11:52:14 Sompi: what was the current situation regarding images in Sanoma websites? I recently saw that there was a change, and they were now advertising only AVIF and WEBP for fingerpori (even though an older one (2009?) does show GIF?) 11:52:26 (fingerpori at hesari) 11:53:08 * njsg doesn't really use the hesari website for much beyond the cartoons 12:10:24 They use whatever Google and Microsoft tell them to use 12:11:22 yes, but is it working, failing, degrading? My experience is somewhat biased because of a noscript surrogate. 12:11:33 (and also because scripts blocked with noscript) 12:12:14 sadly they don't include the full image in the page metadata for embedding, or that'd have been an easy way to at least get it 12:12:32 but IÍ„'m guessing a single media item is rather the exception there :-) 12:23:39 Everything is degrading and they call it progress 12:53:09 this calls for PROGRESSIVE JPEG. 13:10:53 hi nsITobin 13:12:35 Good morning, I am just getting setup. 13:14:35 Please insert SETUP floppy 2 of 3 in drive B: 13:15:05 on the last coffee and need to leave soon for the afternoon 13:16:52 central queue qpushes fine.. configure passes so it's almost certainly fine unless thunderfox busted something else in the past day or so.. 13:17:04 build kicked off 13:34:50 bbl 13:35:02 have fun 13:45:15 njsg: let's split wim files across floppy disks that way we can install windows 7 from floppy 13:45:38 i wonder if wim will even split that small 14:21:46 build successful 14:25:15 does someone know why chrome://browser/content/utilityOverlay.js maps to comm's copy? 14:26:48 ah 14:26:49 % override chrome://browser/content/utilityOverlay.js chrome://communicator/content/utilityOverlay.js 14:27:49 yeah can't pull that on central.. utilityOverlay.js needs to be specific for what any ignorant platform consumer may use it for .. looks like devtools 14:36:53 https://xr.thereisonlyxul.org/quantum-dev/search?string=utilityOverlay.js&find=%2Fdevtools