nsITobinut oh
nsITobinlogbot_cc died
nsITobinGood morning
frg_AwaynsITobin hi
nsITobinI estimate I am about 3 days behind where I anticpated being.. trying to catch up cause I want to switch to central this coming week
nsITobinand focus on it intensely for a bit
nsITobin3 days and 20 years maybe :P
nsITobinbut still
nsITobin.. right i stopped before editing users was added.. gotta add a form for that and then create my self a regular user and make sure I haven't left the db open to not injection but priv escilation
nsITobinfrg_Away: so how are you doing?
frg_AwaynsITobin mostly ok. Did a few hardware updates but nothing exciting.
nsITobinupgrades are always exciting
frg_Awayspare backup pc updated. Got an X110Dai cheap from ebay and ritired my oldest X8DA3. Updated to Server 2022 on the main one. Painless and don in 30 minutes.
nsITobinpainless upgrades.. now that IS exciting
nsITobinand increasingly rare
frg_AwayDidn't even need to re disable much of the phone home stuff. Settings were mostly intact.
nsITobini dunno why any business would send telemetry to microsoft about their usage
frg_Awayit is for the good of mankind!
nsITobinfrg_Away: do you like switch statements? cause apperently I do..
frg_Awayusually yes. They were much better in PL/I compared to js/Java.
frg_AwayYou can basically any if clause as a case statement.
nsITobinswitch ($qDo) {
nsITobincase 'create':
nsITobinswitch($qWhat) {
nsITobincase 'user':
nsITobini need a better solution to NESTING switch cases tho that gets difficult to follow
nsITobinAccess to Administration is restricted to level 3 and above.
nsITobinDeleting users requires level 4 or above.
nsITobinCreating users requires level 4 or above.
nsITobinGood :)
nsITobinCould not delete a user at or above current user level.
nsITobinYeah I still have my security skills what few of them there are anyway
nsITobinGonna focus.. be back later on.