditional Clownflare brickwall 23:01:38 Turnstile can be used as a standalone captcha-esque tool too 23:01:43 could be localsession as well 23:02:11 great, first a 4 hour power outage during a particularly hot Friday afternoon, now this 23:02:41 maybe I should just ditch everything and become a cat herder in the Amazonian rainforest 23:02:44 well i am forking only as much smarty to do the job gonna call it pointy 23:03:30 Now I would like to know what the hell is causing Turnsickle to 1) not render by default, and 2) HANG SeaMonkey if you try to inspect it 23:03:36 tomman: could live in the ecuadorian jungle make youtube videos how us politicians are clones with only level 2 chakras 23:03:38 I would need a nightly with debug symbols, for starters... 23:04:46 could be as simple as detecting access to the console api somehow 23:04:58 or if the viewport changes by a certain degree UPward 23:05:01 from position 23:05:06 like devtools normally is 23:05:12 or leftward 23:05:35 the hang one started happening a week later of so after the initial wave of poisonous scripts aimed at Pale Moon 23:05:52 so they either tried some other load of malware for them and didn't worked... but it's in fact hitting us 23:06:15 could be the code is so edge that once it has an inspector attached it goes nuts with recursion but without a js debugger it runs .. fine 23:06:19 Prior to it, you could use devtools to "magically" get Turnsick to render 23:06:37 or maybe it's the actual render phase that it's triggering the hang 23:06:58 nsITobin: that 256-level stacktrace indeed is a clue 23:07:13 although without symbols it's not that useful :/ 23:07:32 so its recursion that only falls over on MOST systems if analyzed mapped and pieced out? 23:10:00 Is there an addon these days that works here to import and export specific cookies? 23:12:04 https://addons.thunderbird.net/es/seamonkey/addon/cookie-importer/?src=search there was this, but it is no longer compatible,it seems 23:12:41 scratchpad and create the cookie with javascript with the data of the cookie 23:12:43 maybe 23:12:47 or devtools 23:12:58 but don't think sm devtools has the cookie editor 23:13:03 I can see the cookies with devtools, but it doesn't offer me a option to copy or export them 23:13:08 just to delete and create a new one 23:17:23 well, at least I can edit existing cookies and add new ones 23:17:33 so I guess I'll have to do a looooot of copy and paste... 23:37:28 VICTORY 23:37:38 manually copying the cookies was painful, but worked~ 23:38:51 found five cookies under donmai.us, including a... CF clearance cookie that had expired in January (!!!!), but refused to go away on my working setup but doesn't even persist here (as expected, it's stale!) 23:39:12 but really one or two are needed, the others look like user preferneces 23:40:50 also, said session cookies have to be set to HTTP-Only, which cannot be done via JS (for obvious reasons), but the devtools cookie editor allow to tinker with that