SompiI got an invoice from Vertiloom:
Sompi"Dear Sir / Madam [[last name]]
SompiThank you for your order by Vertiloom, invoice number is . You will receive a confirmation after we receive your payment. "
Sompi...how am I supposed to pay
Sompithis is the new normal, even ordering stuff online is impossible because nothing works
Sompithis is a funny case because that online store itself doesn't seem to like Firefox, it works better on SeaMonkey
Sompibut then I cannot pay with PayPal because it does not work with SeaMonkey anymore
Sompiso that leaves a bank transfer as the only possible payment option, but even it doesn't work because the backend of that online store seems to be broken and it loses the values of those fields on the invoice
SompiI remember when online payments used no JavaScript at all, instead the browser went through a long series of html meta-refreshes but it at least fucking worked
Sompinow nothing works anymore and I cannot get my tomato seeds
Sompi...and no-one is surprised of any of this
Sompithis is the new normal
2 hours ago