tommanhis favorite word nowadays is *plonk*
nsITobinshambling inhuman beast of a corperation
nsITobinironic since nazis typically love operas
nsITobinopens microsoft edge
nsITobingoes through the top 10 changes edge has made in 2024
nsITobinit is gloating about
nsITobinand every one means nothing to me or affects basic browser usage
nsITobinso i guess time to ditch edge once and for all
nsITobinexcept for pwa
frg_AwaynsITobin at first it was a good browser. Now its MS things I don't want crap.
nsITobinMicrosoft had it at a good balance between being a media browser and being a marketing services platform around chrome 90s
nsITobinbut like everything I give a chance that has come out of the googlesphere it bites me in the ass eventually
nsITobinI dunno .. the playing field needs leveled..
nsITobinthis is really upsetting me how I can't find JUST a sysvinit distro that just comes with a base system and the devtools
nsITobinand I can just build that of course but that is gonna take up at LEAST 2 days JUST to get a baseos
frg_Awaygone for the evening. bbl
john5tab groups
nsITobinhi john5 what about tab groups?
john5very nice to have & keep things organized
nsITobinwell you should write an extension targeting seamonkey's tabbed browser binding extending it to support tab groups maybe
nsITobinthe tabbrowser bindings aren't alike enough to just patch the Pale Moon Tab Groups extension built from the tab groups feature originally added and removed from Firefox
nsITobinafter Firefox 4 the binding was refactored and the entire structure was changed so that the tab strip could be a toolbar item rather than its own toolbar
john5forced to either use edge or google chrome on this work computer :(
nsITobinSeaMonkey's tabbrowser binding aside from security fixups and gradual little enhancements is more like Firefox 1.5's or 2.0's
nsITobinwhich btw is why I like it better ;)
john5I have SeaMonkey, Pale Moon & others on my own computer besides Firefox
nsITobinuser error sucks
nsITobinbut is it really usererror when broadcom is involved?
nsITobinregardless VMWare will obey.
nsITobinAS I was saying
nsITobin$ uname -a
nsITobinLinux newtechnology.binaryoutcast.com 6.10.14-8.binoc #1 SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Fri Dec 20 16:23:28 CST 2024 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
nsITobinfrg leaves at 1701 hours my time.. good time to sign off