11:46:15 therube: don't tell google, but it seems they don't treat IE6 that way yet (the "enable js" stuff) 11:46:24 they deliver a different layout, though. 13:52:16 well, one of my banks changed its webapp AGAIN, just because 13:52:37 the good news: since they're stuck using Windows 7 on their branches, they're not relying on bleeding edge Chromeisms 13:52:58 the bad: the app is of course trash, designed by someone deeply in love with cellphones and that has never ever used a desktop computer 13:53:34 And of course the password policy for this bank is lulzy: it suggests you special characters for your password that get rejected nonetheless 13:53:56 And since there are THREE different applications, resetting your password in one will LOCK IT next time you try logging in 13:54:06 oh banks, how I hate thee~ 14:18:46 oh how did u know they're stuck on win7 14:18:52 thats interesting find 14:19:14 eh, I visit the branches unlike most mortals today 14:19:20 a few banks are still running good ole' XP 14:19:30 others are still at 7 14:19:45 many did moved to 10, and I've yet to find one using 11 14:20:03 the largest state bank here uses XP... plus IE6 and Acrobat Reader 5 14:20:35 And that's not counting the ATMs 14:31:41 so u can just peek over the counter or at their pcs? nice 14:34:25 i would still happily use xp if i could, xp the best os... books were written on how to tweak it and the info wouldnt get outdated 14:34:39 unlike now info gets outdated in months 14:38:55 One of my banks at some point ran Windows XP in VMs under Windows 8 to run (C)1995 RESTRICTED MATERIALS OF IBM CORP internal apps 14:39:11 spoilers: this specific bank upgraded to 10, to run the very same apps but this time without the VM 14:39:37 and of course nearly every single bank uses a fancypants terminal emulator to talk to that IBM Big Mama at the central branch 14:40:06 it's a weird hodgepodge of webapps, 16/32-bit Windows apps, and terminal stuff 14:40:41 and sometimes they need to query 3 different internal apps just for a single operation, say, update your permanent record (which you have to do once a year according to the laws here) 14:40:49 migrations are always fun... no 14:51:16 lol this is why i aint guna work in a bank IT dept 14:52:20 Actually one of my young college student fantasies was to work at a bank, doing the software for ATMs 14:52:56 but then I learned banks here don't really hire IT people until their current ones retire/die, so... 14:53:45 one of my professors at my college (where I got my IT degree) actually worked at the IT department of a bank 15:57:19 there now I can start refactoring my wrapper module for the safemysql lib 16:37:31 localhost database-specific SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE 18:27:28 yay 18:27:29 https://sm-ftp.thereisonlyxul.org/special/test/?case=alpha 18:28:47 now I can actually write the account system 18:29:02 and the panel