12:41:18 Winamp 12:41:26 It really whips the llama's ass! 12:42:21 the owners? I think are anti-llama whipping 14:25:19 I have NO idea who this guy is or the interviewer but DAMN https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MR4i3Ho9zZY 14:29:16 last 3 minutes is epic as hell imo 14:45:01 brb 14:46:44 hi nsITobin 14:47:29 good morning frg_Away 14:58:48 nsITobin: I'm not even sure I've ever interacted with the_bot 14:59:29 njsg: main thing it did was a seen command so i am sure you musta back in the day 14:59:36 also grumbled about C++ 14:59:52 and it summerized bugs 15:00:41 I may have read snippets of it from quotes.burntelectrons.org (if I'm recalling the address right), at least 17:44:40 ok why am I having such an issue doing EXACTLY the same thing I was doing not 3 years ago with the same software 19:00:18 oh hell.. i have to set this mariadb server up from scratch.. I literally haven't done it since 2016.. I been just transfering the on-disk files since then 19:00:45 eh can't be that difficult 19:51:58 well i can't get vsftpd to use mysql as a user database .. its supposed to but i have never gotten it to work .. but there is pam_script.. might just be what I need for this php management app for it.. 20:43:18 nsITobin: sounds like fun 20:43:58 it kinda is actually .. been wanting to do it for a decade .. ftp became useful to me again so doing it 20:45:23 besides I will turn around and take this newly written basic user management and apply it elsewhere 20:46:29 first get basic auth going again by referencing old phoebus code then see about webby login 21:03:49 IanN_Away: ftp http irc .. what other non-mail services can I run? 21:04:06 nsITobin: gopher? 21:04:18 nsITobin: identd 21:04:25 IanN_Away: as soon as you add it back to netwerk 21:06:30 identd seems fun but its also a good way to expose names of system accounts.. you know cause no one would ever think to try mattatobin LOL 21:07:36 I could run a time server tho 21:08:07 but who has time for that.. 21:13:18 nsITobin: usenet 21:22:57 IanN_Away: I may use enough as it is.. https://ibb.co/5MZDQ88 21:23:26 err https://i.ibb.co/LkKwTtt/image.png 21:26:21 this is quite possibily the most ridiculous setup I have ever done but it is working so well 21:39:17 DOJ: Google Must Sell Off Chrome 21:46:31 and we are now back to Microsoft and Internet Edgeplorer 21:48:21 Microsoft doesn't have resources to come up with so many new web "features" in such a short time as Google does 21:48:49 IE was never as bad as Chrome is 21:48:52 yeah so google EMPLOYEES will come up with it.. Microsoft will impl it in chromium and Mozilla will parity 21:50:01 sorry i misspelled parody 21:50:04 Sompi: 21:51:48 yes 22:00:12 welp i gotta debone a bunch of chicken thighs cook a few and freeze the rest.. will return 22:13:05 any news of WG9s ? Or was he made homeless by a hurricane ? 22:14:36 tonymec|away: https://www.seamonkey-project.org/news 22:19:46 tomman: ah. RIP. He was a nice guy. 22:21:20 frg_Away: IanN_Away: where can I find the latest Sm 2.53 then ? 22:23:28 The last pre WG9s did is here: https://archive.seamonkey-project.org/nightly/2025/01/2025-01-04-22-00-02-comm-253/ 22:24:42 We will look into it but won't happen overnight. 22:34:13 frg_Away: The build I am currently using has Build ID 20250104223034 so I guess that's it. Thanks a lot. "As long as someone remembers him he is not dead for good." 22:36:25 That is how I see it. I think I read it somewhere once and it stuck. 22:37:19 74 years old… I shall be that age in ten days, inshallah. Makes me shudder.