tommanso... I was getting a bunch of "429 No Result Phrase" errors from Speedtest.net when loading forum posts where people post their Speedtest results
tomman...turned out Ookla is Clownflared
tommanand of course, manually trying to load any of those failing images trigger the "go away, you are not using Thy Holy Browser" broken challenge pages
tommanthe abuse continues
tommanmeanwhile, this is the day 12 of the Clownflare Siege, with no light shining at the end of the tunnel
franstamis this the end of the world? the sky gonna fall on our heads?
UsLis there a rationale for their decision to do this? I haven't been close to current events for quite some time.. I used to hate clown fare for their captcha loops when using Tor. Which I always do almost. But they finally sorted that one at least.
franstamthrowing their weight around just because they can?
franstamsimple really. just like trump. he gets to say and do stupid things just becos hes potus. but thats irrelevant