16:34:26 <njsg> "jokin on rikki." no kiitos sanoma 16:35:15 * njsg tries to figure if this is salvageable somehow 16:35:48 <njsg> also: is HS showing only two paragraphs because the article is paywalled, or is the text lazyloaded now... 16:36:00 <njsg> (two paragraphs without JS, with JS it blanks out) 16:43:00 <njsg> it does error on Promise.any but it's not the first error, I can't easily tell if that's related (well, no, if that's the trigger; the cause likely is poor error handling and lack of fallbacks) 16:43:38 <njsg> ... in code from adobedtm.com 16:49:32 <njsg> no, that one is unrelated, it's probably the "Invalid time value". Example URL https://www.hs.fi/kulttuuri/art-2000011110705.html (this one, btw, appears fully without JS) 16:50:23 * njsg guesses the invalid value is another unhandled error, as in, the value is invalid because it's an error. 17:38:12 <nsITobin> anyone want to hack a browser onto thunderbird and just call it SeaMonkey? 18:36:59 <nsITobin> didn't think so :P 19:06:46 <tomman> https://smparsons.github.io/retroboy/ your daily Rust web blob of the day 19:07:02 <tomman> it never gets past "Loading..." on SM, but the console reports no errors 19:07:16 <tomman> it's a big fat blob of WASM, which is yet another fun blackbox 19:07:31 <tomman> (it should be a GameBoy emulator) 19:07:46 <tomman> https://github.com/smparsons/retroboy