nsITobinWell i had worked all weekend.. tested .. and my conclusion is.. vsftpd's pam support is lacking or incrasingly busted it seems to ONLY work with pam_unix and pam_userdb .. It's just like what happened when I tried to get it to talk to SQL directly.. I think vsftpd is to blame.. It's pam support must be incomplete or fragile.. I could try proftpd but that has a host of other issues.. I am gonna simply have to retreat and fall back to my backup which
nsITobinis your user account on the CCI generates an ftp password and that password is sync'd to the bdb along with your home dir.. not what I wanted because it isn't a portable solution but a current non-portable solution is better than a solution that will take another damned month.. Should have just done this from the start and not try and jump ahead.
nsITobinhave to source phoebus 1.9 or MCP AUS to get my logic that prevents reentry issues when updating files on disk.. no problem though.. Just the way it has to be for the minute.
nsITobinwelp google maps just updated the world .. Gulf of America..